Chapter 12

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Previously on Chapter 11

I climb up the well, in the familiar place. I sit and the railing of the well as I stare down. I climb out of it as I continue to stare at the black void inside the well.

Goodbye for now everyone... I'll wait until the day I get to return to all of you

-I Wanna Go Back-


Kagome would come back once in a while from the Feudal Japan to check on me. I miss that era so much. I'd do anything to be able to go back there. But Kagome kept on telling me to be patient and to stay in this modern era. For how long? I would ask... And she would say "At least... Until we are able to defeat Naraku..." Was all she said, each time she was about to return to the Feudal Era.

Kagome's family allowed me to stay in the Shrine. They are all pretty welcoming. I get close to Kagome's younger Brother. It's like, he's the Brother I never have. They are like the family I longed to have. I'm so glad that I get to know someone as amazing as them.

"I'm home!!" I heard someone yell out. I jump from Kagome's bed that she allowed me to stay in ever since I got here. I run down the stairs and into the living room.

A big smile appear on my face when I see her. I run towards her with an open arms. "Kagome!" I cheer happily, as I pull her into a hug. She stumbles a little from the sudden impact, but I manage to balance her so she wouldn't fall down and hurt herself.

I pull away and grin widely at her. "Welcome back, Kagome..." I said in a soft tone. She smiles "it's good to be back..." She said. Then we walk back upstairs to her room.

I sit criss cross on the floor as Kagome sat on her bed. "How is everyone?" I asks. "They're good.... They misses you so much, Y/N-Chan" she said. I look down and nod my head. "Yeah, I miss them too..." I said.

I look up at her with tears in my eyes. "I really wish I could return there..." I said. Kagome frowns at this and stand up. She kneels in front of me and pulls me into a hug. "I know, Y/N... I know... They wishes you can come back too... But you need to be patient... This is for your own good... We can't have you losing control again..." She said. "You're right... I don't want to hurt any of you..." I said, in a hush tone. She pulls away and wipe the tears in my eyes. "Be patient... You'll be able to come back before you know it..." She said. I nod my head.

She let out a yawn. I smile at her. "You should rest... You must be tired..." I said. She nods her head and get up. I follow her in suit. She lay down on her bed. I drape the blanket onto her body. I kneel down next to her bed and caress her head softly.

Sweet dream... Kagome-Chan


It was night time. I walk into her room with a tray of food. I place it on the study desk and turn to look at Kagome.

I walk over to her and lightly shake her awake. Her eyes flutter open. I smile at her. "Time for dinner..." I said. She rub her eyes and get up. I move back so she could stand up.

She walks over to her desk and sit down. She take a first bite and hum. "I miss home cooked meal..." She said, closing her eyes as if to enjoy the flavour. Then she starts eating more. I just smile and take a sit on her bed. Then I start to drift into a deep thought.

A sound of tapping on the window snap me out of my thought. I turn my head to see Inuyasha. I stand up and open the window. "Can't you use the door??" I said. "Shut up..." He said. Then he enters the room and pulls me into a hug. "I missed you..." He said. I giggle and hug him back.

"Hey, Inuyasha..." Kagome said. Although she have a smile on her face. I can easily see what's on her mind. She's hurt to see that Inuyasha is holding me instead of her.

Seeing this, I pull away from Inuyasha. "Greet her too..." I said, sternly. Inuyasha turns to look at Kagome and smiles. "Hello, Kagome..." He said as he pulls her into a hug too. She hugs her back, while I reposition myself on the bed.

We sit in circle after Kagome finishes eating her meal. "So... How are you?" I asks Inuyasha. "I've been okay... But I missed you..." He said. I nod my head "yeah... I know. Kagome told me" I said. He just nods his head in respond.

We talk for a bit until it's getting really late. "I should probably head back... I just came here to check on you two" Inuyasha said, getting up. "Okay... Be careful in the Feudal Japan..." I said. "Tch... I'm a demon not a human like you" he said. I raise an eye-brow at him. "Excuse me?" I said. He face-palmed. "Oh right... I forgot that you're a demon as well..." He said, seemingly flustered. I giggle at him, which in results... Makes him blush even more. "Stop laughing..." He grumbles, crossing his arms as he looks anywhere but me. "Alright... Alright..." I said, covering my mouth.

After a while, I finally calm down. "I'll walk you to the well..." I said, getting up. He smiles at me. Then we walk to the well together.

"See you soon..." Inuyasha said, as we stand in front of the well. I nod my head. "Yeah... See you... Tell the others I miss them..." I said. He nods his head "alright..." He said. He hugs me once more, then turn towards the well. He turn to me once more with a smile. I smile and wave at him. Then he jumps down, returning to the Feudal era. I frown after Inuyasha left.

"I wanna go back..."

*to be continued*

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