Chapter 31

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Previously on Chapter 30

'Mother?' I said. I'm inside your mind... this is how you will always be able to reach out to me when you needed help... she said. 'Wow... cool...' I said. I hear her giggling inside my mind. I can't believe it, I have a mom. All this time I thought I'm one of the dead who got resurrected. But no... I was born. I'm born as a Nyx. This is such a shocking discovery.

-What Did I Get Myself Into?-


I'm sitting on top of a tree, overlooking into the distance. I'm still thinking of what mom told me. She's right... I have to learn how to control it. I take a deep breath and close my eyes.

'Mom?' I said telepathically. Yes, honey? She said. 'I don't know how to transform myself into another form. Can you guide me?' I said. Of course, honey. All you need to do is focus on what demon form you wish to be...' she said. 'That's all? Okay! Thank you, I'll try it now' I said. I open my eyes and jumps down from the tree.

I take a deep breath as I focus. The only demon that came in mine is dog demon. A spell came to mind. I open my eyes.

"Apearictus" I said. My body slowly turn. I can feel myself growing bigger. I walk towards a lake and look at the water. My eyes widened when I see I'm in a wolf form.

"This is so awesome!" I said, happily

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"This is so awesome!" I said, happily. I start jumping around out of happiness. I hear footsteps coming close. I turn towards the voice and let out a growl.

I see a familiar face comes into view. "A demon! Come at me!" He said. I let out a giggle. "Oh, Koga. It's me, Y/N..." I said. I let myself transform back into my human form.

"Y/N?? B-But... you're a dragon demon..." he said. "I thought so too until I found out about something new..." I said. "Something new?" He said. I nod my head. He looks confused. I let out a sigh and start telling him everything.

By the end of it, he looks so shocked. "So... you're a Nyx?" He said. "Yeah... a shapeshifter demon. That means I can take form of any demon" I said. He hums and grin at me.

"You're awesome, Y/N..." he said. He walks closer to me and wrap an arm around my waist, pulling me close to his chest. I blush at the sudden closeness. "Uhh... what are you doing?" I said.

"Nothing... I'm just amazed by you. You're not only beautiful. You're strong too..." he said. I gulp and gently push him away. "Thanks... I guess..." I said. He just grins and gently hold my hand, placing a soft kiss on the back of my hand.

"Are you here alone?" He asked. "Not really. I'm with Sesshomaru, Rin and Jaken. But I went away for a bit to train myself" I said. He looks at me in surprise. "What about that mutt and the others?" He said. I let out a sigh at his comment. "I got into a fight with Kagome. So, I ran away from them" I said, in a sad tone as I take a seat by the lake.

"Why? What happened?" He said, taking a seat next to me. "Kagome asked me to return to the modern era... because we have an exam to attend to. I told her that I refuse to go. I mean... what's the point? I'm going to stay in this era anyway. I'm never going to step a foot in that era anymore because I feel like home in this era more. But Kagome starts ranting and called me stubborn..." I said. Koga just stays silent. I let out a sigh and turn to look at him.

"I know I may be overreacting. But... it's just hurts a lot. Especially when Kagome should've understand me better. After all, she lived in that era. She should know better how hard it's been for me to fit in, since I'm a demon. Now I found out that I'm not a normal demon, but a Nyx. It's going to be impossible for me to stay in that era..." I said. Koga just smiles as he wraps an arm around my shoulder.

"I'm sure she didn't mean what she said, Y/N..." he said. "What makes you so sure?" I asked. "I know her. I was in love with her. Sometimes she would say something bad about someone. But deep down... she didn't mean a word she said. Unless it's directed to someone she hates, and I know for a fact that she didn't hate you..." he said. I just let out a sigh and look away from him. I lean my head on his shoulder.

"Wait... you said you were in love with Kagome?" I asked, after a few moment of silence. I remove my head from his shoulder and turn to look at him. He rubs his head. "Well yeah... a while ago. I used to be in love with her" he said.

"Why? What happened? Did you found someone else?" I said. "Um... yeah..." he said, nodding his head. His cheeks turns red as he looks away from me.

"Really? Who? Do I know her?" I asked. His blush turns deeper. He clears his throat and turn to look at me. "Did you forget or something?" He asked. "Uh... forget about what?" I asked. "Hmm... perhaps I have to remind you..." he said. "Remind me?" I said. He nods his head, while smiling at me.

He gently cup the side of my cheek. He gently pulls me closer and place a tender kiss on my lips. My eyes widened in shock. I froze on my spot as Koga pulls away from me.

"I've kissed you before, remember? You're the girl I'm in love with now, Y/N..." he said. "I... uhh... um" I stuttered out. My cheeks turns a darker shade of red because of what happened.

He let out a chuckle and ruffles my hair. "You don't have to answer me now, Y/N. I'll wait patiently..." he said. I just nod my head at his words. I turn to look forward, not knowing what else to say. Koga loves me?

My mind drift back to a couple of months back. Inuyasha kissed me as well. But I don't know how he feels about me. What if he loves me too? Oh Gosh... what did I get myself into??

*to be continued*

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