Chapter 25

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Previously on Chapter 24

I can feel a hand on top of my head after I finished talking. I look up to see Naraku. "I'm glad that you managed to escape, Y/N... you're safer in here... I suggest that you don't leave the castle anymore..." he said. I nod my head in agreement. "Okay, Dad... I'll stay here with you from now on..." I said, smiling at him. I move towards him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I love you, dad..." I said, in a soft voice. He didn't say anything back, just caress my hair.

-Come Back-


It's been a month since I have chose to stay with Naraku... or dad. It's kinda weird to call him dad, for some reason. After all, he used to be my enemy. Me and my friends used to try and search this castle so we'll be able to fight him. But... now I'm staying here. It's... I don't know... weird?

I'm sitting in the garden. I stare up at the sky as I hum a soft melody. Even though my dad is a dark demon. His castle is quite peaceful and beautiful.

"Y/N" I heard someone calling out for me. I turn my head to see my dad as he stands on the porch. "Yes, Father?" I said. "Come here..." he said, sitting down. I stand up and dust myself. Then I jog over to him.

"What is it?" I said, as I stand in front of him. He pat the spot next to him, signaling me to take a seat. I do as asked and sit down next to him.

"How do you feel so far, hm?" He said, running his hand through my hair. I look anywhere but him. "To be honest with you... I still find it strange to be here. To call you father... and to consider this place as my home. It's weird... thinking how me and the others would try to kill you..." I said.

Naraku P.O.V

I see... it seems that she haven't fully trust me yet. I have to sugar-coax everything to make her trust me. I need her to be on my side... because I know that dog demon and his friends won't fight back if Y/N is the one they're facing. She will be a good shield for me.


Inuyasha P.O.V

I slam my fist on the ground. I let out a frustrated growl. "We almost have her back! How could I just let her go! Dammit!!" I scream in frustration. "That's because you're stupid..." I hear that fleabag said. I turn to glare at him.

"What did you just say??" I said, feeling annoyance growing in me. "I said you're stupid! If I'm the one to find her... she would have been with me right now! You useless... stupid... moron... piece of mutt!" He said. "Why you-" I said. "Inuyasha! Sit boy!!" As soon as I hear that, my beads pulls me down. As a result, I land face first on the ground.

I turn to the only person who can do that. "What did you do that for?!" I yelled. "This is not the time to fight! Now do your job and try to track her scent!" She said. "Oh so now I'm your hound?" I said. I turn around and walk away from them. I need time to be by myself.

Kagome P.O.V

"Was I too harsh on him?" I said, placing a finger on my chin. "He's just sad, Kagome... you know how much he cares for Y/N..." I hear Miroku said who is standing behind me.

"Yeah... if anything... he's the most restless among us... seeing how much he loves Y/N..." Sango said, agreeing to his word. "Oh..." I said, looking down. It's still hurts... the fact that Inuyasha is in love with Y/N now. But I can't do anything about it. Y/N is still someone I hold dearly. I can't lose Y/N... she's like the sister I never have.

We have been trying to search for Y/N for over a month now. But no matter how hard we try... no matter how many places we searched. We just can't seem to find her. It's like... she has disappeared from existence. But I know that's not the case here... Naraku just hid his castle well this time... there are no trace that could lead us to his whereabout.

I let out a sigh as I tilt my head. I stare at the sky, which is something Y/N and I often do together as we share about our days.


I laid on the grass as I stare at the sky. I could hear the sound of footsteps and turned my head towards the sound. Y/N was standing not far from me. She smiled and walked towards me, joining me.

"The sky here is prettier than the modern Era. Don't you think so, Kagome?" She said, turning her head as she smiled brightly at me. "Yeah... indeed it is..." I said, smiling back at her. We let out a soft giggle and turned our heads back to stare at the sky once again.

End of Flashback

I feel something streaming down my cheeks. I raise my hand and wipe it. I stare at my hand to see a wet substance, knowing it's my tears.

I choke a sob as I sit down on the ground. I cover my face with my hands as I sob softly. I miss Y/N... and I want her back. I'm sure the others wants so as well... Y/N is our dearest friend. She will always be...

Oh Y/N... where are you?



I felt something on my chest. It's aching slightly. I wince at the feeling and place my hand on my chest. My heart beating at a rapid pace. A feeling I always have when I someone I care is feeling sad. I close my eyes as I focus on the feeling.

I can feel a gust of wind and open my eyes. I'm in an opening. I can hear someone sobbing. I turn my head towards the sound to see Kagome. She's in a crouching position and the crying sound comes from her.

"Y/N... p-please come b-back with us. You're m-my best f-friend... the s-sister I never r-realize I n-need. Come back Y/N-Chan..." she said, sobbing violently. She can't see me as I'm just an image. I clutch my chest where my heart is as I stare at her in sadness.


*to be continued*

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