One hundred thirteen

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He runs out. I sigh. Adalyn looks over at me confused.
"What's wrong?"
"Do you know who he was?"
I shake my head no.
"You said a name."
"He must be someone else."
"Okay then?"
The formerly lion guy stares at me. He at first looks confused but shakes it away. I look away.
"What's wrong?"
"Are you sure?"
I nod. I look down.
"Okay," She looks a bit worriedly.
"Nothings wrong."
"Let's go."
We leave. We head to the next class which we do share with him. He's looking at his feet he still seems confused. I notice something. Its wounds. Lots of them. What happened to him? He tenses up then relaxes. Adalyn looks at me.
"Is everything okay?" She whispers.
"Everything's fine." I whisper back.
I nod. She sighs softly.
I look down.
"I'm still a bit worried."
The former lion guy is muttering softly to himself. Seemingly trying to figure things out. I sigh. She sighs too

After class

I see something. What was that? I go to get a closer look. It's gone! What was that? I sigh.
Adalyn and Shannon join me, "are you okay?"
I nod.
"Okay," she says. She looks up at us, "you know you can tell me anything right?"
"I know."
"I just thought I saw something."
I nod. Janus walks around another corner Alastor is laughing. I sigh.
"Don't be suspicious don't be suspicious," Alastor sings quietly before disappearing.
What are they doing?
Janus smiles awkwardly at me. I look at him. He hands me a note. I read it.
"Don't be suspicious, but I might've found a very confused saveron and teleported him home."
"Because if they find out and recognize who I am. I look different to you guys than them. I'm in my true human form to you all. I just look like an average built guy to them."
I nod.
"And you three will look totally different to them."
"I didn't know that."
"It's a way to keep you safe"
I nod.
"I promise things will be better I promise."
I nod. I smile. He's softly crying now too. I pat his arm.
"No no need I'm okay. Just overwhelmed."
I nod.
"We should get home."

Shannon's POV

We get home and see saveron. He's hiding in the corner Janus sighs and walks over to him. I look down.
"Hey saveron."
Janus pauses looking him up and down shocked. Is he ok?
"You know me?" He gasps. He didn't even write it. His eyes go even wider realizing what he did. He actually spoke! He slumps to the ground unconscious. Saveron panics looking up at me. I look at him.
"Is he okay?"
"I'm not sure." I check to see if he has a pulse.
He had a pulse. And seems okay just unconscious.
"He's fine."
"Okay," he's started to cry.
I pat his back.
"I'm scared."
"Of what?"
"What if he doesn't wake up?"
"I'm sure he will."
Janus slowly wakes back up.
He calms down and then tackles him. Janus hugs him. I smile.
"You okay?"
Janus nods tiredly. Is he tired?
He hands a note, "I promise I'm okay."
I nod.
"What do you want to eat?" He writes.
I shrug.
"Okay I'll make fried chicken."
I nod. He leaves the room. Saveron looks around. I look over.
"I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"Getting all worked up." He's scared looking. He wanders seemingly aimlessly but yet he walks straight into his old room. I look down.
"What's wrong?"
"Oh nothing."
I go check on Saveron.
"I was a lion?"
I nod.
"I don't really remember everything... my head is still spinning."
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah... mostly."
I nod.
"I think I need a nap."
I nod. I walk out. Janus is still in the kitchen. There's a strange man in the kitchen with him. Who is that with him? Janus notices me and holds a hand up basically saying wait. I wait there. A strange box is handed to him.
"This should help," the guy says.
What's going on? Janus types into the box. A voice plays it's similar to his but scratchy. What is this?
"Auto made me a text to speech bot so I could do things like call for you guys or say I love you physically," it says after a a lot of typing.
"That's cool!"
"Yay! You think so too?"
I nod.
"Yay!" He seems really happy about it. Auto(apparently) smiles and says, "well you saved my son so I decided to find a way to help you."
I giggle.
"Thanks again. I shouldn't keep it."
I look at Janus. Janus smiles watching him leave. I smile.
"I love you."
"I love you."
"Anyways how is saveron?"
"He's fine. He's taking a nap."
"Okay I'm gonna bring him some food."
I nod.
"Do you want to come?"
I nod.
"Let's go then," he gets plates for the three of us and we walk to Saveron's room.
I look around. Saveron is just sitting on the bed he seems scared to move. As if he'll blink and it'll all be gone. Is he ok?
"Hey, you okay?" Janus asks with the the machine.
"If I leave It'll be gone."
"What do you mean?"
"That's what happened to me it's what happened in the past!"
"Everything will be ok."
"No! It won't!" He cries.
Janus walks over and hands him the food. I sigh.
"Hey hey it's okay baby boy. You're safe now."
I nod agreeing.
"Do you wanna keep the fork it's a special one?"
"The plate is just a paper one we have tons of."
"No keep."
I nod.
Janus is obviously seeing how bad off saveron is. I wish I could help. Saveron realizes this and begins to cry.
"Hey it's okay, baby, we're gonna help you get better. You're okay now you're safe now."
I nod.
"Mmmmmnmmmnmmmph!" Saveron sobs into Janus's chest. His almost gold colored hair looks dull and dirty. I look down.
"Do you want to take a bath saveron?"
"Shannon will stay right here and make sure nothing goes missing okay?"
I nod. He leads saveron off the bed. Saveron is now more like a child. I look down.
"Don't worry with enough care he'll return to normal," Janus writes.
I nod. He leaves with saveron who whimpers and snuggles onto him. I follow. Janus shakes his head basically saying stay. I stay. He eventually comes back with saveron who is back to somewhat normal still Tiny but has his shine back. I smile. He gives a very weak smile.

Samm's "gluttony's" POV

Lucia is still trying to get over to me. I can tell how distressed they are. But they also look really pink. I look down. They finally manage to yank the entire chain out. And run over to me. They snuggle as close as possible then pull the warm feathery cloak around us. I sigh. She looks really weak right now. But at least we're close again. I'm so scared what if they do worse now. They already separated us before and because of her disobedience she's turning pink! I look down.
"It's okay I promise," she smiles, "I found some makeup! Would you like me to do yours?"
I nod. She pulls out the makeup and starts doing it. She looks really happy to be doing it. I smile.
She smiles back, "you look so beautiful regardless."
"No I don't. I look like a mess."
She giggles, "you're so silly my skinny Samantha."
I giggle, "but I do!"
She shakes her head, "no you look beautiful."
I smile, "thanks even though it's not true!"
"I couldn't have done a better job—"
"What are you two doing?"
It's chastity! I look down. I start crying.
He smiles, "don't worry miss piggy she'll be well taken care of."
He leaves. I'm alone again. I have to get outta here. I get up. This stupid chain!!!

Yexa's "diligence's" POV

I meet up with temperance as I watch little envy sit there shakily. I smile. I know she turned greed into a lion and then lost him but temperance is still my best friend I watch as "Evalyn" backs away from me. I chuckle. Evalyn looks us up and down and whispers, "yes?"
I look at temperance.
"What do you want with me?" Evalyn asks.
"Awww so cute!"
"You'll see."
"Aren't you a bit hungry?" Sophrina aka temperance asks.
"Mmmmmmnnnmmm. Actually I'm like really hungry if I'm honest!"
We give her something. A fly pie. She eats a bite of it.
"Mmmmmmm that's like really good!"
I smile.
"Mmmnbbghhhhh!" She cries starting to devour it.
That's good! She's not even noticing her differences. I chuckle.
"Sooo good!" She moans as we're watching her skin take on a greenish hue. I smile. She's not even noticing her lengthening tongue. No one will recognize her. I smile evilly. Her stomach is swelling up too. She seems to be enjoying all of it or the effects are blinding her. I can't believe she didn't notice. She's ate the entire pie at this point and is groaning and moaning as her body changes as she's still blissfully unaware. This is funny. She finally croaks then realizes it. I chuckle. She looks up at us confused and scared.
"You're now a frog."
"Ribbit! Ribbit!"
"Oh don't worry you'll be able to speak normally by the morning."
Just in time for school! I nod. She looks up at us then falls into a froggy position. I smile. I can tell sophrina is turned on. The lesbian perv but she is my lesbian perv best friend. I chuckle. She turns and smacks me not hard but enough to know that i know she's turned on.
"Shut up."
I look at her wiggling my eyebrows. She flips me off but is smiling. The froggy girl is blissfully unaware about my best friend or her habits. But she is naked and she is in a state. I chuckle.
She smiles evilly, "this is why you invited me over wasn't it?"
"Thanks bestie."
"No problem."
She smiles shaking the jar of flies then looks at me asking for permission.
"You can."
We get in the car. I buckle up. She releases them at Evelyn's nethers causing the girl to inadvertently pleasure herself and making sophrina moan softly.
"This was the real reason wasn't it? You knew I'd do it."
I nod. She smiles and watches the froggy girl.
"We need to come up with a new name for her."
"You can come up with the name."
I nod. Frogella as she will now be known as finally finishes up.
"Heheheh thank you bestie."
"No problem."
"Me name Frogella?" Frogella asks.
"Yes cutie!"
I chuckle.
"Frogella want affection!"
"Oh you do?"
"Ribbit yeah!"
"Okay cutie."
I smile. Frogella is petted and loved on by sophrina.
"You seem to be enjoying this." I chuckle.
"Well she won't say no regardless she enjoys it."
I nod.
"Plus I bet the slut would enjoy it anyways."
"Oh I think she agreed right my nasty slut."
"Ribbit yes!"
I chuckle.
"Frogella nasty slut."
"She is enjoying this."
"I am too!"
"I bet you are."
"Can I stay over and 'help' take care of her?"
I nod.
"Yay! Thanks!"
She teleports clothes.
"Is she staying with you then?"
"No I'm staying here!"
"No I meant in the room like sleeping with you tonight in the same room?"
"Eww no! I just like watching her and groping her."
I nod.
"Also feel her she's so doughy!"
I touch her. She ribbits but she feels so doughy and nice honestly.
"She does."

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