Chapter seventeen: Mommy?

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Prissy smiles cutely. She pets her. Prissy purrs. She giggles. We change back to normal mid pet. She pouts.
"Wow that's weird!" She says.
I nod. Prissy curls up. I sigh. Prissy nuzzles her way back into my lap. I giggle. Yunmi gets up. Prissy smiles cutely.
"You're so adorable!" Yunmi says.
She smiles and says, "thank you!"
She smiles back, "No problem!"
Prissy pulls herself onto RM and falls asleep. RM laughs then falls asleep too. Camaco smiles and sits down. I smile back. She sighs softly then looks at Mary who has the maid hat again. I sigh. Mary nuzzles into her lap demanding to be pet which Camaco does. Damn though... to have to go through this? Damn... must be hard. I sigh. Camaco falls asleep. I get up. I should put them in bed. I put them in bed then I go to bed myself. Jungkook nuzzles me. I sleep on him.
"Love you, babe."

The next morning V's POV

Skylar looks over at me cutely. I giggle and ask, "what?"
"Thirsty," she says as her accent being very noticeable.
"A-Are you gonna drink from me?"
"No... not unless you say I can."
"But won't it hurt?"
"It might..."
"I-I want to help but I'm scared!"
"I'll find something..."
I nod. I look down. "I-I'm sorry."
She is already gone. I look down. I lay down and start crying. She comes back her hair... is it turning black?
"W-What's going on?"
"What do you mean?" She asks quietly.
"Y-Your hair is turning black!"
"I'm probably just tired..."
I nod. "I-Is it because of me?"
"I-I feel bad that I didn't let you suck blood from me."
"V I'm just fucking tired!"
"S-Sorry." I turn over.
She lays down on the floor and passes out. It's not even eight... What's going on? Her hair turns back white. I guess she was tired... But of course I've noticed her up all night...Omg! I'm so horrible! I probably keep her up all night! She turns over. I should just put her in bed and let her rest. I put her in bed. I put on some heels and I leave. Er-fall... she has a tight grip on my arm. "Ow!"
She pulls me onto the bed. I try to take off my heels. She lets me but then as soon as I'm done she pulls me closer. I giggle. I put my hand on her chest. She nuzzles me in her sleep. I turn towards her. She sleepily groans.

Suga's POV

Lilly And Lexalia start chatting when suddenly the black haired Prissy returns. Oh god! They both turn.
"Who are you?" Lexalia shouts.
"What a stupid name!"
Her eyes turn a deeper red as her smile becomes terrifying.
"What are you gonna do?"
"Getting the materials to make Poisoned Steele of course!"
"And what are those materials?"
She stabs the two girls. I heal them. But not before she collects some of their blood. I sigh. They look over weakly.
"What just happened?"
"I don't know..."
I sigh. Lilly grabs my arm and pulls me down beside her. I smile.
Alaina's POV

Mary and I are sitting alone. Mary is half freed according to Camaco. I smile. She gives a small smile back. I sigh. She sighs as well.
"They want to make a soul fusion of us... it's evil... that's why they need our blood..."
I nod. Whoa what happened to her eyes!?!
"W-What's wrong with your eyes?"
She just keeps repeating the phrase. I back up scared. Suddenly, a girl that looks like Lilly and Lexalia appears. W-What's going on.
"No... not another one," she says weakly.
W-What? We are both grabbed. I close my eyes. I feel a knife enter my stomach. Ah! It hurts! Prissy And Camaco walk in then see us. Prissy runs over and heals us.
"No problem."
I sit up. She hugs me. I hug her back tightly. She starts crying.
"What's wrong?"
"I left you and now you got hurt!!"
"It's ok!"
She cries, "no it isn't!!"
"Yes it is! It's only once!"
She starts crying.
"It's ok!"
She starts nuzzling me. I whimper. She takes my pain away. I smile.
She smiles back as a few more tears hit her cheeks.
"You're gonna make me cry!"
She nuzzles me. I hug her. I feel her wipe the last of her tears on me. I giggle.
"Bend down!"
I bend down.
"Rapid petting mode!"
She starts petting me extremely quickly. I giggle. In one of them she smacks her growing boobs.
"Omg what is going on?"
"I smacked my boob!"
I giggle.
"It hurts! Uh?"
"Are you ok?"
Bloooomp! I back up. She's got boobs trapping her face in!! Oh my god!
"Mmph! Mmph! Mmph! Mmph!" She cries.
I back up more. Daddy walks in.
"What the fuck?!?"
"I don't know what's happening daddy!"
"Let me help you."
He helps her up. She gasps for air as her face turns from blue to pale. I sigh. He does a spell. She returns to normal but is weak and shaky. I hug her. She hugs back but starts crying, "today isn't my day!"
"It's ok!"
Wait what is happening to her hair?
"S-Something's happening to your hair!"
It's becoming pigtails? I sigh. She starts to cry, "headache!!"
I nod. She starts to shrink.
"What's going on?"
I have to catch her before she hits the ground now a baby. I catch her. She starts crying. Her diaper feels wet and full! I change it. Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! So gross! Daddy takes her.
"I'll handle her..."
I nod.
Meanwhile Yunmi's POV
Damanos walks in with a baby.
"Who's the baby?"
"Prissy... poor thing isn't having a good day..."
I nod. "I'll help you!"
He stumbles to the bed. I scoot over. He hands her to me. She starts crying. I rock her. It doesn't help. Maybe she's hungry. Should I breast feed? She seems too young to eat normal food.
"I should ask you this. Is it ok if I breast feed her?"
He's unconscious. I breast feed her. She drinks it and stops crying. Then starts because she needs to be burped.
I burp her. I'm like such a good mom already! She yawns and I summon a crib so we can all go to bed. I turn off the lights but she starts crying. I rock her. He wakes up.
"You trying to keep her asleep?"
I nod.
"She slept on my stomach because Alaina would literally kick her out of the crib."
"Oh I didn't know that."
He nods tiredly and puts her on his stomach. She instantly falls asleep. I get into bed and I fall asleep. He kisses my forehead.

The next morning

Maybe I should feed her some age milk... I breast feed her. The age milk... she changes back to her normal age then starts drinking my regular breast milk cutely. I giggle. She wakes up and turns red.
"Th-that... Please don't tell the others... they wouldn't let me live it down!"
"I won't! I promise!"
"You're a really good mommy."
"Awwww thanks! I thought that about myself while I was taking care of you because your daddy was unconscious!"
"You didn't even get mad... even though I was still..."
"Why would I get mad?"
She looks away.
"What's wrong?"
"It's happened before..."
"By who?"
"Everyone besides you and daddy."
"Did your other mommy got mad too?"
"No... she died before it could happen..."
"Oh I'm sorry."
She nuzzles into the spot right below my boobs.
"You kinda look like my mommy..."
"Really? I do?"
"Mhm. The hair and eyes. You even wear her colors."
"Oh, no wonder Damanos likes me!" I giggle.
"You act like her too... kind and loving."
"Oh really? Well I'm glad I remind you so much of your mommy!"
"D-do you mind?"
"Do I mind what?"
"C-c-calling you m-mommy?"
"I don't mind!"
She starts coughing violently. I pat her back. She is burning hot but she's shivering?
"Omg! You must be sick!"
She coughs again this time worse.

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