Chapter 9

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Previously on Chapter 8

"This will be your room..." She said. I just nod my head and enter the room without saying a word. "I'm sorry this happen to you..." She said when I walk passed her. I froze after hearing it. I turn around, but she's no where in sight.

-Unexpected Meeting-


It's been... I don't know... Over a month... since the last time I saw everyone. I'd do anything to be able to meet them. I miss them so much.

I just laid in my futon. I don't have any mood to do anything. Since the day I got here.... This is what I do. Just laid in bed... Doing nothing. Honestly... I can't think of anything to do.

"Y/N..." I heard someone call out for me. I turn my head to see Naraku standing in front of me. I sit up and stare at him. "What do you want?" I ask, with a cold tone. He narrows his eyes at me "That's not a way for you to act to your dad, Y/N..." He said. "You're not my dad... You will never be..." I spat. He sighs and walks away. I lay back down once he's out of earshot. I start to cry as endless tears begin to stream down my cheeks. I miss everyone... I'd do anything to be able to see them again.... Anything.

Inuyasha P.O.V

I groan in frustration. No matter how hard I try to track down her scent... I just can't. I let out a light growl as I try to track her. Where ever she is. It's been over a month since she went away.

I know she's not betraying us. I know for sure this isn't her choice. Naraku forced her to be with him. I won't forgive him. I'll get Y/N back. I'll hunt him down and kill Naraku if it's what it takes to get her out of his grasp.

Wait for me, Y/N... I'm coming for you...

Miroku P.O.V

Inuyasha have been stressing himself out. He is restless. He kept trying to locate her scent. I'm really worried for him. I know he's a demon... But that doesn't mean he won't get sick. If this goes on... He'll get sick.

I walk towards him cautiously. In situation like this... Inuyasha gets annoyed easily. So I have to be gentle and try not to alert him.

I keep walking until I'm now standing behind him. "Inuyasha..." I said. He stops sniffing the ground and turn his head to look at me. He let out a growl. "What?" He said, irritation can be heard in his voice.

"Rest for a little while, Inuyasha... You must be tired..." I said. "I'm not stopping... Even for a second... I have to look for her, Miroku! Don't try to stop me or I'll take you as an enemy..." He spats. I flinch at his tone. I've never seen this side of him. Y/N must've meant a lot to him.

But I refuse to let him intimidate me. I stand my ground. I was about to say something, when a hand is placed on my shoulder. I stop and turn my head to see Kagome. She shakes her head, looking at me with a sad gaze. "Don't push him any further, Miroku... It'll only start a fight..." She said. I just stare at her for a bit and sigh, nodding my head slightly. She's right.... If I continue... Inuyasha and I will start fighting. Which is the last thing we need. We need to find Y/N. Only she could calm him down.

Then a tornado come advancing towards us. I sigh 'he came in a wrong time...' I thought to myself. Knowing fully well that things will turn bad.

Inuyasha P.O.V

I caught a scent, but it's not Y/N. I growl as I stand straight. That flee bag... What's he doing here.

He stops right in front of me. "Hey there, mud-face..." He said. "what do you want, flee bag?" I said. He smirks at me. "I was about to give you a good news... But... I think I change my mind" he said, shrugging his shoulder. "What news?" I said. Then he just stare at me with a serious expression. "What? Aren't you gonna tell me?" I said, getting impatient. He turns to me with a smug face.

I found her...



I woke up to the sound of explosion. Well... More like jump up. 'What was that??' I thought to myself.

Then I get up and walk towards the window. I peek out from the gap. My eyes widen in shock. 'Inuyasha...' I thought to myself. Behind him are the others. They all came... For me?

"Seems like you have guests, Y/N..." I turn my head to the source of sound. Naraku is there smirking at me. I just stay silent. "Well? Aren't you gonna greet them?" He said. I turn to look at him. "Go on and greet them..." He said. I just stare at him. "What's the catch? I know very well that you won't just let me..." I said, looking at him suspiciously. "You're very observant, my dear..." He said, chuckling slightly. "So... What is the catch?" I ask again. He smirks and start talking what he wants me to do.

My eyes widened at his order. He smirks at me. "Go on and meet your friends now..." He said. I just stare at him. "Go!" He yelled, I flinch at his tone and run out of he room.

I slow down once I almost reach the door to the outdoor. This will be the first time I'll be out since I got here. I can hear their voice.

"I don't see her anywhere... But I know for sure she's somewhere near by..." I heard Koga said. "I swear if you're just trying to trick me..." It's Inuyasha. I peek out slightly. Koga walks closer to Inuyasha, until they are really close. "What? What are you gonna do, huh?" Koga taunt him.

Inuyasha walks backward and grabs a hold of his sword. Koga also stands in battle stand. I quickly jump out of the house and land in the middle of them.


*to be continued*

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