Pain of Death

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"Hurrrrahhrrr hurrrrrrrahhhhhrrr."
"Alastor are you ok?" I ask.
He looks at the teacher's arm continuing to make the noise and twitching. He did that when the zombies first started!!
"Were you bit?" I ask.
"No. Now hurry let's block the door." He says rolling down his sleeve.
His nose starts bleeding.
"Get him out!" Nayeon yells.
"Hhhhhhhhurrrrrahhhhrrrr! Hurrrrrrrahhhrr!" Alastor continues. Welf realizing the twitching scoops Alastor up.
"Please get out." I say.
"You want me to go out there? After all I did to get here?" He asks.
He steps towards me. He falls to the ground turning. He immediately goes for Minji.
"Minji!" Daesu yells.
He runs over to help her. She got bit in the mouth. She starts crying.
She says, "Daesu what do I do? I don't want to die."
Daesu holds Mr. Kang but doesn't know how to help poor Minji.
Alastor eyes turn red as he tosses Mr. Kang out the one open window shaking angrily. His eyes go back normal. He looks at her sadly but still twitching.
"S-s-sorry but you under-understand right? They aren't immune like us."
She starts turning. She goes to attack someone but Daesu grabs her.
Alastor grabs her from Daesu. He looks sad but tosses her out the window. We notice Mr. Kang's coming back.
"Outta room!" Alastor shouts.
We run out. Nayeon is screaming as she's running. Suddenly a zombie comes towards us. Nayeon screams and falls to the ground backing up. Suhyeok gets in front and starts fighting the zombies. I go to help.
Alastor pushes me back and knocks them back with his staff before it disappears he groans. Welf turns to his backpack. Alastor groans and starts shrinking. He turns into a doll Welf grabs the doll then puts it in his backpack.
We make into a science lab. Daesu sits against the wall exhausted suddenly and zombie grabs him because the window is broken he screams. Welf grabs him and pulls him away.
"Quick stack the desks!" Cheongsan says.
We stack the desks so the zombies come in.
"It's all your fault Gyeongsu! It's because you didn't hold the door! We almost died because of you!" Nayeon yells.
"Then maybe you should've held the door." Gyeongsu says.
"You're a f a hole." Nayeon says.
"Gyeongsu." Daesu says.
He grabs her by the hair and says, "You b."
"How dare you touch me." She says.
"Please stop!" Welf says.
Gyeongsu stops. Nayeon kicks a stool angrily.
"Where's Suhyeok? Has anyone seen him? You were with him." Onjo says to Cheongsan.
"He was behind me, but..."
"Then where is he?" Onjo asks.
"I don't know." Cheongsan says.
"Oh no." Onjo says.

"Oh no," Welf says. Jarvis and Sehun fall out of a closet.
"I told you we were safe."
"You've been hiding here this whole time?" I ask.
Sehun's POv

Wellllll not purposefully. I mean he kinda did accidentally lock us in there.
"Yeah that was totally the plan. Hiding in the closet. That was our plan." I say.
"Low battery," his watch beeps. That's why he locked us in there.
I sigh. He's about to pass out isn't he?
I seee that Alastor kid. He knocks Jarvis out then turns to Hinako.
"Dollify him."
"What are you doing?" I ask.
"Forcing him to conserve power."
He turns into a doll.
I nod.
"How's your battery?"
"I think my battery is good."
"Percentage or you'll be a doll."
"But that's-"
"Let him be. He's not human anymore no chance of the demon curse infection."
I sigh.
"Let us know when you hit 25 though."
Oh they'll hear it.
"You'll hear it."
"Kk. Also Alastor you need to be changed back to gain a bit of energy back."
I chuckle.
"Hinako you won't get the sucker if you do it," Alastor says.
"You must really not like being a doll." I say.
"I hate being weak."
I nod.
"I'm back to normal now if need be I'll just turn full."

Eunji's POv

I wake up. Where am I? MONSTER!!!
I scream.
The monster's furry hand drapes me in warmth.
I shiver because I'm scared.
"Hey! Eunji it's me."
"I-I'm so scared!"
"I just made ramen are you hungry? You've been out for almost a day now."
I nod.
His right arm becomes human. He gets us both a bowl of ramen.
I eat. I start crying.
The fur retakes his arm, "Hey, hey, you're safe I promise."
"I-It's not that. T-The bullies. They filmed me and I'm sure they posted it."
"Oh... I had Alvo delete the posted video."
"You called, Alpha?" A voice calls. I recognize it as Alvo this weirdo who likes making movies about wolves.
"Oh you're talking about that video involving her. Ulllgh! I wanna strangle them! And make them into subs! Can I?"
I wipe away my tears.
"Also did you find food?"
"Yeah I kinda ate half the steak and left half in the science lab."
I look at Roman.
"So you left them food?"
I look around..
He tosses several bento boxes worth of food. We're in the med lab. Where Roman spends most of time.
He's like a nerd!
He's studying to be a doctor though.
He must be very smart to do that.
He's so hot in uniform. He makes me wanna moan.
I can't moan! I look away.
"She's got the hots for you," Alvo says smiling.
I blush.
He seems to be blushing too. Brrr it's cold. He puts his uniform jacket over me.
I look at him. I blush harder.
I realize he's not wearing a shirt just some ripped pants.
"I knew the stress was gonna transform me so I ran upstairs and took off my shirt and jacket."
I nod.
"So did I!"
"Why don't you film life of a teenage werewolf zombie apocalypse edition?"
Alvo makes an excited noise then squeals, "You're right!"
I giggle.
He grabs his phone and starts filming.
"Hiiiiii! It's me Alvo your resident beta! Dudes and dudettes! You finally get to meet my Alpha!"
I look away.
"Okay meet Roman, my alpha."
"And our Eunji!"
"Anyways if you've saw the news then you know about this apocalypse happening at our school. Luckily werewolves are immune so we're safe so ima go film. With welcome to Life of a Teenage Werewolf zombie edition!
I giggle.
He puts his phone in a holder then jumps out the window. Roman sighs.
"Are you still hungry or cold?"
Seojun's POV
Suddenly we hear a high-pitched sound. It's loud! Then we hear Ms. Park's voice.
"Students and teachers of Hyosan High School. I'm Park Sun-hwa the English teacher. Something strange is happening throughout school. Some students are attacking people indiscriminately, so please find a safe place and take shelter. And if any student or faculty hears this and is able, please call for help. Students, hide somewhere safe until help arrives. If you can get out of the school, please get out. I repeat some students are..."
We hear her starting to cry, "Guys. You're ok, right? You're not hurt, right? I don't know what's going on or why this is happening. Still, find a safe place and hide. I'm sorry I can't be of any help. Don't get hurt, ok? Let's stay alive and meet again. Ok?"
"B we gotta get to her!"
"If we try to get to her, we'll just die." Joonyeong says.
Onjo nods. She walks over to the window.
Onjo's POV
I hope Suhyeok is ok. I stare out the window. I-sak walks over to me.
"Onjo. I'm sure Suhyeok is fine. He's athletic and super fast." She says.
"Right." I say.
I-sak takes my hand. Suddenly I feel her hand get cold.
"I-sak. Why are you so cold?" I put her hand to my cheek.
"What?" She asks.
"Your hand is really-" I stop. I look at her. H-Her nose is bleeding.
"What about my hand?" She asks.
She wipes the blood.
"I-sak. What's wrong? Are you-"
She interrupts me and says, "No I wasn't bit. Really."
Alastor sighs but starts twitching. She's lying.
"I mean it. I really wasn't."
"She was bit." Wujin whispers.
Nayeon wakes up.
"What's going on? Were you bit?" She asks.
"No, I wasn't!" I-sak says.
She runs over to a mirror that's in the room.
"Hey. You're ok right?" Gyeongsu asks her.
She turns towards me.
"Onjo." She says.
"I-sak." I say.
She walks towards me. I take her wrists.
"No, right? I'm not like them, right?" I-sak asks.
I have tears in my eyes. I nod and hugs her.
"I'm not." She says.
Alastor continues to twitch. He hugs and kisses I-sak's cheek
"You were almost mine," he whispers in her ear.
She looks down and says, "I'm not one of them."
I hug her again.
"What are you guys doing? Get her out of here!" Nayeon yells.
A bolt of fire pins Nayeon to the wall. Tears flood Alastor's eyes. He pulls me off her and full on hugs her kissing her lips.
"I've been wanting to do that since we met but at the very least may it comfort you."
"Y-You waited a little late to tell me how you felt." She says.
"I'm sorry, I was too scared," he says crying harder.
Cheongsan brings me back to him away from I-sak.
"Why would you wait until now to tell me this?" She asks.
"I never had the chance," he sobs, "but I won't let you go not as yourself. I know this might sound selfish but I don't want us to remember each other any other way."
"What do you mean?" She asks.
He pulls her into his arms as a fire starts at his feet.
She starts crying. I try to get closer but Cheongsan won't let me.
"Let me go!" I say.
He holds her tight as he fights back his own tears.
"I love you."
"I-I can't say that back." She says.
He kisses her lips as the fire engulfs her. He's left holding something. He falls to his knees sobbing. He lets go of it. A heart shaped crystal it's her favorite color.
I squat crying into my sleeve.
Hinako jumps out the backpack and hugs me.
I-I can't believe she's gone. Why I-sak?
"Why? Why? Why?" He mumbles to himself. Hinako holds me tightly.
M-My best friend is gone. All I think about is her now! Hyeonryeong comes to comfort me too.
Welf stops everyone. He picks us up and puts me and Hinako in his lap.
I continue crying silently.
He dries my tears.
"We'll save her... I promise."
"I-I can't stop thinking about her." I say.
"He didn't kill her. Merely put her in a stasis so she couldn't transform."
"B-But I miss her and I feel bad that she got bit."
"I couldn't kill her."

Alastor's POv flashback.

I look up at at the full moon. Legend has it the one you bump into on a night like this you'll love. I don't believe in that. I continue walking. I bump into a girl.
"What the-?"
"Sorry." She says.
"What's your name?"
"I-sak. What's yours?"
"Alastor... do you wanna go to a cafe? And then I'll walk you home. I don't feel like it's safe for you to walk home by yourself.
"Oh sure!"
We walk into a cafe and start talking.

Flashback ends.

I get up I've got a plan.

Onjo's POV

I look up.
Alastor runs for the door. He summons the staff and pulls the fire hose in.
"Tie it in 50 centimeter increments!" Joonyeong says.
"Big enough for a foot and a hand to fit in." Cheongsan says.
Alastor nods weakly. They start tying. Alastor doesn't speak. I look down. Welf looks over to Hinako. I look at her. She's shivering. She climbs into my lap. Alastor puts the gem in his pocket and Welf puts the dolls in his backpack. He finds some food. Alastor stumbles to his feet. Nayeon pushes through to go first.
"Go on," he says despondently but he seems angry in a way.
She goes down first. He makes Welf go next.
"I'll go last." I say.
I watch him put food in the backpack. He sighs softly. We watch everyone else leave.
"You go next."
"No go." I say.
"I want to be alone for a minute. So just go on. I won't be far behind you."
"Just give me a minute," he says a few tears springing to his eyes.
I nod. I start going down. Suddenly I see Suhyeok coming out of the window of the art room.
"Suhyeok!" I yell.
"Hang on I'll come to you." He says.
"Don't come." I say.
"I'm coming." He says.
"Please don't." I say.
"Hey it's Bare-su!" I hear Daesu say.
I hear them talking about Suhyeok and how he's ok. He manages to jump and land on the rope with me. He slides down.
"Ya stop hugging me." I say.
"What are you enjoying it?" He asks. He chuckles.
We head down. I let Suhyeok is first. I start coming in. While I'm coming in Nayeon yells, "close it close the window already!"
"Wait there's one more. Come down Alastor!" I yell.

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