Sixty three

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"I'm also not calling you daddy."
I giggle.
I giggle again. Simone finally wakes up and nuzzles me. I smile. He looks up and smiles back. I sigh.
"Mom? I'm cold."
I put a blanket on him. Simone smiles and hugs me. I hug him back. He nuzzles me. Then falls back asleep. I giggle.
"Maybe we can free you from being trapped inside your palace."
Damanos shrugs. I sigh. He picks up Simone and lays him in bed. I smile. He walks into a room finding our library. I giggle. He smiles. I yawn softly. I fall asleep. I wake up. Chronos is asleep beside me. Did Damanos ever go to bed? I sit up. I shouldn't wake up Chronos but I wanna go check on Damanos. I go check on Damanos. He's asleep his head in a book a pencil writing beside him. He needs to go to bed. I put the book up then I put him in bed. He grabs my hand but then falls deeper asleep. I giggle. He lets go and grabs Simone. I go back to bed.

The next morning

"Whatcha up to Damanos?"
"Nothing," he says in a yawn.
I sit up. He yawns again. I giggle. He smiles. I smile back. Simone leaves the room. I sigh. He's now with us.
"Hi mom dad."
"Love you."
I go check on him.
"M—mom?! Why are you t—t—bigger?" He asks as he starts to gain innocence in his eyes.
Oh no! I can feel him losing his memories before me. No! I can bring them back! I have to! I bring them back.
"Mommy? Why am I so small?" He asks. His memories are all there yet he's calling me mommy? Why is that?
"I can't stop calling you mommy... it's apart a curse I took to let you go free. I can be changed back into an adult though."
I change him back into an adult. He smiles. I smile back.
"Well do you wanna meet the kids in person? As well as Simone's?"
We head to their house. I look around.
16 kids appear. The original 9 and seven new ones. I smile.
They introduce themselves.
"Can I call you mammy?" Prissy and Camaco ask at the same time.
"Yayayayayayay!" They cry adorably at the same fucking time.
I giggle.
"And we call you pappy?" Allie and Asaleo ask.
I giggle again. Chronos nods. I smile. He smiles back.
"So where are the lucky ladies?"
Yunmi and another girl walk in.
"Hey snickerdoodle," Damanos says wrapping his arms around Yunmi.
"Hi Hayul," Simone says.
"Hi!" They both say.
Simone kisses Hayul cutely. She continues the kiss.
"Yunmi, are you ready to see the place in person?"
She nods. He looks over to us. We take them back to our place.
"Wow!" Prissy cries.
I smile. He looks over to Yunmi.
She looks around.
"Wow it is beautiful!" She says.
He nods. She smiles. He smiles back.
"Thank you."
She hugs him. He hugs back. He turns to us.
"Thank you for letting us use this place."
"Yeah thank you."
"You're welcome," I say.
He smiles softly.
"Of course... both of you are allowed to use the place," Chronos says to the boys.
I nod.
"Maybe you two should go wedding dress shopping?" Chronos asks Yunmi and me.
I nod.
"Of course!" She says.
"Can we go?" Prissy asks cutely.
"Sure," she says.
They hug us cutely. We hug them back. Prissy smiles.

Yunmi's POV

"Are you ready?" Prissy asks.
I smile and nod.
I giggle.
"Let's go!"
I giggle again, "ok!"
We go wedding dress shopping. We finally pick a dress. Six hours of searching.
"Does it usually take you six hours to find a dress?" Munin asks.
"I always want to find the perfect one!" I say.
Now for the girls to pick out theirs.
"Ok girls your turn!"
"Okay," Prissy says cutely.
I giggle. Prissy looks at some of the dresses. Then down.
"What's wrong?"
She takes a dress then comes out in it.
"Do I look okay?"
"How about we try something else?"
"I hope I'll find one I can fit."
"I'm sure you will. I'll help if you want?"
I help her. None of them would fit her...
"I don't think any of these will fit you."
"That's the problem..."
"We can look somewhere else then!"
I look down.
"Let's go..."
I nod. We go. Finally we find one... it's still loose on her but it's better than a lot of the dresses. I smile.
"How do I look?"
"You look amazing!"
I nod.
I giggle. Prissy smiles. I smile back. I hug her.
"Finally one that looks good."
I nod. We head home. I put my dress up before Damanos sees it. I look for him once I'm done.
Damanos: Are y'all home?
Yunmi: yeah I was looking for you.
Damanos: we're still at the suit place.
Yunmi: oh. By the way I think Prissy needs to gain weight.
Damanos: ya think?
Yunmi: it took us forever to finally find a dress that would fit her!
Damanos: I've spent hundreds of dollars on fatty foods trying to achieve the goal of weight gain.
Yunmi: I don't want her to get like fat but she needs some meat on her bones! Like she needs to be the same body weight as me or something!
Damanos: I know... even beef cakes don't help.
Yunmi: and I feel so bad because she looks so disappointed when a dress doesn't fit her but she was happy when one finally did although it still looks a little lose on her still.
Damanos: well maybe Lilly and Yucca can alter it to fit better.
Yunmi: oh ok I'll ask them!
I go find Lilly. Lilly is strangely missing. I look for Yucca. Where is Lilly?
"Mom!" I hear her shout.
I follow the shout. She's got Prissy laying down cutely.
"There you are! I was wondering if you and Yucca can alter Prissy's dress so it can fit her better."
"Sh!" She says sharply. Prissy groans weakly.
Prissy sobs weakly.
I look down.
"She's been like this ever since we got home."
"I don't know..."
"What's wrong Prissy?"
She doesn't answer just sobs. I rub her back. She cries loudly.
"Why are you crying?"
"Dunno! Dunno!" She cries thrashing.
"Calm down!"
Lilly scoops her up and starts rocking her. She calms down.
"I should probably let her rest." I get up.
I turn, "yes honey?"
"Never mind."
I giggle, "ok then wait you'll alter her dress right?"
"Thank you." I kiss their foreheads then I walk out. I see Soyoon walk into the room where Thanatos' kids hang out in.

Soyoon's POV

I see the kids.
Hades looks up.
"H—hi. Where's Ares?"
"I sent him off with Thanatos to get a suit."
I nod.
"Wait do you even have your dress picked out?"
"Nope not yet."
"Maybe we should go do that?"
Important question. Maybe the girls should be the flower girls? I should ask them.
"Do you girls wanna be our flower girls?"
"Really?" They ask lighting up.
I nod.
"Really?" They ask again.
I giggle, "yes really."
I giggle again. Blizzard smiles and hugs my legs. I hug her back.
"Thank you!!"
"You're welcome!"
They hug me. I hug them back.
"So when are we going to do this?"
"I don't know to be honest."
"Right now or later?"
"Probably later."
"Okay... do you wanna hang out?"
I giggle.
"So happy!"
I giggle again. They nuzzle me. I smile. They smile back and hug me cutely. I hug them back.
"Love you... mom."
"I love you too."
She smiles. I smile back. She hugs me softly. I hug her back.
"I'm glad you're not mad at me."
"Why would I be mad?"
She looks down.
"I'm confused."
"Sorry for confusing you."
"Oh it's ok."
"Okay... good."
I giggle. Blaze smiles and nuzzles me. I smile. She smiles back.
Night moon sighs. I look over. She looks back. I smile. She smiles back before curling up. I sigh.
"What's wrong?"
"Oh nothing!"
I nod. She nuzzles me. I giggle. She smiles then nuzzles me harder. I giggle again. She looks down.
I nod. She cuddles me. I smile. She smiles back then falls asleep. I giggle. Blizzard sighs softly. I sigh.
I give her a blanket. She nuzzles me. I giggle.
"Yes honey?"
"Wuv you."
I giggle, "I love you too."
"Wuv you more."
"No I love you more."
"Wuv you more," she mumbles turning over.
I giggle. She falls deeper asleep. I smile.
"Wuv my mommy."
I giggle again. She nuzzles me. I smile. We finally head to get dresses for the wedding. I smile. We get the dresses and go home. I sit down.
Day of Yunmi's wedding
Yunmi's POV

Prissy smiles as narcissus walks in. I smile.

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