Ninety three

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He looks with a sad smile. I look up at him. He cries. I rub his back. He backs away.
"What? I'm just trying to cheer you up."
"I'm not used to people touching me."
"I-I'm sorry."
"It's okay."
I get up.
He gets up as well.
"Nice to meet you."
"You too!"
"Oh I never told you my name. Autonomous but I go by Auto."
"I'm Jennie! Hey are you doing anything tonight?"
"Oh I was gonna ask if you wanted to come with me to a party tonight you know to cheer you up."
"I'm not a partier."
I giggle, "why is that?"
"Alcohol is the devil itself!"
"Is wine or mimosa the devil itself?"
"All alcohol!"
"I'm a party girl. And alcohol isn't that bad."
"It makes what little skin I have left crawl."
"Why do you have little skin?"
He takes off his shirt revealing robotic patches.
"Why do you look like a robot?"
"I'm the god of technology. I augmented myself to save my life. I had to do the same to my adopted son, Jarvis."
"Oh he's your adopted son?"
"Yeah... but we think of each other like we're actually related."
"Oh that's nice. How old are you?"
"Oh! How old is Jarvis?"
"I'm 25!"
I hug him. He looks down.
"I should go back to looking for him."
"Ok! Bye! Good luck!"
He gets up with a soft smile then leaves. I giggle. He looks down.
"I should go back to looking for him."
"Ok! Bye! Good luck!"
He gets up with a soft smile then leaves. I giggle.
"Thank you," he says.
"You're welcome! Be careful!"
"I think we more of have to worry about you."
"I don't have to worry about much especially not kidnapping."
"You don't have to worry about me! I feel safe!"
"Are we sure?"
"Now I'm kinda scared."
"Well be safe while partying... unlike me you don't have bullet proof plates."
"I'm not in any danger."
I giggle. He smiles then disappears. I go inside to my apartment. He's kinda cute though. He's also kinda sweet. He cares a lot about his son. That's so sweet. I hope he finds his son! What if they take him too? I hope they won't. I get ready for my party. I put on a sexy crop top with some matching short shorts with a pair of heels. I do my makeup ending with red lipstick on my lips. I'm gonna text him to make sure he's ok.
Jennie: hi! Are you ok?
Auto: hello, I'm fine I was just fixing to plug up my cybernetic parts to charge.
Jennie: you have to plug yourself up?
Auto: how else would the cybernetic parts work?
Jennie: Oh.
I take a selfie of myself and I send it to him.
Jennie: I'm about to go to my party!
Auto: Okay.
Suddenly I hear shouting from outside. I look outside. Oh no! I see the guys that kidnapped me! I hide.
Jennie: A-Auto?
Auto: hm?
Jennie: t-the guys that kidnapped me and your son are outside of my apartment!
"Shit! That is her. We can't have her knowing us here!"
What will they do to me if they knew that I know they're here?
Auto: WHAT?!
"She'll probably tell him too!"
Little do they know I already did!
Jennie: They don't know that I know they're here!
Auto: I'll be there in a minute!
I continue to stay hidden. I peek out a little bit. They disappear because apparently they got lost. Auto appears just as they disappear. I get up. He looks down.
"Those guys can only teleport once each... they must've been several weeks trips away. How did they get here?"
I giggle, "I don't know."
He goes quiet then says, "Plot convenience."
I nod. I look down. He hugs me. I hug him back. He gets up and leaves.
"Bye!" I go to my party. After my party, I go home. I wonder if he found his son yet. Maybe I should text him. I mean he seems so lonely without his son.
Jennie: hi Auto!
Auto: hi.
Jennie: are you lonely?
Auto: a little...
Jennie: well I just got back from my party! You can come over if you want!
Auto: I'm way too exhausted to get up.
Jennie: then I can come to your house!
Auto: I'd have to open a portal which is something I don't want to do.
Jennie: Oh.
Auto: I'm exhausted.
Jennie: I just wanted to keep you company.
Auto: I'll be fine.
Jennie: really?
Auto: yes I've been alone for a long time.
Jennie: wow sounds depressing.
Auto: I don't really care anymore.
Jennie: why is that?
Auto: I just can't, not until I know he's safe...
Jennie: Oh I'm sorry.
Auto: if you ever see those bastards again please keep them distracted until I come. I need to help Jarvis. I'm so worried about him.
Jennie: Oh ok I will!
Auto: thanks...
Jennie: I want to help you!
Auto: well... thanks...
Jennie: what?
Auto: thanks for doing that.
Jennie: you're welcome!
Auto: I'm you don't know what it means to me.
Jennie: awwwww you're welcome!
Auto: I don't know what else to say.
I look around. He calls me. I answer it.
"You know for someone whose not lonely it sounds like you really want to talk to me considering you called me."
"No... that's not why I called."
I giggle, "then why'd you call?"
"I was wondering if you made it home seeing as you most likely got drunk."
"Awww you worried about me? I made it home! I'm home right now! I didn't get that drunk though."
I giggle.
"Yeah, I totally believe that."
I pout, "why is that?"
"You really think that I believe you didn't get that drunk?"
"You don't know! You weren't there!"
"But I can imagine you getting drunk."
"I wasn't that drunk."
"Yeah right."
I giggle, "I only drank a few bottles of wine."
"Bottles exactly."
I pout, "how did you know I was lying about not being that drunk?"
"I know people who drink."
"Hey I party and there just happens to be drinks there."
"You should really think about having more fun."
"I can't... especially not now."
Did he used to?
"You used to have fun?"
He doesn't answer.
"Don't want to talk."
"Oh I'm sorry."
"It's okay."
I wonder why he doesn't want to talk about it.
"Just don't ask again okay?"
He seems really down about it. I look down. I hear him sigh.
"Just nothing."
I giggle. I can hear him picking something up.
"What are you doing?"
"Picking up a locket."
"Oh. What does it look like?"
"It's a gold locket with red accents... it was his..."
"Oh it sounds pretty."
"Yeah... the only picture that was in it was of us in a photo booth."
I hear him start to break down.
"Awwww that sounds cute!"
"I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault."
"Are you gonna be ok?"
I look down.
"Are you still there?"
"Huh? Oh yeah!"
I giggle.
"You just make me giggle."
I look around.
"What are you doing right now?" I ask him.
"Sitting there."
"Not really... just trying to avoid crying."
"Oh well wanna hang out?"
"I guess..."
"You know where I live."
He appears in front of me. 
I smile. He smiles back then sighs. I giggle. He goes quiet.
"Are you ok?"
"As I can be."
"As you can be?"
"After losing my precious baby."
"Oh I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault."
I hug him. He hesitates then hugs back.
"Whyd you hesitate?"
"Just thought I heard something."
I look around.
"There's nothing here."
"Then what did you hear?"
"I don't know."
I giggle.
"Maybe it was a neighbor?"
"Yeah you probably heard my neighbor. He's not the nicest neighbor though."
I hear him swearing. Oh my god who is he swearing at?
"Can't believe I'm getting fucking evicted."
Is he really getting evicted?
"Just because I told her that I was gonna shove my dick up her ass."
Oh my god! He definitely deserves to get evicted! Wait he told me that! Oh yeah I remember that! I'm glad he's getting evicted! He could sexually assault me!
"T-That's what he told me!"
I look down.
"Sorry to hear that."
"I'm so scared of him!"
"At least now you won't have to deal with him."
"Yeah I'm so glad he got evicted!"
He nods. I hug him again. He sighs softly but accepts it.
"Do you want something to eat?"
"Sure I guess."
I get us something to eat.
He smiles and says, "thank you."
"You're welcome!" I sit down.
He gently eats. I eat too.
"Do you like it?"
"Yayyyyy! I'm glad!"
He smiles softly.

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