Ninety six

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"What the f did you do?"
Dad runs over to Damanos and turns him over there's a bullet hole. 
That stupid b!
Dad heals his wound.
"Hey instead of trying to shoot me why not fight me like a man? Or do u know that I'm stronger than you and you're scared to fight me is that it?" I ask.
He chuckles and says, "Fine."
He chucks the gun at me. It goes off hitting Damanos in this side.
"S!" He shouts.
"You stupid b! Come over here! When I'm through with you I can guarantee you you won't look like Suho anymore!"
He walks up to me and b slaps me across the side. I instantly choke on my own blood and cough it up. He laughs.
Stupid son of a b! I punch him.
He dodges and gives me a round house kick.
Suho grabs my shoulder and whispers, "you don't have to do this."
I shake him off and whisper back, "I don't care I don't mind getting beat up it shows that I got in fights but you know in the end I always win and I'm taking this b down!"
I get up. I walk over to him and I grab his neck. I slam him to the ground.
He laughs as a tail whips me off him.
"Fight like a real man Seojun."
"Do you know how many fights I've gotten into where I got beat up but in the end I still won?" I ask.
"Is that really something to brag about?" Suho asks.
"Sweetie... I've fought many more than you have. Including demons."
I take my chance and kick him in the groin. He groans as two horns appear. He stumbles to his feet then collapses. He gets back up. He can be hurt.
"are you trying to seem like you are better than me? B I mean I've never fought demons but I've fought thugs, bullies, criminals etc. And I always win!" I say.
"Again is that really something to brag about? You could go to jail!" Suho says. 
He gives me a right hook that misses my jaw but hits my nose. I give an upper cut that catches his rib cage. He coughs blood onto my shirt.
"F you," he groans.
"ew you got on me! Disgusting!" I wipe his blood off my shirt and onto his face.
He throws another punch this one hits my eye. I give him a roundhouse kick.
"I never f lose!" He shouts. I notice he's starting to cry.
"Awww is the baby starting to cry?" I ask.
I walk over to him and I grab him by his hair and I say, "let me tell you something b I never cry and you can ask them the only time I cry is when someone I care about dies or gets hurt. Also you do look like your mother when you get beaten up. Totally disgusting. While I still look glorious even though I just got beat up."
Zoto appears and grabs his shoulder. He collapses onto Zoto.
"Concede this once! You aren't a loser. Just let them go this once.
"Wow he really does act like Suho." I say.
"Ok this is starting to creep me out." Suho says.
"I know it's like we're in an alternate universe but this loser isn't exactly like me I never lose my fights." I say.
"I bet dad gets tired everyday from having to heal you because of the fights you get into." Suho says.
"I try to deny the healing but he always insists. I swear they baby us man." I say.
"He never loses. Not in fist fights," Zoto growls. He feels Azzio's forehead. Zoto cries, "Azzio! I told you not to fight sick!"
"Such excuses. Y'all are pitiful just like your mother." I say.
"Wow I guess he's not just like me. Ive never growled before." Suho says and chuckles.
I notice how pale Azzio is. He looks sick.
"Should I kill him? I can kill him easily. I don't care how sick he is." I say.
"Let's get you to dad."
"Yeah run off to your daddy." I say.
"Doesn't dad heal you all the time?" Suho asks.
"Like I said they baby us too much mom and dad both I don't need him to heal me but he always insists and when we have the slightest fever or cough mother over there makes us rest like we're sick." I say.
"I like that treatment." Suho says.
"Oh shut up! You are such an a hole. Beating up on a sick boy," Zoto shouts. He grabs the gun and shoots the chandelier it crashes. When the dust settles Azzio and Zoto are gone.
"He's write I am an a hole but that's how I roll. I don't win my fights by being goody goody over there." I say pointing to Suho.
"Point at someone else!" He laughs.
I chuckle. 
"You've never fought sick or injured," Dad says softly as he cuts Mom loose.
"Whelp that's his fault for being an idiot and kidnapping mom while he's sick. This could've been prevented but he's an idiot not my fault." I say.
I feel the fight leave my body. I collapse. Dad instantly runs over to me.
I get up.
I can't stand my ribs hurt.
"You're lucky you're alive. Even though he was sick he managed to break two of your ribs."
"What about my brother?" Seyeon asks.
"Oh right him well Suho can fight in my place." I say.
"Wait I can what?" Suho asks.
Dad heals the wound. Then picks me up.
"ya I can walk just fine!" I say.
"Let me carry you out of here... I'm worried about your ribs. And Suho, your leg is torn up... you need to rest.
"I think helping our friend is more important." I say.
"I agree. My leg isn't that bad. But Seojun I can't fight like you though." Suho says.
"You got your gun." I say.
"Right." He says.
Suddenly I feel light headed.

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