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"Come on you aren't that big of a jerk."
"I'm nice when I wanna be!"
"Yeah he's nice when he's asleep and even then he's still a jerk." V says as she walks by.
"Go fuck off!"
"Okay then?"
I sigh. She sits back.
"I think that you just don't want people to know you're really nice."
"I'm not nice!"
"Mhm," she says. Fuck!
"You know what you can go fuck off with Tae!"
She chuckles.
"If you weren't at least somewhat nice you do that."
"What the fuck do you mean?"
She chuckles, "you've gotta have nice under that tough skin."
Lilly is trying so hard not to smile.
"Nope the only time I'm nice is when I meet my fans because I have to be nice."
"And with her!" She says pointing to Lilly.
"Nope I've been a jerk to her too and she doesn't really care."
"I also made her cry."
"I was also sick that day..."
"Damanos also said you cry about everything but that's besides the point!"
Lilly smiles then crawls into my lap. I sigh. Lexalia smiles.
"You can believe whatever the fuck you want!"
Lilly smiles softly. I smile back. She kisses my lips. I hug her. She hugs back.
"See what?"
"You're nice to her!"
"I said I'm nice when I wanna be! I could be a bitch to both of you all the time if that's what you want."
She starts crying.
"See? I made her cry again."
"My headaches... that's why I'm crying."
"Whatever you have to tell yourself."
"Can I get a Tylenol?" She asks weakly. She must be getting sick again... poor thing... I get her a tylenol. She nuzzles up against me and falls asleep. I fall asleep too. I hear Lilly coo.

Jhope's POV

Allie sits beside me gently. I smile. She smiles back. I hug her. She hugs back and whispers, "love you boo."
"I love you too! I should probably tell you that I'm scared of a lot of things almost everything!"
"I've figured that out boo."
"Shhh, boo, you're perfect to me!"
I smile, "wait is boo my nickname now?"
"It's cute!"
She smiles. I smile back. She kisses me. I lean on her.
That Asaleo girl walks in. She plops down.
She smiles softly. I smile. She smiles back. Asaleo looks around cutely. I look around too. She smiles. I hug Allie. She hugs back. I lay my head in her lap. She smiles.
"So you use a magic brush right?"
I smile.
"Ooh! Ooh! You could hide daggers in it!"
I laugh.
"That sounds interesting."
I nod. She smiles.
"I'll try it."
I smile. They both smile back. I yawn.
Asaleo asks, "you sleepy?"
"That's why I'm laying down."
She nods.
"Are you tired Allie?"
Asaleo lays her head down in Allie's lap next to mine.
"Am I like a pillow?"
"You're soft like one."
"Yeah! You're a good pillow!"
She sighs. I turn towards her stomach. She then leans back. I smile. She smiles back. I fall asleep.
Meanwhile Jimin's POV
I sit down. Stacy and that Mariah walk in while talking about something.
"What are you two talking about?"
"Oh the flame blade my old weapon," Stacy says softly.
I nod cutely. Stacy pulls me onto her. I giggle. She smiles. I hug her. She hugs back. I smile. She smiles back.
"I love you!"
"Love you too boo."
"Should I add more spikes?" Mariah asks pulling out her huge club.
"You definitely should!"
I giggle. She nuzzles me. I sit up on Stacy. She smiles.
"I hope I'm not too heavy but I starved myself before I met you so Jin had Kookie and Suga hold me down while he fed me and I still haven't gained the weight back."
"Honey... I'm a dragon... I can lift up to a thousand pounds."
"Really? Prove it!"
"She has... she's lifted me in my dragon form with three 10 pound rocks. That's one thousand. "
"Oh!" I giggle.
She smiles. I kiss her lips. She smiles and nuzzles me. I swing my legs back and forth.
"So you're jimin?"
"Nice to meet you."
"You too!" I say cutely.
Stacy smiles. I nuzzle myself in between her boobs.
"Mm I wish I got that kind of—"
"Fuck you shut up."
She laughs. I giggle. Stacy pulls her top down. I blush. It doesn't expose much luckily.
"Wanna see more? I mean you were really good about feeling them?"
"I-I just wanted to snuggle in between them."
She chuckles.
"I thought I was being cute!"
"It was."
I giggle.
Alaina's POV

Camaco sighs softly.
She looks over at Mary's eyes.
"I want to try it... but I'm scared..."
I nod. Wait what?
"You want to try what?"
"Mary... letting her be truly her... but I'm worried... the last time she almost killed me..."
I nod.
"Huff... I'm scared..."
"It sounds scary!"
"I'm going to do it."
She does something. The hat disappears. I back up. Mary turns around.
"Please I don't think I can keep sane for myore than thirty minutes... after that... please resume control..."
"What is happening?"
"I'm being my true self," Mary says softly.
I nod. Camaco starts shivering. Mary smiles and pulls her into her lap to warm her. Prissy pops onto my shoulder. I giggle. She smiles and falls off my shoulder.
"Are you ok?"
"So tired."
I nod. She jumps up trying to scratch my ears. I giggle. She climbs onto my shoulder. I smile. She starts petting me. I purr. She slips.
"Are you ok?"
She nods.
"If I fall you promise to catch me, right?"
I nod. She goes back to petting my ears. I purr. She giggles and nuzzles me. I giggle. She slips again falling off my shoulders. I catch her. She smiles softly. I think I should just sit down. I sit down. She goes back to cutely petting. I giggle and purr. She nuzzles me. I giggle again.
"Nyou're so soft."
Wait did she just say "nyou're"?
"Why did you say nyou're?"
"Nyo? I don't think I did. Wait what? Uh?" 
Shrrrip! A blonde cat tail rips a whole in her skirt.
"Y-You're turning into a cat?"
"Wha? Oh nyo!"
Creeeak! It doubles in length.
"What's happening?"
"I don't knyow!"
I sigh. Wait a minute! I don't feel my tail!
"My tail is gone!"
"Nyour ears are human! Ah?"
"What is happening?"
"I don't knyow!" She cries. Crack! Crack! Crack! Puff! Crack! Crack! Crack! Puff! Her hands turn to paws. I look down. Wait am I shrinking?
"I-I'm shrinking!"
"Nya and I'm growing!" Prissy says before crawling out of my lap.
"I don't knyow!"
"This is weird!"
She nods.
"Please pet me?" She asks cutely.
I pet her. She lays down in my lap purring loudly. Rm walks in.
"What happened?" He asks.
She is purring to loudly to answer him. He pets her. She purrs harder. Daddy walks in.
"Huff... what the Fuck happened here?"
"We don't know!"
"What have you had to drink today?"
"We both had a Coke... it tasted funny."
"Oh god!"
"So now your her size and she's a Neko that's your size?" Daddy asks more like says because of his laughter. 
"Basically what happened."
Yunmi walks in and asks, "what's so funny?"
He points to us. She giggles.

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