Ninety two

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Daddy pulls out a phone.
"Hello? Munin?"
"Hey." She says.
"I need a bit of help? Remember that favor Chronos owes me?"
"Can you come?"
They both appear. I smile.
"Wait slow down, the god of TIME owes you a favor?"
I look at daddy.
Munin nods.
"Oh my god!"
I giggle.
I sigh.
"It's a long story."
I nod. Munin's eyes land on the girl. Does she know her? She restores her memories. The girl faints.
"Memory glass, Cherry?" Chronos asks softly licking her cheek.
She nods. He smiles. She giggles. The girl wakes up.

Hyunjin's POV

Philip?!? What's going on? Where am I? Is this the palace? Why does everything look funny? What happened?
"Philip?" I ask looking for him.
"He's not here," the strange witch boy says.
"Where is he?"
"Somewhere in the palace."
Isn't he a half butterfly in the gardens? I think he is. Maybe that's where he is!
"Do you know?"
"He might be in the gardens."
"Stay here," the weird king says.
"Yeah," the witch boy says.
I nod. The guy with clocks sighs.

Munin's POV

We walk on towards the gardens. I look around.
Who said that? Manuel starts walking towards the door. Should we follow? Probably. We follow. He opens the door to show us a shocking site. Oh my god. He's half butterfly! He's made some bread with nectar coating them.
This must be him! He smiles softly. I sigh. Yundin smiles softly and takes the bread. I look around. Philip flies off afterwards.

Heejin's POV

Manuel's eyes show how pissed he is. Oh my god. He looks over to me. I look down. Two of the stealthier army members sneak behind Yundin. What are they doing? They pull the chair down sending Yundin sprawling. I smile. He angrily turns. Oh my god.
"What the hell?"
I look down. He laughs. That doesn't sound good!
"You little brat."
Oh my god. He looks down. I look over. Suddenly the floor starts to glow red. What's going on? Manuel grabs me. I look around. He pulls us off the ground. What's happening? The ground lights on fire. Oh my god! He sighs. I sigh. The fire goes away. I look around. He lowers us back down weakly. I smile. He smiles back then groans. I look over.
"So weak."
"Are you ok?"
"It hurts."
I sigh.
"My wings hurt!"
I look down. He sighs. I look over. He hugs me. I hug him back. He lays down obviously asleep. I giggle. Yundin laughs evilly. Oh no!
"You'll sleep here forever!"
W-What? He is deeply asleep. That's not good! He tries to wake up but can't.

Hyunjin's POv

I can't sit here any longer. I heard what happened. I get up. I see the one boy. Who is that? He can here with the weird witch boy and the other people. I look down. He's unconscious. I go over to him. Yundin laughs evilly. I look down again. I should try to get him out of here. I try to get him out of here. He's not heavy and no one stops me. I got him out! He tiredly lays there. I sit down. He sighs softly.

Heejin's POV

They go on the attack absolutely wrecking Yundin. Oh my god. He sighs. I sigh. They finish. I look around. I see Philip fluttering around a giant flower. Is he trying to get nectar? He collapses. The wings shrink but don't disappear the rest of the weird features disappear. What's going on? He lays there weakly. I look over. He slowly wakes up. He sits up. I sigh. He looks over weakly. I look back.
He sits up. I sigh. He walks over to me.  I look at him. He hugs me. I hug him back. He blushes before kissing my lips. I blush. He hugs me. I hug him back. He rests his head on my shoulder. I sigh.
He kisses me.
"Will you go out with me?"
I nod. He smiles cutely. I giggle. He kisses me.

Nomi's POV

Auto sighs and relaxes into the seat. I look over.
"I'm still looking for Jarvis."
I nod. He sighs. I look down. He sighs. I sigh. He sits up.
"I guess I will have to go look again."
"We'll help."
I smile. He gets up. I get up too. He walks outside. I follow. He sighs sadly.

Jennie's POV

Where are they taking that one metal boy? I follow secretly. I get chained up. I scream.
"Help please!" The boy says his robotic voice.
I-I can't get out! He collapses. He holds my hand as long as he can. I look down. They take him away. I start crying. The poor boy... I wonder where they're taking him to now? I feel bad for him. Suddenly a guy who looks similar to Jarvis breaks in. W-Who is that?
"Damn it! Where is he?" The guys ask.
I-I don't know where he is. He groans. He sees me. He sighs and breaks me out. I get up. He turns to the woman next to him. I notice tears on his face.
"We'll find him." The woman says.
I look down. He scoops me up and says, "Well, at least we've helped someone."
She nods. He leads us out. I look down. He sits me down.
"You haven't seen a boy who looks like this have you?" He asks showing a picture of a younger Jarvis.
"T-They took him away after chaining me up. I-I don't know where they took him though."
"Oh... thank you for the information," he says his robotic voice showing concern.
I nod.
"Where do you live?" He asks. 
"I-I don't know where I am."
We appear in front of an apartment complex near mine.
"O-Oh I live near here!"
I walk to my apartment. I shiver a little while going there.
After I get to my apartment he leaves and says, "Thanks for your info."
I nod. I walk in and I sit down. I hope he finds him! Maybe I should've given him my number. I go to see if he's still there. He's sitting on a park bench softly crying. I sit next to him. He looks over.
"Can I have your number?"
"Um sure!"
We exchange numbers. I give him a hug.

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