Twenty five

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Simone: me too...
I start silently crying.
Simone: please don't cry.
Hayul: b-but I miss you.
Simone: me too.
I continue crying. He appears weakly. He stumbles to his side.
"W-Why are you here?"
"Please don't cry," he says weakly.
"B-But I miss you."
"I'm here now."
I hug him. He hugs back weakly.
"Why are you weak?"
"I don't know."
I cry into his chest. He hugs me.
"I-I love you!"
"Love you more."
"No I love you more!"
He smiles weakly. I giggle, "s-so what do you think of my castle?"
I giggle, "yeah it is!"
He collapses. I fall on top of him. "Ow! Are you ok?"
"Head spinning."
"Y-You're scaring me!"
He falls asleep. I start crying. He wakes up.
"Shhh don't cry."
"I-I thought you died!"
I look down. He kisses my lips.
"It's okay."
I nod. I french kiss him, still being on top of him. He smiles. I giggle. We cuddle.
"Do you cheat?"
"One time in a card game I cheated."
I giggle, "that's not what I meant. I meant have you ever dated a girl but like hooked up with another girl while dating that girl?"
"No... I had a wife... but she cheated on me then divorced me right before sealing me away."
"Oh that sounds so horrible. How come you trust me right away?"
"You saved me... she never would."
"She sounds mean."
"She was abusive towards me but I don't know if she was that way to my girls."
"You have daughters?"
"Wow that's a lot! So like your ex wife never cuddled with you?"
He nods.
"Why would you stay with someone abusive in the first place?"
"She cursed me to be in love with her..."
"Oh that sounds mean. Do you really love me? Like real love?"
"More than you'll ever know."
"Awww that's really sweet!"
He smiles sweetly. I giggle, "let's try not to have sex yet though. I'm on top of you and I feel like we could easily have sex like this."
He blushes. I giggle. He smiles weakly.
My dress comes up a little by itself on accident. He doesn't seem to notice. I just leave my dress as it is. I bury my face into his chest. He pulls me into his lap.
"I-I wish you could stay forever!"
"I wanna try for a bit."
"Try what?"
"I-I thought you wanted to stay with your brother."
"No... I'm just afraid to be alone."
"Yayyyy! You're staying!"
He smiles cutely. I swing my legs back and forth. One hits down low because I'm in his lap.
"Ah I'm sorry!"
"It's okay," he groans.
I stop. He nuzzles me. I giggle. He smiles cutely. I hug him. He hugs back weakly.
"Are you ok?"
"Tired... now."
I nod. He curls up then falls asleep. I fall asleep next to him.

Rm's POV

Prissy stumbles in.
"Hey baby."
"Are you ok?" I ask as I walk over to her but tripping on the side of the bed falling.
"I hate myself."
She uses magic to catch me.
"I'm fine..."
"I am like the clumiest person ever!"
I sit on the bed trying not to break anything. She curls up onto the bed beside me. I lay back. She smiles and jumps into my lap, together we break both it and floor falling onto Suga and Lilly.
"WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!" Suga says.
She giggles cutely. Lilly just sighs.
"Are you three okay?" She asks.
"I'm ok."
"I'm not! I'm in the floor! With debris in my mouth! And a fucking bed crushing me!" Suga says.
Prissy lifts the bed and the debris off Suga and Lilly. Suga spits out some debris. She uses magic to wash his mouth out with mouthwash.
"Now Who's gonna fix that hole?" Suga asks.
"Later outta magics," she says tiredly.
"Oh no you two aren't sleeping in here there's not enough room! Go sleep with someone else!" Suga says.
Lilly chuckles.
"I'll fix it."
"Oh good!"
Lilly does so even going as far and putting us on the bed.
"Thanks!" I lay down.
"No problem," she shouts. Prissy nuzzles up onto me. I fall asleep. I wake up to Prissy whimpering.
"What's wrong?"
Prissy is tied up by five guys.
"Who are you?"
They look over at me like oh shit. I grab the sword that Prissy made for me. They quickly tie me up too.
He stuffs a gag in my mouth. Oh no this is the end! I wake up untied and next to Prissy on a bed.
"Where are we?"
She shrugs and nuzzles me weakly. I lay down. I see a different version of the blonde haired green eyed boys. He sighs.
"Who are you?"
"Acanthus... sorry about my brothers... they don't have good people skills."
"Why did you people kidnap us?"
"That's not what I would have called it but the way those idiots did it yes... but it was actually to ensure your safety."
"Well I thought I was gonna die. What kind of safety is that?"
"They are idiots... I told them not to tie people up."
"And safety from what?"
He shows us a picture of the demon squad. His blonde hair falling into his eyes.
"They want to make another Paradox."
"Ok but what about our friends and family?"
"They will be informed."
"So we just stay here?"
"Mhm... sorry for the way my brothers pulled it off," he says his purple waist cloth getting knocked back by his arm.
"And I thought they were hurting Prissy so that's why I grabbed a weapon."
"And they thought you were going to hurt them so they tie you up and stick a gag in your mouth!"
"Because Prissy was whimpering so I thought they were hurting her!"
"Yeah all they would've had to do was just say, 'hey, they want to hurt your girlfriend. Do you wanna come with us so we can protect her?'"
"That would've been nice."
"I wish they weren't so stupid."
"How long do we have to stay here?"
"I don't know yet... just depends on how long they want to search."
"So we don't get to see our friends and family for who knows how long? I'm sorry but I'm a very busy person I can't stay here for years and years and years!"
"No it won't be years maybe three months at most."
"Ok then I guess that's fine."
He sighs softly. I sigh too. We hear shouting. He sighs tiredly. Does he put up with this everyday?
"You deal with this every day?"
Sighing, he nods. I nod too. We hear a shout again followed by weapons clashing.
"They have problems."
"Huff I'm betting Perry ate one of Holly's tools again..."
I nod. Wait ate?
"Wait ate?"
"Perry, the one in dark blue... eats anything he can get his hands on."
"Wow that's weird."
"I should probably introduce you to all of them... after I break the fight up."
I nod.
"Wanna come with me?"
I follow him. I see one with black horns and outfit. He reminds me of a hollyhocks and the one in dark blue from earlier.
"Holly! Perry! What are you two doing?!"
They both stop.
"He ate my neurotransmitter!"
"Huff... Perry..."
I sigh.
The one Acanthus called Holly looks down.
"Sorry, big bro."
"It's okay... just you shouldn't get pissed when he does that."
"But it's annoying I paid so much for the poster!"
It's a poster? I'm confused.
"Huff... so it wasn't the artificial brain with working neurotransmitters?"
"No... but that poster costed 10628.90 yen!"
"You bought a poster with Japanese yen?" Perry asks.
"Oh yeah in USD—" Holly starts.
"What's USD?" Perry asks.
"US dollars."
"Huff... that poster was one hundred dollars!"
Perry's eyes go wide. Damn.
"How did you get that much money?"
"I saved for four whole months!"
I sigh. Holly just sighs. He finally sees me.
"Oh sorry."
"Am I really that unnoticeable?"
"No I was just distracted and pissed off..."
I nod. He sighs softly.
"Well I'm RM."
"I'm Hollyhock but I go by Holly."
"Periwinkle like Perry better."
I nod. Holly sighs sadly. I sigh.
"I'll buy you another one, okay?" Acanthus asks softly.
"Okay," Holly says.
"Can you get the others?"
Holly nods then disappears. I wait. He reappears with three more guys.
"I'm RM."
"Brunnera," the one in light blue says.
"Narcissus," the boy in yellow says combing his rather long hair.
"Lycaris," the one in red says awkwardly.
I nod.
"Couldn't find everyone else."
Where is the one in green and the one in orange? They're probably busy.
"Perry know!" Perry yells running through a wall.
What the fuck? He drags them both in.
"Perry!" They both shout.
I chuckle. They get up swearing.
"Huff... that's Paradise and that Aloe."
A guy who looks different with his white hair walks in with a sigh.
"What happened to the wall?"
The guy looks over to me.
"Hello... you must be Kim Nam-joon or for your stage name RM."
I nod. He smiles, "I'm Yucca."
"As to you."
I nod. "I also heard arguing... what was that about?"
"He ate my neurotransmitter poster," Holly says pointing at Perry.
I sigh.
"The one hundred dollar poster?"
Holly nods. I shake my head. Yucca looks over.
"I thought you had a concern from your action."
He nods. I sigh. He starts floating.
"Do you do that often?"
"Whenever I wish."
I nod. He smiles softly. I smile back.
"Did the boys give you a scare?" He asks.
He nods.
"Makes sense."
I nod. He smiles softly.
"They are quite unique in their methods."
I nod. He sits down. I sigh. He looks over.
I nod. Holly looks down. Yucca sighs and picks him up. I smile. He smiles back softly. I sigh. Holly falls asleep cutely. I go fall asleep with Prissy.
Nayeon's POV
I wake up in a scary place. A guy sticks a needle in me. I moan my boobs grow so big and so does my butt! My outfit changes into a slutty one. He puts a pink collar on me attached to a leash. He makes me get up. He grabs the leash and walks me around showing me off. I see someone... a wolf boy. He's kinda cute! I shiver. The guy who has me on the leash doesn't care. I look down. I hear something crack. I look towards it. The leash is broken and the guy has been pinned down by the wolf boy. I try to take the collar off. It slides off. It never even fit to begin with. I throw it into the bushes. The wolf boy takes my arm gently and cutely.
"W-Where are you taking me?"
"Me take you to help."
I nod, "What's your name?"
"My name is Nayeon!"
He leads me to a man in red.
"Who is this girl?"
"Can you change me back to normal?"
He does a spell both my body and my outfit changes to normal.
"No problem... Lucas will you escort this young lady home?"
He nods and his paw wraps around my hand. I giggle. He takes me home. He yawns cutely.
"Bye Lukas! Thanks for saving me!"
He passes out onto my floor. I put him on my couch then I go to bed myself. Mmm it feels nice to be me.

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