Chapter 24

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Previously on Chapter 23

I make it through a clearing and stop in front of a flower field. I scan around the place and stop when my eyes landed on a figure. It's Y/N... and she appear to be asleep. I walk towards her slowly. But before I can get any closer, someone appear in front of her in protective manner.


-You're Our Friend!-

Inuyasha P.O.V

The others soon catch up with me. "Why won't you wait for us?" Kagome said, running to stand next to me. I don't answer her and just keep staring at the boy in front of me.

"Kohaku..." Sango said. "He's standing in front of Y/N-Chan... is she alright?" Miroku said. "Yeah... she's just asleep..." I said. "Kohaku! Let us take Y/N with us!" Kagome said. She take a step closer to them, but Kohaku raise his sickle.

I quickly grab Kagome's arm. She turns to look at me. "Don't... Kohaku is under Naraku's control. We can't do anything. If we take another step closer. He will start attacking us..." I said. She looks forward to where Kohaku is standing.


I open my eyes, being awaken from my peaceful slumber. I move to sit up and turn my head to the sound. Kohaku is standing in front of me, as he's facing towards a certain direction. I turn my head following his gaze to see Inuyasha and the others.

Inuyasha is the first to notice that I'm awake. "Y/N! Come on! Let's go!" He said. I move to stand up and shake my head. "No..." I said. He looks surprise at what I said.

"No? What do you mean no? Quit joking around and let's go!" He said. "I said no! I am not going!" I said, yelling at him. "Why?" Koga said. "I like it here... this is all I've been searching for..." I said. "What do you mean?" Kagome asked, as she walks forward.

"Naraku is all I need... he's my dad..." I said, with no emotion in my eyes. I can see their eyes widened in shock. "Y/N! Are you hearing yourself?? Naraku is our enemy! You're our friend! Why would you say that?" Inuyasha said. I shake my head. "Don't call my father an enemy! He cares for me!" I yelled. "No! He's trying to manipulate you! Can't you see that?? Snap out of it, would you??" He screamed.

I shake my head. "Shut up... shut up!!! I don't wanna hear anything you have to say!" I screamed, covering my ears. I turn around and quickly run away from there.

Kohaku P.O.V

"Y/N!" Inuyasha screamed. He's about to run after her. But I quickly move in front of him. "Move away Kohaku! We need to get our friend back!" He yelled at me. "No... I'm simply following Master Naraku's order. He don't want you anywhere near Y/N... so if you want to get Y/N... you have to get through me..." I said. I can see him clenching his hands into fists.



It didn't take long for me to reach the castle. I run inside and place my hands on my knees. Naraku walks towards me.

"What's the matter? You look like you've seen a ghost, my dear" He said. I just shake my head and fast walk towards him, wrapping my arms around his torso. He holds me back, caressing my hair softly.

Naraku P.O.V

I can smell that dog's scent on her. Seems like she have come across them earlier. But why does she seem scared of them?

I look down and realize she's fallen asleep. I let out a sigh and pick her up. I walk towards her room and gently lay her down on the futon. I pull the blanket up to her neck.

I can feel my heart softening as I watch her sleep. What is happening to me? I couldn't possibly care for this girl. She's merely just a puppet for me. But why do I feel this way for her?

I shake my head and stand up. I was about to walk out the room, when I hear her talking. "Naraku is my father... don't talk bad about him..." she said. My eyes widened at what she said. Is that what she said when she met them? She really believe that I'm her father.

I shake my head. No... she's just a puppet for me. I will get rid of her once I fulfilled my desire. But... why is my heart aching at the thought that I'm going to do harm on her?

At Night

I open my eyes to see its night time. I move to sit up from the futon. 'How did I even get in here in the first place?' I thought to myself, looking down at the blanket that have fallen off my body.

The door slides open to reveal Naraku. "Y/N..." he said. "Dad..." I said in a low tone. He moves towards me and sit down in front of me. I just stare at him as I wait for him to start talking, since he looks like he wants to say something to me... and I was right. Not long after that he starts to talk.

"Are you going to tell me what happened now?" He said, looking at me with concern. I look down at my lap and begin to tell him what happened earlier in the flower field.

I can feel a hand on top of my head after I finished talking. I look up to see Naraku. "I'm glad that you managed to escape, Y/N... you're safer in here... I suggest that you don't leave the castle anymore..." he said. I nod my head in agreement. "Okay, Dad... I'll stay here with you from now on..." I said, smiling at him. I move towards him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I love you, dad..." I said, in a soft voice. He didn't say anything back, just caress my hair.

*to be continued*

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