Chapter 15

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Previously on Chapter 14

Then I feel a yank and I'm pulled into a firm chest. "I said hands off..." Inuyasha said. A tick mark appears on my head, I bonk each of their heads. "And I said... No FIGHTING!!" I yell at them. "Yes Ma'am!" They said, saluting at me. I just shake my head at them.

It's so good to be back...

-We Need A Plan-


Me and the others are at Kaede's hut. "Finally... Ye' decided to return" Lady Kaede said. I smile and nod my head. "Yeah... I'm so happy that I can come back here. I miss this place so much" I said. "And we missed you!" Shippo said as he hops onto my lap.

I giggle and pat his head softly. "I miss you too buddy..." I said. He giggles and lay down on my lap, soon falling asleep.

Kirara walks over to me. She purrs at me. I give her a soft smile and rub her ear. She meowed at me and I laugh. "I miss you too, girl..." I said. She walks over to me and lay down next to me. I continue to pet her. She too, soon fall asleep just like Shippo.

"It's so good to have you back, Y/N..." Sango said. I smile at her and nod my head "yeah... It's so good to be back..." I said. She sends me a close eye-smile.

Then I heard Lady Kaede calling out for me. I turn my head to look at her. I feel a bit nervous when I see the seriousness in her gaze. "Y/N... Why did ye' decide to come back... I thought ye are safer back in the modern era?" She said. I nod my head "I was safe... That was until... He manage to reach out for me..." I said. Her eyes visibly widened. "Then that could only mean one thing..." We stare at her expectantly.

Naraku is getting stronger...


We are continuing our journey to find the rest of the jewel shards. Fighting demons here and there.

We are currently resting, because it's now night time. I sit with my back resting against a tree. I stare at the bonfire which is located in the middle of everyone. Slowly drifting off into a deep thought.

I don't know why... But Naraku hasn't try to do anything. I'm sure he sense that I'm back in the Feudal Era a few weeks back. But still... He did not try to control me and make me hurt my friends. Not that I mind anyway... I'm actually glad he didn't.

"Y/N?" I heard someone calls out. I snap out of my thought and realise the one calling me is Kagome. "Huh?" I question.  "Are you okay? You've been awfully silent ever since we've got here" she said. Everyone else turns their heads to look at me in curiosity. "Um... Yeah... I'm fine..." I said. "Are you sure?" She asks again. "Yeah..." I said.

Then I get up. "Where are you going?" Sango asks. "I'm going for a walk..." I said, turning around and start walking away.

"Y/N! Wait..." I heard someone calls out for me. I stop and turn around to see Inuyasha. I just stay silent as I wait for him to catch up. "Yeah? Is there anything you need?" I said. He shakes his head "no... But I just wanna walk with you..." He said. I just nod my head and turn around to walk.

"Y/N... I know there's something bothering you... What is it?" He said. "There's no-" I try to say, but he cuts off. "Don't lie to me... For all I know... You're someone very talkative... So to have you silent... It's kinda weird to me..." He said, looking at me with a serious expression. I just stare at him.

I let out a sigh. "For someone so dense... You are quite observant..." I said. A tick mark appear on the side of his head. "What's that suppose to mean??" He said, in an angry tone. I giggle "woah woah woah... I'm just kidding... No need to be so serious..." I said. He scoff and looks away from me.

I walk closer to him and lean towards his ear. "Don't be mad... Inuyasha-Kun..." I said in a high-pitched sound, making me sound really girly.

Inuyasha's face instantly turns red. "Wha-wha-what a-a-are you d-doing?" He stammer. This makes me burst out laughing at him. "Hahaha you should see the look on your face... Oh my God! I should've brought a camera with me!!" I said. I clutch my stomach from laughing.

"You're really weird..." He said rolling his eyes. I giggle and stop laughing. Then my grin start to flatter, which left me with a frown. Inuyasha turns to look at me. "What's wrong?" He said. I shake my head and look away.

"I don't know why I came back here..." I said in a hush tone. But he heard it anyway. "What do you mean?" He said. "The only reason I came back here... Is because Naraku manage to reach out for me in the modern Era... But being here, it'll be more risky... But..." I said, and stop for a bit. "But?" He questions, when he realise I stop talking.

"But... He's been silent... I didn't hear his voice inside my head like I always have... And he still hasn't try anything to control me" I said. "Oh... Yeah... So that's why you've been acting awfully silent like that..." He said. I just respond with a slow nod.

I look up at the sky and realise how late it has been. "We need to come back to the camp... It's getting really late..." I said. Inuyasha looks up at the sky and nod his head "yeah... I think you are right... It's later than when we left earlier..." He said. "Let's go..." I said. He nods his head and we start making our way back to the camp.

We can't keep silent like this... We need a plan. Before things get worse

*to be continued*

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