Chapter 14

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Previously on Chapter 13

Her eyes lands on me as she starts to relax. But she's still breathing heavily. She starts to tear up a little. I pull her into a hug. "Shhh... It is alright, Y/N... It's just a nightmare... It's okay" I cooed into her ear. "No it's not... It's not a nightmare... It's real... It's real... " She choked out. I pull away and looks at her confused. "What do you mean?" I asks. She looks up at me with her teary eyes. "Naraku...

He can reach out to me... He's getting stronger

-Going Back to Feudal Era-


Kagome and Inuyasha both stare at me wide- eyed. While I stare back at them in fear. I stand up and look at them. My whole body started to shake a little out of nervousness. "I have to go back... It's too dangerous for me to be here... I don't want to hurt anyone..." I said, frantically.

Kagome stare at me for a bit. "Kagome... I must go back... I MUST... Who knows what'll happen if I stay here... I could harm anyone... I c-could even hurt your family... I-I don't want that..." I said desperately as tears begin to stream down my cheeks.

Kagome stands up and pulls me into a hug. "I know... You're right... Let's go back... Now calm down..." She said in a very gentle voice to calm me down. I just nod my head.

She pulls away once I'm calm. "Let's get some more rest... We'll go back first thing tomorrow morning..." She said. I just nod my head. She smiles and pat my head.

I move to lay down on the futon on the floor. Kagome walks over to her bed and lay down. "Sleep well, Y/N..." She said. I smile at her. I close my eyes and try to sleep.

Kagome has fallen asleep. I can't sleep. I try tossing and turning to find a more comfortable position, but it didn't work.

"Can't sleep?" I jump at the sudden voice. I turn to look at Inuyasha, who is staring at me in worry. I just nod my head at him. "Relax, Y/N... I won't let anything bad happen to you..." He said. I just stare at him. Then I scoot closer to him. "W-what are y-you doing?" He stutter out, trying to move away from me. But I hold him by the waist. "Please... I need someone to hold me... To make me feel secure..." I plead.

I heard him sigh, then he moves slightly so he can be more comfy. He wraps his arms around my shoulder. He caress my hair "alright... Just for tonight..." He said.

He continue to caress my hair softly. Soon my eyes grew heavier as I let out a soft yawn. I close them and snuggle closer to Inuyasha. I heard Inuyasha said something, then I fall into deep slumber.

"Sleep well, Y/N... I love you..."


Now the 3 of us are standing in the bone eating well. "Are you ready, Y/N?" Kagome asks me. She brought a huge bag with her as usual. I nod my head slowly.

I feel a hand holding mine. I look at the hand, then up towards the person. "Don't worry... I'll protect you..." Inuyasha said. I smile at him as I nod my head. Inuyasha is the first to jump in. Then Kagome. Then lastly... Me.

I close my eyes as I wait. Then I feel the ground underneath my feet. I open my eyes and look up, seeing the sky of the Feudal Era. I'm back...

Then I jump up, startling them in the process. "Oops..." I said. They stare at me wide-eyed. "Um... Helloooo?" I said, waving my hand in front of me.

Shippo is the first to snap out of his shock. He jumps into my arms and I hug him. "You're back, Y/N-Chan!" He cheers. "Yeah... I'm back" I said, patting his back. Then he jumps off to let the others greet me. One by one, they hug me.

The last one to greet me is Miroku. "It's good to see you again, Y/N..." He said, hugging me. But then, I feel something rubbing against my bum.

A tick mark appear on my head as I punch the perverted monk. He drop to the ground with a big lump on his head. I cross my arms across my chest. "I see you're still as perverted as the last time I saw you, Miroku..." I said. "It's not me... It's my hand..." He said, showing me his hands. I just roll my eyes at him. I smile at the others. They smile back at me.

Then suddenly, I saw a tornado advancing at me. I smile at the sight. Then he stops in front of me. "I can sense you from a far so I come by. Welcome back, Y/N..." He Koga said. I smile at him. "It's good to be back..." I said. He pulls me into a hug. I smile and hug him back.

"Hey flee bag... Get your hands of her!" I heard Inuyasha yell out. Koga pulls away from me and turns to him. "Oh hey mutt face... You're still alive I see..." Koga said, ticking off the dog demon. "What. Did. You. Say?" Inuyasha spat each word. Then they stand in front of each other.

I walk forward and place my hand on both of their chest. I push them aside. "There... There.. Don't start a fight now... I just got here... Don't welcome me by fighting..." I said. Koga held my hand "as you wish, my love..." He said in a low tone. I can feel the heat rushing through my cheeks, making them rosy pink.

Then I feel a yank and I'm pulled into a firm chest. "I said hands off..." Inuyasha said. A tick mark appears on my head, I bonk each of their heads. "And I said... No FIGHTING!!" I yell at them. "Yes Ma'am!" They said, saluting at me. I just shake my head at them.

It's so good to be back...

*to be continued*

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