Twenty two

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He has wolf ears under the hood. He crawls up beside me. I scoot away. He whimpers cutely. I look away. He pushes his longer hair back. I continue looking away. I feel so hurt! He whimpers and pushes his head into my lap. I turn away. His eyes turn yellow as he lets out a hurt whimper. I feel him get out of my lap. I cross my arms. I watch him weakly and wobbly manage to stand for a minute.
"Y-You hurt me last night!"
"Arroo," he howls.
"You left me in the woods by myself!"
Shrrrrrip!! He just whimpers as painful looking claws rip out of his gloves.
"Y-You never bothered to apologize or even come back for me!"
He howls. I stay turned away. I see him go to try and open the closet door but his hands change to paws. He looks down and whimpers tears flowing down his face. He runs out. Of course he's running again! I lay down. I hear a knock and see Joshua.
"What do you want?"
"Jeez! No need to yell at me..."
"I'm not yelling I'm just not in a good mood. I'm hurt right now."
"Are you on your period?"
"No? A boy hurt me."
"But that doesn't mean you should yell at me."
"I'm sorry."
We hear a loud shriek followed by whimpering. I look around.
"It's coming from outside."
I look out the window. No! No! No! He's bleeding! I go and wrap his wound. He whimpers. I walk away. He howls. I turn back to him. He howls loudly. Why is he howling at me? He seems to give up. His shoulders sag.  Is he trying to tell me something? He turns the long tail dragging behind him instead of being held up. I look down. He crawls away. I go inside. I go to his room. I sit down on his bed. Still smells like him... I start crying.
"Heh... she pretends to like and care for him yet doesn't understand the weight of his curse," a voice says.
I look around. I don't see anything.
"Lets make sure he won't interfere like he has been while she slept..."
Who is this? Now I'm scared! I hear a loud and pained howl. They have tied poor Metallo up. I look down.
"Maybe she wants a taste of it too?"
A taste of what?
"What happened to him of course!"
I back up scared. A girl in a lab coat appears. She chuckles softly. I back up more. She sticks something into his arm. He, at first, howls, eyes red with anger, but suddenly falls asleep. I look down. She pulls the mirror over to us.
What is she doing? She forces me onto my stomach and sticks a syringe in my butt.
"What are you doing?"
"It's what you'll be doing that's more important."
Is my hair turning... white? My hair is white now! It actually looks pretty good like this...I look pretty with white hair. Mmmmmmmm!! I moan. Oh my ass! I look at my ass. Oh it's bigger and what's that white thing at the end? A tail? Flooomp! Yep! A long white tail! It's so cute! Metallo starts to wake up. I hear his howls more clearly.
"Wha happen? Mindy still hurty!"
I don't answer. Creaaak! My ears...I feel my ears. Mmm so softy!! I giggle. He growls, "no!"
No what? He starts whimpering. Two girls laughing? Why laughing? What's going on?
"I wonder if she like wolf?" I hear as bits and pieces of their conversation enters my mind. What are they talking about? He manages to break out and get over to me as I gain fur and a muzzle. I look down. He whimpers, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
"It's ok."
Oh my god! I just howled!!
"Omg I just howled!"
His chain starts to glow as it shrinks to be tighter around his neck. Wow it looks weird!
"No! It's too tight!" He howls and whimpers.
I look down. Hey! What's that on my neck?! I feel my neck. It looks and feels like a collar!
"I-I have a collar!"
Suddenly a link of chain connects our collars. I look down. He growls at the two laughing girls. I start crying. Whimpers escape my mouth instead of cries. He whimpers himself. I continue whimpering. He drapes his warm strong arms over me. I smile. He smiles back. My stomach growls loudly.
"I-I'm hungry!"
The two girls disappear. I whimper. He stumbles onto his paws.
"We need to move together."
I nod. I get up. We walk to the kitchen and he manages to get us some meat. I eat. He eats too. Ohh! This is so good!
"No problem..."
I lay down. He lays down his back to mine. I giggle. He turns. I look at him. He turns back over and falls asleep. I fall asleep. I wake up. I look around. He is laying there. I lay there too. I feel something.
//I know she hates me...//
He thinks I hate him?
//she hurt me... she wouldn't listen to me... I told her to stay there...//
I look down. He sits up.
//I'm always worthless.//
I whimper. He turns. I continue whimpering.
"I-I don't hate you. I just wanted you to apologize for leaving me in the woods by myself."
//yep she does...//
Whelp I tried. If he doesn't want to listen then fine. I turn away from him.
He whimpers. I whimper.
"Please don't act like that..."
"Act like what? You won't even listen to me you're just a jerk!"
He doesn't answer just shows his back faded scars line his back. I turn away. He forces me to look at his head whip marks hidden by his hair. I look down.
"Call me whatever you want, I tried to protect you... at least I don't treat people like dogs... that's why this happened you know."
"If you were trying to protect me then why did you leave me alone in the woods?"
"To lure the witches away!"
I look away. He goes to leave the room but the chain forces him back to the door way. I whimper. He tries to destroy the chain. I hope he does so I can leave! It doesn't work instead sends shocks through his body. He whimpers. I turn away. Thud! I look towards it. He is passed out. I feel really tired. I fall asleep.

"Daddy no!"
I hear the crack of of a whip. Omg! Who's getting beat? I turn and see Metallo. H-He's getting beat? A male hits him over the head. He's bald! What's going on?
"Daddy! Why did you pour these chemicals on me? What happened to my hair?"
"You're a bald brat!"
I look down. Now I feel bad! He probably hates me now... Whooosh!

"And stay out!"
I wake up. I whimper. I fall back asleep.


I watch Metallo be thrown onto the street in nothing but his pajamas. That's so horrible!
"Fine fuck you! I'm never coming home!"

It's storming. I look down. He stumbles up to a house.
"Please, may I come in?"
The door slams. He starts crying. Wow he's had a rough life and I just made it worse when he was just trying to protect me...
"Okay," he says weakly and forcing a sick smile. He drags his swollen leg. I look down. He makes it to a castle. I guess this Is how he started living at the castle... I can hear thoughts.
"Maybe... they have a big place... maybe I can stay in their stable..."
I feel so bad for him! He knocks on the door. It falls open. Causing him to fall face first.
"Oh MY GOD!"
Wow... The boy... Noah scoops him up.
"Where did you come from?"
This is how he meets them... Noah carries Metallo to a group. He yeets Metallo onto an advisor. I feel so horrible...
"What the fuck?" The advisor cries.
"Oops!" Noah cries.
I look down. They take Metallo and get him patched up. I'm guessing they took care of him...
"Hey, dude, look out!" Metallo cries grabbing a shield to defend Noah.
Wow he tries to protect everyone...
"Thank you! You saved me."
"Uh—um no problem... no more owing..."
"It's okay!"
Metallo gives a small smile. I wake up. I'm such a horrible person. I whimper into his fur. He wakes up.
"What's wrong?"
"I-I'm so sorry. I understand if you never wanna see me again..."
"Who ever said I felt that way?"
"Y-You seemed to hate me."
"When did I say it?"
"Well you really wanted to get away from me..."
"No I just don't like people to see me cry..."
"I'm sorry. I understand now that you were just trying to protect me."
He kisses me. I lay my head on his chest. "I also love the way you smell."
Wait? Are we human?
"How are we human?"
"What do you mean—huh?" He's completely naked... luckily I'm still wearing clothes. I look away.

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