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I giggle. His eyes are bright and cheerful. Why is that? I think he seems happy. I smile.
"Are you ok?"
"Being a doll hurts..."
I nod. Maybe we could sneak out to the palace and gather information. They don't know who we are so they won't find us suspicious. Maybe we should! Plus we only came out here because of dad's saying of letting us be kids. Will Manuel be ok with this though? I mean they did slate him for the throne after all... I hope he's ok with it! I get a text from Dad.
Daddy: Is Manuel any better?
Heejin: his would is infected this boy is helping him get better though!
Daddy: I told him to come home!!
Heejin: I don't think it's safe for him to come home now
Daddy: Do you need me to send troops?
Heejin: no he just needs to rest
Daddy: I thought you were in danger!
Heejin: I'm not in danger at all daddy!
Daddy: the way you spoke worried me!
Heejin: I'm sorry daddy
Daddy: it's okay just don't do that again okay?
Heejin: I won't! Do you really want us to come home?
Daddy: not until you're ready. Just don't worry me like that.
Heejin: you can stop worrying! I'd tell you if we were in danger!
Daddy: okay just don't worry me okay?
Heejin: I won't! I love you daddy!
Daddy: love you too.

I get another message.

Manuel: can you come upstairs?
Heejin: ok!
I go upstairs.
"Heejin... once my leg is better we've gotta find a way to help him."
I nod.
"I'm tired out."
I nod, "I also kinda worried daddy."
"He called me."
"Nah it's fine, Dad's adorable."
I giggle, "What did he say?"
"He was just adorably worried."
"We should probably go home after we help Philip."
He nods.
"I'm gonna go back downstairs now!"
"Can you bring me something up to eat?"
"Sure! What do you want?"
"Well, what has he fixed?"
Soup and I could ask for some of the bread.
"Soup! But I could also ask for some of that bread too?"
I go downstairs. I get him some soup.
"Is it alright if I take some more of this bread?"
"Of course."
"Hey I'm taking some bread and heading home, big bro."
I take a piece of bread then I take it upstairs to Manuel. Then I go downstairs to get myself some soup and some bread. Manson is gone.
"I'ma try to sleep."
"Ok! Goodnight!"
I should go upstairs. I go upstairs. He is eating gently.
"Hi," he says before using his magic to bring me into the bed beside him.
I giggle.
"Eat up."
I nod. I continue eating. We eat then he sighs.
"What's wrong?"
"Worried about you."
"I'm afraid that you'll run and do something stupid."
"Like what?"
"I don't know try to sneak into the palace by yourself."
"I-I wouldn't do that."
"Yes you would."
"No I wouldn't."
"You were thinking about it."
"You have no proof."
"But I know you."
I look down.
"You've pulled this kind of shit before."
"Ok so what?"
"I'm worried about you."
"You don't have to worry about me."
"Yes I do... you're the younger twin."
I look down.
"Plus I care about you."
"I know but I'm not some little girl anymore."
"Yeah and you're also my best friend."
"I know."
He seems to understand something I don't.
"I don't think of you as some little girl. I think of you as my best friend who has my back so I need to have hers."
"What do you mean?"
"We always have each other's backs."
I look down.
"And I love you and want to protect you because you would do the same for me."
I nod. But I really want to sneak into the palace!
"Just don't do anything that will get you hurt, okay?"
I nod. I turn over.
"I'm gonna go to sleep! Goodnight!"
He hugs me.
"Good night."

The next morning.

I wake up to him sleeping tightly holding onto me. I giggle. He starts to wake up. I look at him. He looks over.
I sit up, "Good morning!"
He sits up but slightly winces.
"You're not better yet, you should rest!"
"I'm much better don't worry."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah... I want you to promise me something."
"Ok? What?"
"Don't do anything stupid please," he says starting to actually cry.
"I promise."
"Swear to me."
"Ok then I swear I won't." I hug him.
"Good," he says finally beginning to calm down.
I get up. He gets up too only weakly.
"Are you sure you're ok?"
He nods.
"Ok then!" I walk downstairs.
He follows. I yawn. He smiles softly. I giggle. He kisses my forehead. I look around. We see Philip calmly looking out the window.
"Good morning!"
"Oh hi," he says softly. He's back to human! How? He looks down and realizes it.
"He must have something worse planned."
He looks up.
"I didn't mean for you to hear that."
"I was talking to myself."
I  nod. He seems a little bit embarrassed.
"Are you ok?"
I nod. My stomach growls. He pulls breakfast out of the oven. I'm so hungry! He puts it on some plates for us. We eat. I get a mind message from Manuel.
Manuel: I know you want to do it today.
Heejin: So what if I do?
Manuel: I'm coming with you.
Heejin: you can't! You're not fully healed yet!
Manuel: I'll hobble all the way there if I have to.
Heejin: no you're not!
Manuel: I won't let you go alone!
Heejin: ok well I won't let you go while you're still injured.
Manuel: I can't let you go on your own it tears me up just to think about it!
Heejin: well you can't go!
I look up and realize he's crying. This is the second time I've seen him cry since mom died. I look down. Both times today and both times because of how much he cares about me. He tries to formulate a sentence but the tears are clouding his mind.
Heejin: You really don't have to worry about me.
Manuel: But I do! Especially over this!
His normal elegant speech has become a broken mess of sobs. Girls from home would be jealous because he never cries.
Heejin: I can take care of myself!
Manuel: I know... I just can't help it. You're one of the only things I have left!
Heejin: I know
Manuel: I couldn't bear the thought of you being hurt.
I've broken the beast. He's hurt in a way no one else could. I look down. He hugs me. I hug him back. He would definitely come after me even if he had to hobble to come. I sigh. He dearly loves me. But he can't come with me though! But the man is scared that his best friend, his sister could get hurt.
Heejin: fine I guess you can come
He hugs me tiredly as he finally stops crying. I hug him back. He smiles and rests my head on his shoulder. I smile back. He kisses my forehead. Philip walks back in. I look at him.
"Hi... um what happened while I walked to go get changed?"
"Okay? It doesn't look like nothing. He looks like he's been crying."
"He was just worried."
"He was just worried about me."
"Bull shit if you think I believe that's it. There has to be more to this. I may not be a lot of things but an idiot isn't one of them."
"Are we sure about that?" Manuel asks smiling jokingly.
"Oh fuck you."
"If you want," Manuel says getting up.
"What the fuck?! No!"
I giggle.
"I'm straight as a nail!" Philip shouts.
"Well nails have a round top," Manuel says smiling.
"I'm not arguing the straightness of a nail today!"
"You could've said a line. That's straighter than a nail."
"Wait today?" Manuel asks.
"Yes I've had to do it before!"
"Oh my god!" Manual shouts laughing.
I giggle.
"You know there are things straighter than a nail so arguing over the straightness of a nail can be avoided right?"
"how long did that argument go for?"
Oh my god.
"Six fucking hours!" Philip cries.
I giggle.
"Wow!" Manuel says.
I look around.
"Did you not have anything else to do?"
"Oh no, we did, they just wouldn't stop so I argued back."
I giggle. Manuel collapses from laughing too hard. I look away.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah just started laughing too hard."
I sit down. Manuel finally calms down. I sigh.
"I just can't, you really spent six hours arguing over the straightness of a nail?"
I giggle.
What a goofball! That's adorable though. I sigh. But I can only imagine how silly he looked. I giggle
He sits down.
"Lol," Manuel says.
What a weird conversation! Manuel smiles. I smile back.
"I can only imagine what people were thinking."
I giggle.
"Wtf why the fuck are they talking about this?"
I nod. Manuel sighs. Philip smiles. I smile.
Manuel: when are we going to do this?
Heejin: tonight!
Manuel: Kay.
I look around.
Manuel: do we want to do shy princess act?
Heejin: sure
Manuel: Kay just remember to let me do most of the talking 'kay?
Heejin: ok!
He smiles and hugs me.
"What are you two planning?" Philip asks obviously catching something.
"Oh nothing."
"You sure?" He asks cutely.
I nod.
I go to go change. As I change I hear them chatting.
"Hey thanks again for helping us... I don't know what was in that stuff but my leg's already almost healed."
"It's nothing."
I smile.
"So do you have a girlfriend?"
Why would he ask him that?
"You blushed you have a crush on someone, don't you?"
Who does he have a crush on?
"Haha! I knew it."
He knew what?
"Let me guess who it is."
"How about no!"
I wanna know who it is!
"I don't even need to guess."
Who is it? It can't be me, could it? I don't know it makes me nervous. I continue listening. I hear him whispering.
"How did you know?!?"
"I'm good at that."
Awwwww! I didn't get to hear who it is! Hmmm! I wanna know who it is! I should head down now. I walk downstairs.
"Ahh that took you forever!"
I giggle.
"Ima change now."
I nod. He teleports upstairs. I sit down. Philip sighs. I look over.
"I know you guys are planning something."
"I'm not telling anything."
"Okay definitely planning something."
"Yes we are so what?"
"I want to know what you're planning."
"Why do you want to know?"
"Because I'm worried about y'all."
"Why are you worried about us?"
"You could get in trouble."
"Ok fine if I tell you my secret then you have to tell me yours."
"Wh—What secret?"
"I heard you and my brother whispering about something."
He leaves the room. I hear him crying.  Why is he crying? I realize it's almost time. I get up.
"I don't know why you're crying but me and my brother have to go soon." I say to Philip.
He hugs me tightly.
"Don't get hurt, promise?"
"I promise." I hug him back.
He looks like he wants to do something but doesn't move further. Manuel walks down.
"Take care."
"We should probably go now."
He just nods. Manuel whispers something to him which causes Philip to flip him off. What are they whispering about? Manuel smiles then we leave.
"What were you whispering about?" I ask him once we left.
"Nothing just teasing him."
"Ok then." I look around.
"Palace is that way."
I nod. We start walking that way. We make it there as the sunsets behind us. We sneak in. He changes us into our royal attire.
"Now we don't have to sneak."
I nod. I look around. He takes my hand. We start walking. We make it to the throne room. We see the "king". He is sitting on the throne seeming to enjoy himself and the fancy food. Oh my god. He smiles and laughs softly. I see the advisor smiling and bowing. I look down. Manuel gently takes my arm. I look at him.
"Come on, sis, we're in a castle we should be okay," he says giving me the signal.
I nod. We walk out there.
"Hello gorgeous," the "king" says softly.
Is he talking to me? He gets off the throne. What is he doing? He walks towards me. Manuel sighs. Yeah he was definitely talking to me.
"Oh he's definitely talking about me," Manuel says elbowing me.
I look at him. He looks back smiling and winking. I roll my eyes. He laughs. I giggle. Yundin looks annoyed. 
"Heh... no."
I look away.
"Oh you want my sister."
"Oh she's your sister?"
"Yeah her name is also Heejin not gorgeous."
I nod.
"And you are?"
I look around.
"Come here sister don't be afraid."
I move closer. He hugs me.
"You don't seem to be making a good impression on her."
I hug him back. He sighs. I look away.
"Come on, I'll take you some where safe," Yundin says. 
I nod.
"No, no, we stay together."
I nod.
"Fine, fine."
He takes us to the room. Then locks it. W-Why did he lock it? He laughs.
"You really think I'm stupid don't you?"
"Well you look stupid."
"Heh... I saw you talking to that brat... and now I'll make him suffer by torturing you."
At this moment Daddy decided to call and since it was the third time he called without answer I hear, "Oh hell no are you hurting MY kids."
Oh my god.
"Who the hell are you?"
"Dad?" Manuel asks.
I look down. Suddenly, Manuel collapses to his knees. W-What's going on?
"What's happening? My headaches," Manuel mumbles.
"What are you doing to him?"
"My headaches."
W-Why does his headache? Is he dying?
"No he's not dying he's just becoming a perfect boy."

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