Chapter 19

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Previously on Chapter 18

So that's why she said she couldn't just leave. That little girl has grown attach to her. Hm... what should I do... I can't just force her to come with me. I can't hurt the little girl.

What should I do?

-What About Us?-


Inuyasha decided to stay with me for a bit, before he needs to go back with the others. I don't mind him being here... but one thing is bothering me... is the fact that Inuyasha and Sesshomaru is glaring at each other as we walk.

I let out a frustrated sigh from their behavior. I stop walking and turn to them. "Would you stop that?" I said. "Stop what?" Inuyasha asks, trying to sound oblivious. "What do you think? You two... glaring at each other... it's starting to annoy me... I said" I said, in frustrated tone.

"Say that to him..." Inuyasha said, pointing at his brother. "I'm saying it to BOTH of you... you two are no different... try to get along for a bit would ya?" I said, crossing my arms across my chest. "Never/No way" they say simultaneously. I just let out a huff and walk forward. Rin runs forward and held my hand.

"They are always like that, Nee-San..." she said. "I know, sweetie... those two are always on each other's neck..." I said. She nods his head. Then we continue to walk, leaving the two guys behind me.

Inuyasha P.O.V

I glare at Sesshomaru. "It's your fault she's mad at us..." I said. "She said herself... you are no different" he said, in his usual cold tone. I roll my eyes and run forward, trying to catch up with Y/N.

I grab her wrist and make her turns to me. She looks at me with a bored gaze. "What?" She asks. "Look... I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to make you feel a bit uncomfortable..." I said. She scoff "a bit? Seriously? I can literally feel your glare to one another and you said a little uncomfortable??" She said. "Okay okay! I'm sorry..." I said.


Seeing the desperation in his eyes. I let out a soft sigh then nod my head. "Alright... but do that again... I'm leaving all of you..." I said. "Even me?" Rin said. I look down at her "of course not you, sweetie... I've made a promise that I'll always be with you, right?" I said. She grins at me and hugs me tightly. "I love you Sis!!" She said. I giggle and hugs her back. "I love you too, Rin..." I said. Then we start walking again.

It was now night time. We set out a camp. I held Rin close to me, as I wait for her to fall asleep. I hear a soft snore and looks down. I smile at the sight of a sleeping Rin. I place a soft kiss on her forehead, then slowly get up... trying my best to not wake her up.

Then I walk out of the tent that I've packed with me. I walk towards the river and take a seat on the grass. I hug my knees close to my chest. I just sit there as I watch the twinkling light on the surface of the water.

Then I feel someone take a seat next to me. I turn my head to see Inuyasha. "Hey..." I said, then turn my head back to the water. I've always love to watch the water. The slow ripple calms me down. I always do this kind of things back in the modern Japan.

"Hey..." he replies. Then we are engulfs in silent. It's not one of those awkward silent. It's actually pretty peaceful.

The silence would've been longer, If Inuyasha didn't decide to break it. "So..." he starts. I turn to him as I wait for him to continue. He turns to me "how much longer are you going to stay with them, Y/N? When are you going to come back with us?" He asks. I stare at him for a while before looking away. I let out a soft sigh. "Honestly... I don't know..." I said. "So you're going to stay here with them... forever??" He asks. "Inuyasha... I can't just leave... Rin is going to be upset... she needs me..." I said, not looking at him.

"She's not the only one who needs you, Y/N... we need you... I need you" he said, emphasizing the "I" to make his point. "I'm sorry... I can't leave just yet. I don't want Rin to be upset..." I said.

"Then what about us?? What about ME? I miss you, Y/N... I miss traveling with you... fighting with you... arguing with you... do you even consider us? You're with us first to begin with... now you're just going to abandoned us..." he argues. "Inuyasha... please... d-don't start this... Rin never have someone to actually cares for her... SHE needs me! Can't you at least... try to understand my position? I miss you guys... I miss Kagome, Miroku, Sango, Shippo, Kirara... and I miss you! But I can't leave Rin..." I said. I get up and was about to walk away. But a hand stops mine even before I could take another step.

I got turned around with a strong force, and I slam into a firm chest. Inuyasha wraps his arms around my waist, burying his face on the crook of my neck. "Come back with us, Y/N... please..." he whispers. I let out a sigh and try to pull away, but he just tighten his grip.

"Inuyasha..." I said softly. "Please?" He begs. I never seen this side of him before, so I was surprise to hear his pleads. Did he miss me that much?

He pulls away "come back with us for a while... I'm not going to stop you from seeing Rin... I can see that she's like a sister to you... but can't you spend some time with us too?" He said. "I'll think about it, Kay?" I said. He stares at me for a while, then slowly releases me. I bit my lips at the sad looks on his face. I lean forward and place a soft kiss on his cheek. He looks at me surprise. I smile at him. "Alright... I'll go with you for a while... okay?" I said.

He grins and pulls me into a tight hug. He pulls away slightly only to pull me into a kiss. I let out a surprise squeak, from the sudden move. I close my eyes and kiss him back. I can feel my heart beating fast.

What is this feeling... am I falling for him? But... I thought I liked Sesshomaru... but I feel that way to Koga as well... gosh... what's going on!! Could it be possible to fall for 3 guys at once?!

What the heck is happening to me?!!

*to be continued*

A/N: here it is! I'm so sorry for taking so long to update this book. I'm having a writer block for this one. Sheesh... I feel so bad. I made you all wait for so long... I'll try my best to update this book more often...

Please forgive me!!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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