Forty eight

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"We have to trick it out of them."
"Oh but I can't!" RM says.
"Then Kookie can help he's always tricky plus I just need your help to find him."
"Okay! What am I looking for?"
"I just need your help to trick Aloe into giving us his name. Their father's name."
"Okay but aren't they asleep right now?"
"Then we'll wake them up!"
"Maybe we shouldn't."
"Why not?"
"I mean it's one in the morning."
"Ugh fine we'll wait!"
Jungkook smiles softly. I look away sadly.
"Let's just go to bed...."
I nod. I go into mine and Lilly's room. I sit on the bed. I look at a picture of my dog Holly. I miss her so much! Lilly wakes up and hugs me. I hug her back. I never cry but I might cry. She does something. I feel tired. I fall asleep dropping my phone on the bed.
The next morning.

Aloe walks into the room cutely.
"What's up?"
"Emperor Jungkook said that you wanted to ask me something."
"That was his plan?!?!" I mumble to myself.
"Uh nothing. This is a random question but what's your father's name?"
"Um-uh-uh wh-Why?"
"First I've got a plan and secondly I'm gonna kick Jungkook's ass later!"
"Why what?"
"Why are you going to kick emperor Jungkook's butt?"
"Because he's a dumb ass that's why!"
He sweats nervously.
"Fine... I'll tell you.... his name is Catania."
"No problem... just now I'm scared."
"First off what a dumb name for a guy and secondly don't be whenever I'm done with him he won't exist."
He gets up. Maybe I should follow him. I follow him. He walks out into the woods. Huh?! Holly?
He scoops Holly and starts petting her but she's whimpering.
Suddenly a cage traps both of them. I try to break them out. It doesn't work. A guy appears.
"Who are you?"
He smiles. Aloe turns then screams and cries.
"Let them go now!"
He disappears with them. No! Lycaris walks out.
"Where's Aloe?"
"His father took him!"
Lycaris' eyes go wide. Paradise walks out sees our faces then asks, "Okay who's been kidnapped?"
"Aloe and my dog."
"Well aren't you gonna help me find them?"
"Yep... who kidnapped him?"
"... dad."
"Oh god... oh hell no! You let dad kidnap him?!"
"I wasn't here when it happened."
"Let's just go find them."
He nods.
"Let me get Brunnera."
I nod. Brunnera appears with a lance. We go find them. Aloe!! That bastard!! He's gonna get it!
"Guys! No! It's a trap! It's a trap!" He screams. Suddenly Lycaris falls to his knees. I look around. Brunnera and Paradise do the same.
"Oh that's why the weed killer doesn't affect you! Well this will!"
Guh! I can't move!! What is happening. We are thrown in beside Aloe. He whimpers. Whelp that's great... He looks just like Holly with that adorable but sad face big eyes and whimpers. I look down. Holly walks over to him. He scoops her up and shivers. She whimpers and licks him. He manages to smile. I pet her. She licks me. He starts to cry softly. I look down. Paradise picks him up and hums to him.

Meanwhile Felix's POV

We went over to Narcissus' place to meet the rest of his brothers and "family" but strangely none of his other brothers are here. Where are they?
"Hollyhock can you look for them?"
"Sure! He gets on a computer his eyes go wide.
"Oh god."
Perry's eyes go wide.
"Oh hell no."
"Then we should go save them!"
He shivers obviously extremely terrified.
"You stay here okay we'll handle it."
"Okay," Hollyhock cries weakly.
We go. Perry looks both upset and angry. I understand why. We find the place. He barely manages to whisper, "Aloe."
I look around. Oh my god!! What did that bastard do to Aloe?! They're in a cage!
"How do we get you out?"
Aloe shrugs weakly and painfully. I look around. There seems to be nothing around to help them. How do we get them out?
"I swear to god where is he?" Perry mumbles looking around angrily.
I look down. Suddenly the man from the dream appears. Oh god... Another figure appears a woman.
Who is that?
"Mom?" Aloe cries weakly. She gives a genuinely creepy smile. I look down.
"Let them go!" Perry shouts.
"Yeah let them go!"
"Under one condition."
This doesn't sound good...
"Face your fear."
Oh god... Perry inhales deeply.
"Fine but you promise to let them go?"
I look down. She smiles. Whelp at least they are free now...
"Dance off."
A dance off? That's his fear because of what happened isn't it? I guess so...
"Who judges?"
Wait who is judging?
"I don't know."
"Well I'll choose."
I nod. He points at me.
"You'll judge."
"Ok then."
"I'll go first."
She does a random dance that doesn't really look that good. Does she really call herself a dancer? He breathes in then out.
"Stop stop your turn." I point to Perry.
He nods weakly. I look at him.
"First things first I'ma say all the words inside my head oh wooo! The words inside my head oh wooooo!" Perry sings showing the number one then pointing to his head. This is good so far.
"Second things second don't you tell me what you think that I can be I'm the one at the sail I'm the master of my sea oh wooo the master of my sea oh wooo!"
Damn!! He's even better than he was back then!!
"Stop! I've seen enough! Perry wins!"
He stops.
I nod. They let them go and disappear. We leave.
"Thank you... But were you telling the truth?"
I nod. "Her dance made me want to poke my own eyes out then find somewhere to bury my eyes so I wouldn't have to see it."
I nod. He sighs. We go home. Perry looks down.
"What's wrong?"
"What? I told you your dance was great."
I sigh. He leans back. I smile. He smiles back.
Meanwhile Yunmi's POV
I'm laying in mine and Damanos's bed. I feel like the baby is gonna come any day now! I'm so excited!

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