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He needs real self confidence. But how will he ever get real self confidence? He sighs weakly. I look down. He first off he needs real friends... I sit down next to him. I mean family is nice but he needs real friends outside of us. But who? His stomach loudly growls.
"I think it's time you made some new friends."
Narcissus looks up weakly. I sigh.
"You think someone would really wanna hang with me?"
I nod.
"Really but I'm such a stupid snob."
"No you're not."
He looks away. His stomach growls again. He's probably hungry. I get him something to eat.
"Thank you..."
"No problem."
He shivers softly. I wrap blankets around him. He smiles weakly.
"Thank you."
"No problem."
He falls asleep. Perry looks over. I look back.
"No problem."
He smiles softly. I smile back. "Do you want me to bring his girlfriend in here?"
"No that will just make him more anxious."
I nod. "But what if she comes in here?"
"We'll just tell her."
I nod. He sighs softly. I sigh too. Perry pets Narcissus long hair. I smile. He smiles too. I sigh. Perry looks over. I look back. He sighs then almost falls asleep.
"I'm gonna go to bed now." I go to bed.
He tiredly nods. I fall asleep.
The next morning.

I wake up. I yawn. I should go check on him... I go check on him. I go check on him. He is sitting there gently. I sit down.
"Thank you," he says softly.
"No problem."
"You're a great person."
I smile. "Thanks."
He smiles back.
"If you feel like it you should go out and try to make new friends."
"But what if everyone hates me?"
"They won't. Trust me."
"That's easy for you to say..."
"At least try."
I smile. He goes out.
Felix's POV
Me and the others are playing football in the park and I.N is whining as usual. Changbin throws the ball and me and Chris both try to catch it. I catch it falling on to a boy.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry mate!" I say to the boy.
"I—it's okay!"
I help him up. He seems extremely shy.
"I'm Felix and this is Chris but he also goes by Chan."
"G'day mate." He says.
"H—hi I'm Narcissus, but some of my family calls me Narky."
"Hey Felix did you catch the football?" Changbin yells.
"Just a minute! Do you want to play football with us?"
"Um... I—I—I don't know how to play."
"We can teach you! We also call soccer in Australian football but we're playing American football though."
"I know a little bit of American football but I don't know how to play football like soccer type."
"Do you want to play American football or Australian football?"
"American... I know a little of that type."
I smile. "Ok then."
He gives a nervous smile back. We lead him to the others. He smiles softly.
"That is Changbin, Hyunjin, Lee Know, Seungmin, Han, and I.N."
I.N says, "and what's this gross water coming out of my skin?"
"It's called sweat we've been over this!" Changbin says.
"Well it's gross!" I.N says.
Narcissus gives a confused smile.
"Hey mates I got the football also this is Narcissus he's gonna play football with us!"
They nod.
"Good! I can sit this one out!" I.N says.
"No you're still playing!" Changbin says.
"There used to be nine of us but that person that won't be named decided to leave us..."
"Oh uh? Um?"
"Um I don't know."
We play football. Narcissus trips falling into a deep hole. I help him out.
"No problem."
He smiles cutely. I smile back. He stands up shakily.
"Are you ok?"
He nods.
"Do you like dancing?"
"I'm not good at it but yeah."
"Why do you say that?"
"Really, no, I'm not good at dancing."
"Well we could be the judge of that we love dancing and we're good at it too."
"I already know I'm not good at it."
"We could even teach you one of our choreographies."
He smiles softly.
I smile back. "No problem."
He brushes one of his long strands back. Hyunjin takes the hair bow out of his hair and whips his hair around. He smiles softly. He rubs his hair back. Narcissus looks around.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
Hyunjin ties his hair back in the hair bow.
"Uh nothing."
We go back to playing football. Luckily this time without him falling into a deep hole.
"It's getting late." I say.
He nods.
"I'll see you around."
I nod. "Bye!"
He leaves. We leave too.
Rm's POV

I wonder how it went? He comes in.
"So how'd it go?"
"I feel so stupid..."
"I fell in holes, stuttered, and made a fool of myself..."
"I'm sure it wasn't that bad."
"Feels that way..."
"Were people at least friendly towards you?"
"A couple..."
"Did you make any friends?"
"I think but I don't know."
"Whelp there's always tomorrow!"
He nods. We go to bed.
The next morning.

I wake up. I go check on him. He is sitting there.
"Are you gonna go out today?"
He nods.
"But what if I'm wrong?"
"You're not."
He nods.
I smile. He goes out.
Felix's POV
We're at the park again hoping that new guy will come today.
"So I was thinking today we could teach him one of our dances."
"Sounds better than playing football!" I.N says.
It's seems he has beat us here. He is sitting on a bench drawing something in a notebook. I go over to him. He looks up and almost falls off the bench.
He gets up.
"Do you wanna learn one of our dances?"
"Ok!" I lead him back to the others.
"The dance we're gonna teach you is our new dance and it's also kinda hard."
He nods.
"It takes practice but we can help!"
He nods again.
"It's called God's menu and we also sing too!"
He nods cutely. We do the dance. He follows along almost perfectly until the end.
"That was almost perfect!"
He smiles softly.
"So I did good?"
"Yeah! Except the end! I thought you said you couldn't dance?"
"I can't dance."
"Well you did our dance almost perfectly!"
He looks up.
I smile and nod. He smiles cutely. I smile back. "So what's your number?"
He gives us his number. I smile. He smiles back softly then asks, "are y'all hungry?"
We nod.
"Let's go to that new sandwich shop!"
"Ok! I hope it's good!"
"Me too."
I smile.
Changbin says, "good job on learning our dance though."
He smiles, "thanks!"
"No problem."
He smiles. We get to the new sandwich shop. Wow this place is cool!
"This place is so cool! What a great hangout place!"
He smiles and nods. We eat. Suddenly a girl walks in. He freezes.
"What's wrong?"
"She tried to kill me."
And she's walking towards us...
"Just ignore her."
He nods. We continue eating. I can hear him trying to stay calm.
"Do you want to leave?"
"Kinda But I feel bad... making us all leave because of her..."
"No it's fine."
He just nods. We leave. As soon as we make it outside he collapses. I catch him.
"My head is spinning."
"Are you ok?"
"I don't know... nnngh! Can't see well!"
"We'll take you home! What's your address?"
He goes to speak but then he passes out. How are we supposed to take him home now? Maybe we can text one of his friends or family? I take out his phone and I text this dude named Perry.
Narcissus: hey this is Narcissus's friend, Felix. Can you come pick him up?
Perry: sure! Wait what happened to my bro?!
Narcissus: I don't know we saw this girl walk into this new restaurant where we were eating at. We left and he just passed out.
Perry: I'll be there just let me get dressed.
Narcissus: ok!
A guy with 38 pairs of abs and wearing a dark blue outfit appears. He has the same blonde hair and green eyes but with dark blue horns and claws. I hand him Narcissus.
"Narcissus? Narcissus?"
"Is he ok?"
"I don't know!" He says giving an I don't know what the fuck is going on smile. I look down.
"Okay time to call Yucca, Acanthus, and Ludovicina."
I nod. He makes a call.
"Hey mom—"
"I'M NOT YOUR Fucking MOTHER!!!!" A male voice screeches.
I laugh.
Three guys appear one in white, one in grey, and the last one in purple.
"Did you seriously call Yucca mom?" The one in grey asks chuckling. 
I laugh again. The one in white just slaps Perry knocking him over.
"Don't you ever fucking call me mom again got it, bitch?"
I sigh.
"Sorry, Yucca."
Yucca scoops up Narcissus and pokes his cheek I look. Narcissus wakes up weakly.
"You okay?"
"Headaches... room spinning."
"Okay I'll let you go back to sleep."
We start to go home.
"Hey thanks."
"No problem."
They disappear. We go home.
Rm's POV

Narcissus wakes up and looks around.
"Are you ok?"
"My head hurts still but I'm fine."
I nod. He curls up then falls asleep. I sigh.

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