Chapter 21

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Previously on Chapter 20

"The beach is that way..." I said, while pointing to the direction I saw the beach. "Well then... what are we waiting for?? Let's go!!" Kagome said, and begin pulling me. "W-woah! Slow down!!" I said, as I got pulled by her. I know I know... how can a demon got pulled by a human. Well... this girl sure is something... but whatever... now that I'm back with them...

Might as well enjoy myself...

-You're Coming With Me-


We keep running until we reach the beach. I run forward until my feet is inside the water, up to my ankle. I outstretch my hands.

"Ahh~ the weather is SO nice! Feudal Japan is so muuuuch better than modern Japan. No homework! No school... I'm free!!!!" I yell out happily. I run forward and jump inside the water. I swim until I almost reach the coral, then swim upwards with a super speed which makes me jumps across the water like a dolphin.

The water splashes the others, making them soaking wet. They stare at me with a baffled expression. I just laugh.

I squeal when someone suddenly picks me up. Then I got thrown back inside the water. I resurface and cough, because I didn't get the chance to breathe. I look up to see Inuyasha, laughing his head off.

I glare at him. "Don't do that! You scared the living day lights out of me!" I scream at him. He just smirk at me and stuck his tongue out. I groan in annoyance and just control the water, causing it to wash over him. He squeaks in shock. I laugh at him "who's laughing now?" I said, still laughing. He looks at me with an angry look. "Ah well... gotta blast!" I said, turning around and run towards the surface. I keep running and hide behind Kagome.

"Kagome~ help me~ Inuyasha is bullying me..." I said, faking a cry. Inuyasha stop dead in his track, when Kagome stare at him with a dead glare. He gulps and raise his hands in defensive manner. "I... K-Kagome... I..." he stutter out. "Inuyasha... Sit boy!" Kagome said, causing Inuyasha to land face first on the ground.

I move from behind Kagome. "Bleehhhh😜😜😜" I said, sticking my tongue out at him. "Why you-" he starts. "Sit boy!" Kagome said again. I stop to the ground and rolling around in laughter. Inuyasha looks at me with a tick mark on his forehead. I stand up and cup his cheeks.

"Awweee~ is wittle Inuyasha maaddd~ I'm sowwy" I said, in a baby voice as I squeeze his cheeks together. His cheeks turns deep red, making me laugh even more. "Can you stop teasing me now?" He said. I place my finger in my chin. "Let me think... nope!" I said, in a sing sang tone.

"Your flustered expression is amusing to watch..." I said, cheerfully. "You're lucky I love you..." he said, under his breath. But thanks to my super hearing. I can still hear him. "You know I can still here you... right?" I said, raising an eye-brow at him. He stare at me and smirks, then he leans his face really close to mine.

"So what? You already know that... and we've kissed before... remember?" He said. "Uhh..." I let out, but I can't get the word out of my mouth. "Ah... you don't remember... okay... I'll just remind you..." he said. I hold my breath as he leans even closer to my face.

As our lips about to touch. I can hear a sinister laugh from somewhere close by. I step away from Inuyasha which cause him to fall forward. "Oops... sorry..." I said. Then I look around, ignoring the look Inuyasha is giving me.

"Why did you-" I cut him off, by placing my index finger on his lips to shut him. "Shush... did you hear that?" I said. "What?" He said. Another sound of laughter can be heard, it sounded like from behind a tree.

I turn to the tree and points my finger at it. "Come out! I know you're here!" I said. Then a figure appear from behind the tree. I glare at the person as soon as I know who it is.

"Naraku..." I said. Even when he's wearing his baboon like hoodie, I can still sense the smirk on his lips. "My my... you're as sharp as ever, daughter..." he said. I glare at him. "I'm NOT your daughter..." I spat. "Ouch... you're hurting daddy's feelings..." he said, placing a hand on his chest. I cringe and he address himself as "daddy."

"What do you want, anyway?" I said. "I want you to come with me, Y/N..." he said. Inuyasha moves to stand in front of me. "Like hell she will..." he said. "She will come with me... whether she likes it or not" Naraku said. He points his finger at me, and in an instant I feel a weird energy flowing inside me. Then a sudden pain surge through me. I fall on my knees, clutching onto my head.

Inuyasha P.O.V

I kneel down in front of Y/N as she starts to scream in pain. "Y/N!!" I yell out. Then she stops screaming and looks down.

"Y/N?" I call out. She didn't answer, I look into her eyes to see her eyes are cloudy. She stands up and walks past me. She's walking towards Naraku.

"Yes, my dear... come..." he said. "Dad..." she said, in a hush tone. I run up and stands in front of her. I place my hands on her shoulders. "Y/N! Snap out of it!" I said, shaking her. She raise her hand and place it on my chest. I feel something like a force, then I got thrown away. My back slam into a tree. I blink a couple of times, my sight is getting blurry.

The last thing is see, is Y/N standing in front of Naraku. He place a hand on her forehead and her body went limp, Naraku caught her in his arms. Then everything turns black.

*to be continued*

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