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"Is everyone okay here?"
"No... we've been attacked by that guy... what's his face?"
"You mean Mud Slinger?"
I sigh. He nods and heals the one who has a giant club. I look around. I see all seven of the girls. I sigh.
"Oh, um, I should introduce them. Uh, girls... this is my brother, Suga."
I wave.
"I'm Camaco," the short blue haired one says.
I nod.
"This is my sis—er—pet, Mary."
"What?" She growls.
"You said sister but then said pet!"
"Uh—uh—uh—fuck you, okay? You don't understand."
"Your sister isn't cursed to turn into a fucking cat demon if she isn't under your control so I don't wanna hear it bitch!"
"I just asked a fucking question bitch!"
She gives a dominant look despite her tinier size. I cross my arms. "Are you trying to scare me?"
"No! Of course I'm not fucking intimidating!"
I laugh, "you're not intimidating!"
"I fucking know!"
We go to argue more.
"Guys!" Kato suddenly yells.
I look away.
"Please stop fighting," he says. I can hear the weakness in his voice.
"Fine I'll stop but I don't know if she can though."
"Um... after that," the pirate looking girl says awkwardly, "umm.... I'm Alleam..."
I nod.
"I'm Lexalia," the girl holding a war fan says.
I nod.
"I'm Asaleo... and that's my twin Sharina..."
I nod. They all smile awkwardly. I sigh. They look away. I look away too.
"You guys should stay with us... if you guys were in trouble it would take too long for help to come," Kato says.
I nod. They nod as well. Camaco looks over at Mary weakly. I sigh.
"Hey where's Mariah?"
"Probably already asleep..."
"Can we go now?"
"I'll get her..."
I nod. Lexalia gets the girl with the club. Then we take them to our house.
Kato looks down. I sigh. He sits down. I sit down next to him. Camaco sighs and sits down.
Then SeA walks in.
"Hi!" She says to Kato.
"Hi," he says.
She sits next to him. He kisses her. She hugs him. He hugs back. She crawls into his lap. I sigh, "can I go to sleep now?"
I go to my room. Lilly is laying there tiredly. I get into bed and I fall asleep.
Lilly nuzzles me. I smile.
Meanwhile SeA's POV
"Who are these girls by the way?" I ask Kato.
"Oh, my friends."
"Hi," the short blue haired one says quietly.
"Hi, my name is SeA!"
"I'm Camaco."
I nod. She sighs softly. I giggle. He smiles. I kiss his lips. He smiles and pulls me into his lap. I giggle. He smiles
I whisper in his ear, "are they nice?"
"Oh sweetie, we are very nice," the one in white says.
I nod, "What's your name?"
"My name is SeA. I'm Kato's girlfriend."
She nods. I sigh. He falls asleep. I giggle. I look around. She smiles. I kick my legs back and forth cutely. He groans softly. Omg! Am I hurting him?
"I think the movement is waking him up."
"Oh I didn't mean to wake him up!"
I stop kicking. She smiles. I giggle. He smiles. I sigh.
"Are you hungry?"
I nod. She smiles. I giggle. She gets up.

Suga's POV

I wake up to the smell of something delicious. I follow the smell. Mmmm! It's a soup! Who cooked this? Lexalia walks in.
"It's almost ready if you're hungry."
"I am hungry."
I sigh. She smiles softly. I smile back. She gets out some bowls. SeA gets up ready to eat. Kato wakes up.
"Why did you wake up right after she got off of you?" I ask him.
SeA giggles. I laugh. Lexalia smiles and says, "girls get in here!"
SeA smiles. All of the other 6 girls come in. We eat. Mmmm it's soooooooo good!
"Wow this is so good!"
"No problem."
"I'm glad you made it!"
I sigh. Kato smiles. SeA giggles. He kisses her cheek. She hugs him. He hugs back. I sigh. She giggles.
"Yeah?" I ask.
He gets up and get a frog.
"What are you doing?"
Alleam stabs the frog yelling, "NO! NOT AGAIN!"
"You killed him!" He cries.
"Yeah, bitch! Whatcha gonna do about it?!"
"This!" He yells before tackling her.
"What the fuck?"
They start wrestling. SeA giggles. He loses to her
"Wow you lost to a girl." SeA says.
"Let's fight bitch!"
"I don't fight."
"Then shut the fuck up!"
"I was just joking!" She gets up and walks out.
"wait! I was too! It was a prank!" She says her face turning to "oh shit."
"What kind of prank requires you to be a bitch towards me?"
"I wasn't. I just told you to shut the fuck up still keeping the 'I'm so pissed act."
"Whatever!" She walks away.
"Jeez... sorry..."
Wow I though they were nice! She's so mean! I sit down on mine and Kato's bed. She walks in and hands me some chocolate. It's my favorite too! "T-Thanks."
"Sorry... I tend to be very aggressive... I don't mean to."
"I-It's ok. I was joking with Kato because I thought it was funny that he lost."
"And he knew, I knew, we thought you knew that we knew."
"Well when you yell at me and call me a bitch it's hard to know."
"We do that to each other."
"And you expect me to know that? Kato never told me that."
"I thought he did... he yelled at me for being a bitch to you though."
"You should've asked him first if he told me."
"Then the prank would've been ruined."
"So you decided to just make me mad and have Kato yell at you?"
"No. I didn't know."
"Well now you know. Plus what kind of prank requires you to talk like that? If Kato said the same thing to me he would be sleeping on the couch!"
"We do it to each other all the time..."
"We just do."
"I don't like it. It's too mean!"
"It's ok. Thanks for the chocolate." I eat some.
"No problem."
"How did you know this is my favorite chocolate?"
"He told us."
I nod. She smiles softly.  I giggle. She sits down. I continue eating some chocolate. She sighs.
I nod. I giggle again. She smiles softly.  I smile back. She sighs. I giggle. She smiles then gets up.
"Where are you going?"
"Find out where I'm supposed to sleep out and get some sleep..."
I nod. I continue sitting on the bed eating some chocolate. She walks out. I decide to text Kato.
SeA: Kato can you come in here now?
Kato: Sure. Wait—oh wait nvm.
SeA: what do you mean?
Kato: I forgot I had given you my number.
SeA: yeah I'm your girlfriend of course you gave me your number lol.
Kato: I'm tired...
SeA: then come in here! Btw there may or may not be chocolate crumbs on the bed.
He walks in and smiles.
"It's okay."
I giggle. I scoot over. He kisses my lips. I hug him. He hugs back.

Meanwhile Suga's POV

Lilly looks over At Lexalia.
"So since we will have to work together we might as well all meet up."
I sigh. Lexalia nods and says, "it makes sense... whips huh?"
"Not judging I promise but what if you made it a little mire dangerous?"
"Adding spikes."
"Hmph... never thought of that."
"Sounds good to me."
"And your fan if you add a pouch at the bottom you could have caltrops."
I sigh. They both smile. I smile. Lexalia smiles softly then says, "I never thought this would happen... I thought we'd hate each other forever..."
"Well believe it not people actually like me even though I'm a jerk to people."

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