Chapter 22

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Previously on Chapter 21

The last thing is see, is Y/N standing in front of Naraku. He place a hand on her forehead and her body went limp, Naraku caught her in his arms. Then everything turns black.

-You Are My Life-

Inuyasha P.O.V

"Y/N!!!" I scream. I run towards him, with my sword ready. But Naraku move Y/N in front of him. I halt to a stop and clench my sword's handle in frustration as I grit my teeth in anger.

"Careful... you don't want to hurt the girl you love..." he said. "Give Y/N back!!" I scream. "Hmmm... I think not..." he said. Then he disappear from my sight.

I can't believe it! I let Naraku took Y/N the second time!! What did he want from her this time?? I have to save her. I will stop and nothing to get her back!

At the Castle


I open my eyes and realize I'm back in the room of Naraku's castle. I move to stand up and try to take a step forward, but I fall on my knees as I feel my head starts pounding. I let out a groan as I rub my head, trying to get rid of the pain.

The door to this room slides open. I look up to see Kagura. "Looks like you're back..." she said. "Wasn't my choice. He took me by force" I said. "Typical of him..." she said.

"What do you want?" I asked. "He asked for you... so come with me... you know how he hates to wait" she said. I roll my eyes "I wonder what did he want this time..." I said, sighing softly. I move to stand up and walks out of the room. Then she leads me to where Naraku is.

She moves aside to let me enter the room. I open the door, without knocking because I can. Naraku looks up from his spot. "Ah... my daughter is here..." he said.

"I am not your daughter..." I said. "You're hurting my feelings... my heart hurts hearing what you said, my dear" he said, with mock hurt voice. I roll my eyes. "As if you actually have one..." I said, glaring at him. He just chuckle at what I said.

I cross my arms across my chest. "What do you want anyway? Why'd you take me here again?" I said. "I'm just going to ignore your tone..." he said. "Whatever. Just get to the point" I said. "I want you to join me, Y/N..." he said. I scoff at what he said.

"Again with that nonsense?? How many times do I have to tell you? That I won't join you... especially help you to hurt Kagome and the others. They are my friends. My family!" I said. He lets out a laugh at what I said. "Oh dear Y/N... you are so naive... they don't care about you... not even a bit. They only care to keep you around because you're my child... my weakness..." he said. "Weakness? You said that as if you love me" I said. "No father in this world that doesn't love their child... I am no exception, darling" he said.

He... loves me? No! Don't trust him, Y/N... you know how manipulative he can be! I thought to myself.

"I do love you my dearest daughter..." he said. I snap out of my thought and shake my head. "Cut the crap, Naraku! I am not buying anything you're saying right now! I am not your child! You created me from one of the dead! I am a dead flesh!" I scream at him.

"Yeah... with a part of me... you see... I gave you my heart... you are my life line, Y/N... you and I are one" he said. "Oh yeah? Prove it!" I said, not believing him. "Try cutting your wrist..." he said. I look at him in confusion. I look down at my wrist and hesitate.

I let out a shaky breath. Then I raise my hand. I let my nails grow into claws. I raise my wrist and swing my wrist, forming a cut on my wrist. I look up and my eyes widened. Naraku have an identical scar on his wrist, and it's also dripping with blood.

He smiles at my shock face. "You believe me now?" He said. "Why are you telling me this? You know fully well which side I am..." I said, still glaring at him. "Because I don't want to hide anything from you, Y/N... you are my daughter. Even though I created you from one of the dead" he said, I can see how he's looking at me with so much tenderness. My eyes soften at this.

"I... I d-don't know w-what to say..." I said, looking down. I hear the wooden floor creaking. Then I feel myself being pull into an embrace. My body stiffen and eyes widened a little when I realize Naraku is hugging me. Then I relax and close my eyes, slowly melting into a hug.

A father's warmth... is something I've always lacked of. Even in modern era. As loving as my father there would be... he never hold me as gently as this. I'm not sure whether it's okay for me to feel this way... but... I feel safe in his arms.

"D-Dad..." I said in a low tone. I can feel his arms tighten even more. "I'm so happy to hear you call me dad, Y/N..." he said, caressing my hair softly. I move my arms slowly and wrap it around his waist.

Naraku P.O.V

How foolish. It's so easy to manipulate her mind... it seems like she believe that I am her father. Now she will do everything I said.

I fake my smile when I pull away from her. She looks up at me with her e/c. I don't know why... but I feel warmth inside my chest.

No... this girl is nothing but your puppet. She isn't your daughter I thought to myself. I fake a soft smile and pat her head gently. I can see the side of her lips curling up a bit as she give me a small smile.

Now everything will fall into place

*to be continued*

A/N: sorry for the long wait! I'm really stuck with this book. Like I'm brainstorming my mind like crazy for this chapter. Thank you so much for waiting patiently! I love you all!

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