Chapter 5

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Previously on Chapter 4

I keep glaring at Koga as he held onto Y/N. He feels my glare and looks at me with a smirk. My eye twitch slightly. Did he just... Mock me?

Just you wait, Koga! I'll make Y/N fall for me! Just you wait...



It's been months we travel in feudal era. We've been fighting demons and collecting the jewel shards. It's exhausting... True. But at least I'm able to use my ability without worry of getting judge.

We're currently fighting a horde of demons. I use my sword that I fuse with my aura to make it more powerful.

I slash the demon that comes my way. I turn to check on Kagome incase she needs any help. I saw a demon creeping up behind her. I run to her "Kagome! Duck!" I scream. She turn and saw the demon advancing at her and duck. I manage to reach her in time, thanks to my fast speed. When I reach her, I jump and slash the demon in half.

I cut the last few demons. I made sure there is no more demon, then turn to look at her. "Are you okay, Kagome?" I ask. She nods her head. "I'm okay... Thank you..." She said. I let out a breath of relief. I sit on the ground, feeling a bit tired.

The rest join and sit around me. "Kagome keep on being the main target..." I said, after sitting in silent for a while. "Yeah... She's the one with the sacred jewel shards... It only makes sense" Miroku said.

"That means... The next battle, I'd have to stay near her at all caused... So I can protect her" I said. "You really cared for her, huh?" Inuyasha said. "Don't say it like that! You make it sound weird!!" I yell, bonking him in the head. He let out a yelp and place his hand on his head. "W-what did you d-do that for?!" He said. I just let out a huff and ignore him.

I turn to look at Kagome, who's been silent all this time. She's holding something in her hand. I look over her shoulder to see she's holding a sea shell. "That's beautiful... Where did you get it?" I ask. She jumps at this. I just giggle at her "sorry... Didn't mean to scare ya..." I said. She just smile at me.

Then she looks down at the shell again. "Yeah... It's okay, and I found it during our journey at the beach..." She said. "I see... If you want... I could turn it into a necklace for you..." I said. Her eyes lit up at my word. "Really? You can do that??" She said. "Yeah... Of course. So do you want to?" I said. She hands the shell to me with a bright smile on her face. "Yes please!! I'd love to have it as a necklace" She said. I smile and take it from her.

I grab my backpack and take out some tool. I always bring it with me all the time. Then I start to work on it.

After a while of making it. I'm finally done. I smile happily, satisfied at the outcome. "It's done!" I said, showing it to Kagome. Her eyes sparkle "it's so beautiful! You're so talented" she said, in amazement.

"Let me give it a final touch

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"Let me give it a final touch..." I said as I place it in my palm and close my eyes. A soft f/c (fav colour) appear. Then I open my eyes and look at Kagome. "Turn around... Let me put this on you..." I said. She did as I told and turn around. I strap it around her neck.

"There... All done!" I said. She smiles happily as she takes out a mirror from her back. Then she looks at her reflection. She looks up at me. "Thank you so much! I love it... Though what did you do to it earlier?" She said. "Oh... I fuse it with a bit of my ability... So next time there's an attack... This necklace would protect you..." I said. "Really?" She said, looking surprise. I grin at her "Yupp!" I said, happily. She pulls me into a hug. I squeak in surprise, then I hug her back.

"You're the first ever person who accept me for who I am... You're important to me, Kagome. I will do anything to keep you safe, you're my precious friend..." I said, still hugging her. She tighten her hug. "I'm so happy to have you as my best-friend" she said. "Yeah... But you're hugging me too tight..." I gasped out. She pulls away quickly. "Sorry..." She said. I smile at her "it's alright..." I said, after my breathing evened out.

Inuyasha P.O.V

She's so kind and caring. Even though all the people around her treats her badly... From the story she told us about her past... I can tell how much suffering she's been through, but she is still friendly. She even go through so much, to make a protection charm for Kagome... So she could be protected and safe from harm. This makes me fall deeper for her.


I can feel someone is staring at me. I turn my head to see Inuyasha, who looks away instantly when he realise I was looking back at him. I see a tint of pink on his cheeks. I raise an eye-brow at him and open my mouth. I was about to say something, But a loud boom cuts me off.

I stand up and stood in a battle position. I look around the place for any sign of the attacker. "I don't see anyone... But someone is out there for sure... I can sense it, there is something around us. But it seems to be from all direction" I said, as I continue to look around.

Then a guy materialise in front of us. He's wearing a baboon clothing, which covers most of his face. "Who is he?" I say to myself. But the others heard me. "That is Naraku... Our worse enemy. We are suppose to get the jewel shards from him..." Inuyasha said. I pull out my sword and get ready for battle.

"Who are you, girl... I haven't seen you around" Naraku said. Even though his face is covered, I can tell that he's looking at me. I didn't answer, but I glare at him.

"That's none of your business!" I spat. "You're a full-fledge demon..." He said. "That was not my choice! I was curse when I was a baby..." I said, clenching my sword.


*to be continued*

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