Thirty six

45 0 0

Mmmm smells so good!!
"Wow my smells so good!"
He smiles. I shiver. He kisses me and hugs me. I hug him back.
"Don't get the bright idea though that we're gonna have sex right away though."
"Help me..."
"With what?"
"You're so hot!"
I giggle, "I get that a lot!"
He kisses my lips.

Jiheon's POV

I see a cute boy in black. I walk over to him. He looks over.
"My name is Jiheon!"
He smiles cutely. I shiver. I can't believe I forgot my jacket at home! Daddy even told me not to forget my jacket on my way out and I still forgot it! His eyes turn blue a jacket appears on me.
"Thanks! I'm stupid because I forgot my jacket at home even though my daddy told me not to forget it!"
"You're not stupid."
"Thanks! So What's your name?"
I nod, "are you like new around here?"
He nods.
"I can show you around until I have to go home! Do you want my phone number?"
He nods. I give him my phone number and he gives me his. I show him around a bit. It starts to get late.
"I-I should probably go home now. My parents will worry about me."
"Sure. Also you're a girl right?"
"Yes! Don't you see my hair, my boobs, my makeup, and my outfit?"
I feel my god ears twitch. Oh god! Slavers!!
"Omg we have to get out of here!"
He throws a cloak over us. The slavers run past us.
"I really should go home. It's too dangerous out here!"
He helps me home. We see a bunch of them on daddy. Hollyhock grabs them and beats the shit out of them saving daddy.
"Thank you for saving my daddy!"
Daddy stands up.
"We owe you..."
I nod.
"What do you want?"
"Um? What am I supposed to say? A girlfriend?"
I giggle. He shrugs.
"If you want."
"Wait what?"
"I can find you a girlfriend if you want!"
"I have a suitable lady right here."
Well he is hot and he DID save us. 
I giggle, "I don't mind being your girlfriend."
Hollyhock blushes. I giggle and I hug daddy. He sighs.
"So?" I ask Hollyhock.
He nods cutely. I giggle, "shouldn't you go to your home now? Your parents are probably worried."
"I have brothers not parents."
"Oh well aren't they worried about you?"
"Let's go!"
"Oh you want me to go with you! Daddy is that ok?"
We head out there. A guy in grey is fighting a weird demon. I hide behind Hollyhock scared.
"Fine... but if I'm going down you'll go down with me!"
A knife enters the grey guy's chest. Holly's eyes go wide.
"Who's that grey guy?"
He forces a potion down the dude's throat. What is going on? The guy turns to crystal. Hollyhock starts sobbing. I hug him. He turns.
"The house!"
We see eight guys and eight girls but the house is in ruins.
"Emperor Nam-joon!" One of them cries.

Rm's POV

Prissy wakes up.  This place is going to crumble any minute! We have to get out of here!
"What's going on?" She mumbles quietly.
"I don't know but we gotta get out of here!"
She groans weakly. I grab her and run out. I luckily had everyone's important items... I can't believe our house just crumbled apart! Er—their house... now what? I let them stay in my palace. Wait where's Ludovicina?
"Where's Ludovicina?"
Hollyhock starts balling.
"What's wrong?"
He starts crying harder.
"What's going on?"
"He—he—he—he's gone!" Hollyhock manages to say before passing out.
I look down. Prissy wakes up and picks him up.
"What happened?" She asks weakly.
"Ludovicina is gone!"
"Who is he? Me sleepy!"
"The grey guy."
"Where will we live now?" Narcissus asks softly and obviously more concerned about everyone but him.
"I guess my palace."
I take them to my palace. Suddenly I hear a whispered, "hey!"
I jump and turn. I see Suga.
"You scared the shit out of me! Why are you sleeping on the couch?"
"Why do you ask so many questions?"
"Go back to sleep!"
They all freak out and hide behind me.
"Wait a minute you all are back! You are not allowed to have the upstairs room anymore you're new room us down here!" Suga says.
"I know I know technically that was Prissy's fault."
"No the floor was moldy!"
"Sure I'm not stupid you two break everything in this fucking palace!" Suga says.
She sighs tiredly.
"Plus it's fucking midnight!" Suga says.
Then V comes in in his girl form as usual.
"RM! You're back!" She hugs me.
"Yeah wait why are you up at midnight?"
"I always get a midnight snack!" She says.
The guys are awkwardly standing around. I take them to rooms. Aloe grabs my hand for a minute.
"Thank you."
"No problem. Whelp Prissy I guess Suga and Lilly really kicked us out of our room to a downstairs room now."
She nods cutely and tiredly.

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