Chapter 16

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Previously on Chapter 15

I look up at the sky and realise how late it has been. "We need to come back to the camp... It's getting really late..." I said. Inuyasha looks up at the sky and nod his head "yeah... I think you are right... It's later than when we left earlier..." He said. "Let's go..." I said. He nods his head and we start making our way back to the camp.

We can't keep silent like this... We need a plan. Before things get worse

-Unexpected Visitor-


We are currently taking a break under a giant tree. I lean my back against the tree trunk with my eyes close. A soft breeze flowing past me, it makes the atmosphere more peaceful for me.

Then I open my eyes "I wish I bring my guitar with me..." I said, feeling a bit disappointed for not bringing it with me. "Guitar? What's that?" I heard Shippo asks. I turn to look at him. "Um, it's a musical instrument... Kinda like... Uh..." I struggle to explain what guitar is. Shippo looks at me with confusion.

"Oh! Kinda like a harp. But instead of playing it like this..." I said, gesturing how people usually plays a harp. "We play it like this..." Then to a position how people usually plays guitar. "The two of these instrument are made of wood. But they sound completely different..." I said. They just nod in understanding. Though I can tell that they are still quite confuse. "Sorry for the bad explanation... I'm bad at explaining things" I said, scratching my head in embarrassment.

Then an idea popped up in my mind. I grab a stick close to me and begin scribbling on the ground, trying to draw a guitar as best I could.

Once it's done, I grin. "There... That's how a guitar looks like..." I said, pointing at the sketch on the ground with the stick. They all gather around and stare at the drawing on the ground.

"Oooo..." They all say in unison. They all seem to be pretty amaze. "Hmm... Maybe I could make it..." I said, in thought. Then I sweat drop "but then... It's going to take a while..." I said.

"We'll help!" Miroku said. "Yeah... We kinda want to hear what the instrument sounds like" Sango joins in. "Okay!!" I said, happily. Then I stand up "I'll go gather some materials for it..." I said.

"I'll help you" Koga said, from behind me. This makes me jump and turn around. "How long have you been around here??" I said. "I just got here..." He said. Then he walks towards me. He held both of my hands. "Hello, Darling... I will help you make a geter..." I said. "It's guitar and thanks. How nice of you..." I said, grinning at him.

I can hear a growl near by, so I turn around to see Inuyasha. He looks at Koga with a scowl on his face. "Hey flee bag... Let her hands go!" He said. "Oh hey Muttface..." Koga said in a bored tone as he pulls me closer to him.

I sigh and pulls away from Koga. I look at him, then at Inuyasha. I glare at them. "Must you two fight all the time?" I yell at both of them. "Sorry Ma'am..." They said in unison. "Sheesh, try to get along for once will you? You both've the same goal, which is to kill Naraku... Can't you work together?" I said to them.

"Ha! As if... Work together with him? Don't make me laugh! I can kill Naraku with both of my hands!" Koga said. "Who said I need you, huh?" Inuyasha said. A tick mark appear on my forehead.

Where I Truly Belong (Inuyasha X Reader X Koga X Sesshomaru) Where stories live. Discover now