Forty one

44 0 0

Felix's POV

Maybe we should show off our weapons tomorrow. Does he have a weapon? I don't know. I hope we don't look weird at the park tomorrow with weapons. I better go tell them...I go tell them. We get our weapons. They're perfectly shined for tomorrow. I smile.

The next Morning
We get our weapons and we go to the park. Narcissus is fighting back the girl with daffodils... we go to help him. She blasts something at him and it hits. He collapses and starts groaning painfully. We fight her.
"Get off!"
He struggles trying to get her off but that seems to make it harder on him. She pours hot pink juice into his mouth. What is she doing? What is she doing to our friend?! I push her off.
"It's too late anyways!"
"What did you do?"
She laughs.
"I'm not telling!"
I look down. I won't let her do this kind of shit to our friend!! Whatever she did Han can change him back with her staff. I slash her with my sword. She dodges. Narcissus is turning paler! Is he dying? Changbin comes over to help. She easily dodges our attacks as Narcissus starts crying. How is she so good at dodging? Right now someone needs to help Narcissus. I look back at Narcissus to see what's wrong? He is just crying. What's wrong with him? Wait is he crying blood?!? We need his brothers! I text Perry with his phone again.
Narcissus: hey this is Felix again. We need your help!
No service? Well I'll text him with my phone then. I always have service here! Huh?! No service?! Man I don't know what we're gonna do! He hugs my leg then asks, "are we friends?"
I nod. He falls asleep. I sigh. She goes to grab him. I don't let her. She growls. He wakes up and shifts his weight. I smile. He weakly looks back and gives a dull smile back. I look down. He hugs my legs. I hug him. A tail creaks out of his butt. He has a tail! She laughs harder
"What's so funny?"
His ear transforms. She laughs harder. What did she do? He looks kinda like a cat... I look down. He moans softly. I look. He's shrinking!! He's so small!
"Murrrow! Mya head.."
I sigh.
He starts purring as his nose becomes adorable. Awwwww. A little bow appears on his tail. Why is that? His eyes turn to cat slits. He's turning into a cat! He purrs. I pet him. He jumps onto my shoulders. At least he's still half human. Maybe Han can change him back? A mark appears on his forehead.
"Hahahahha! Now it's dangerous for any goody two shoe to change him back!"
I look down. He purrs. I feel so useless...
"Don't... wait I just read nyour mynd!!"
"Nyour? Nyo nyour!"
I look down. He licks me. I look at him. He moans.
"Are you ok?"
"Feels good!"
I nod.
"Please pet me."
I pet him. Now that bitch is gone everyone has surrounded the adorable kitty. I sigh.

... he's so adorable! ... reminds me of that prank Orvis played on me... He's so mean to me! Well not always... he was ever since he got bit by that thing...I wish he was nice like he used to be...

"Jeongin! Look out!" Orvis says throwing me behind him. The creature bites his neck. He shudders then fights off the creature.
He turns back to me. His teeth are so sharp.
"Did it hurt you?" 
I shake my head no. He sighs with relief. He scoops me up and rocks me back and forth. Why is his teeth so sharp? I feel him sniff my hair.
"Did you use the herbal essence I bought you?"
I nod. I feel him nod.
"Smells good on you."
"Let's go home..."

It's been months since I last saw him... I miss him to be honest... He appears in front of us.
"You want to treat me like a villain?" His smile becomes evil, "then let me be evil!"
He grabs dad and knocks him out. He turns to me gives me a smile then disappears. I need someone to help me stop him! But who? I don't know maybe I'll find someone. I run out. Then into the fat stomach of someone who looks like Perry. Maybe he can help?
"Hi kid, what's wrong?"
"M-My older brother turned evil and he knocked out my dad and I need help to stop him!"
A guy with white hair nods. He picks me up.
"I-I'm scared!"
The one with white hair nods and says, "I'm Yucca, that's Periwinkle, Acanthus, and Ludovicina."
"M-My name is Jeongin."
"Okay!" Periwinkle says.
"Perry.. I'll calm the child you find the brother... do you have something that smells like him."
The hoodie...
"I've got a hoodie that smells like him."
Periwinkle nods and holds out his arms. I take off the hoodie. I give it to him. Yucca sighs and leads me to get something to eat. Ludovicina wraps my scraped leg from the running. Acanthus smiles. I smile back.
"We'll get you something good what do you want?"
"Well I like anything besides beans."
"Here, I'll lift you up to look at the menu."
I look at the menu. Ooh! It's all ice cream!!
"I want that one!" I say as I point at it.
We choose our ice cream and eat it. Mmmm it's so good!
Periwinkle walks in with a pig under his arm. Why does he have a pig?
"Long story kid."
I nod. Yucca rocks me back and forth as I finish my ice cream. I finish it.
"All right kid... time to go home."
I nod.
Flashback ends

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