Chapter 29

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Previously on Chapter 28

He pulls away from me, with his hands on both of my shoulders. "You're under Naraku's control. So I don't blame you. At least you're back now" he said, smiling at me. I smile at him and he pulls me closer in another embrace. I close my eyes, letting myself melt into his embrace.

It's so good to be back...



We are continuing our journey to retrieve the jewel shards. I'm walking with my arms crossed, Inuyasha is walking next to me. I'm still not fit enough to turn into a dragon to fly like I always do. That's why we all chose to walk on foot.

"I'm sorry, guys..." I said. They all turn to look at me. "Why are you apologizing?" Inuyasha said. "Well. For one... I ran away from you guys. Two, I didn't trust you when you warned me that I was just being manipulated by Naraku... and lastly, we all had to walk because I'm not fit enough to fly. Kirara would have difficulties if she have to carry a lot of us. Now we are slowing down because of me. So for that... I'm sorry. I'm sorry..." I said. I stop walking as I keep my head low.

"Ouch! What was that for??" I yelped. Inuyasha have hit me on my head. I turn to him and glare. "You're being silly. That's why! You don't have to apologize, Y/N. You're our friend. It's our job to bring you back to the right track" he said. I let out a sigh and smile at him. He smiles back and wraps an arm around my shoulder. I hear a gasp and turn my head to look at Kagome. I raise an eyebrow as she starts to look panicked.

"What's up with you?" I asked. "I almost forgot!! We have an exam coming up! Y/N! We have to go back to the modern era" she said. I let out a laugh at what she said.

"Okay, first of all. I have no idea how you manage to remember the schedule. Second, I'm not going with you" I said, crossing my arms across my chest. She looks at me in shock.

"What do you mean you're not going? This exam is important for our future!" She said. I scoffed at what she said. "You mean YOUR future, Kagome. If you wanna go and follow the exam so bad. You can go on by yourself! I'm staying in the Feudal Era anyway" I said.

"But you belonged to the modern Era, Y/N! You grew up there! Not here! How can you be so stubborn?" She said, looking at me angrily. The last sentence she said brought a sharp pain inside my heart.

"Kagome... I think that's enough" Miroku said. I lift my hand to stop him from talking. I turn to look at Kagome with hurt in my eyes.

"I DO NOT belong there, Kagome! I was born here! I'm a demon! I'm not a human! People like me, will never belong in the modern era! No one accepts me for who I am. No... they all sees me as a monster! They're all scared of me! I hate the look they all give me! But you! You're the reincarnation of a priestess, Kagome. Everything works out perfectly for you in the Modern Era. That is YOUR home! Not mine! I can't believe you even say that!" I said. I glare at her as tears streams down my cheeks.

Kagome's face turns into guilt. "Y/N..." she said. I just shake my head, letting her know I don't want to talk to her right now. "I can't stand to look at you... I'm leaving..." I said.

"Y/N..." Inuyasha said, as he tries to walk towards me. I turn to glare at him. My eyes turns into slits.

"Don't try to stop me" I said, glaring at him

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"Don't try to stop me" I said, glaring at him. He stop in his track. He looks at me wide-eyed.

I turn to look at Kagome one last time, my eyes turning normal as more tears streams down my cheeks. I shake my head in disbelief as I stare at her. I turn around and let myself turn into a dragon even though my body still felt weak. I start to fly away. I don't wanna be around Kagome right now.

Inuyasha P.O.V

I clench my hands into a tight fists as I watch Y/N fly away. I turn to look at Kagome and glare at her. She turns to look at me with guilt in her eyes.

"Really, Kagome? REALLY?! You, Kagome. You, of all people should know better how hard it's been for Y/N to fit in! You can see how genuinely happy she is ever since she joined us here! But you just HAVE to say that, didn't you? We just got Y/N back. But you drove her away again!" I said, glaring angrily at her. She looks down in guilt.

I just got Y/N back. I don't want to lose her again. I have been in so much pain when Y/N is not with me. But because of Kagome, she left again.

Y/N... come back



I land by the lake. I turn myself back into my human form. I let out a cough and fall on my knees. I move to lay on my back as I stare at the sky. My body still feels so weak after the torture from Naraku.

I hear footsteps coming closer. I quickly jump to my feet despite feeling weak. If it's Naraku again, I have to fight back. I refuse to let him brain-wash me. Not anymore.

I see white hair coming into view. At first I thought it was Inuyasha. But soon realize it's his brother. I let out a sigh of relief and let my guard down.

"Oh... Sesshomaru. It's just you..." I said. "You have been crying" he said. I lift my hands and wipe away the tears. Rin runs towards me and wraps her arms around my torso. I smile and kneel down in front of her to return her hug.

"I miss you, Nee-San..." she said. "I miss you too" I said, running my hand through her hair gently. She tighten her arms around me and pull away not long after. She frowns as she looks at me. She lift her tiny hands and wipe the remaining tears.

"What happened?" She said. "It was nothing, dear. Don't worry..." I said. "It's not nothing if you cry because of it" she said, looking at me worriedly. I smile and ruffle her hair.

"I just have a little argument with my friend. Don't worry" I said. "Which one of your friend?" She said. I let out a sigh. "Kagome..." I said. "I see. I'm guessing you won't be going back to them?" She said. "I guess so..." I said. "Then you'll be coming with us, right??" She said, grinning happily. "Of course..." I said. She cheers happily. I smile at her and move to stand up.

My body starts to sway a little, because I still feel so weak... and because I forced myself to use my power to transform myself into my dragon form. I close my eyes as I fall, waiting for an impact. But instead I feel a pair of arms around me.

I open my eyes to stare into a pair of golden ones. I quickly realize Sesshomaru have caught me before I fall. I can see a hint of worry in his eyes as he held me by my waist, preventing me from falling.

"Thank you, Sesshomaru..." I said. He helps me to stand straight. He slowly removes his arms from me, but he didn't pull away too far. As if he's making sure I can stand up steadily.

He just give me a small smile and turn around. He starts walking without another word. Rin stands next to me and smile. She gently holds my hand. I smile at her and starts to walk, quietly following Sesshomaru. Looks like I'll be spending some time with these group in the meantime. I really can't be around Kagome for a while. What she said earlier really hurts me.

How could you say that, Kagome?

*to be continued*

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