Chapter 13

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Previously on Chapter 12

"See you soon..." Inuyasha said, as we stand in front of the well. I nod my head. "Yeah... See you... Tell the others I miss them..." I said. He nods his head "alright..." He said. He hugs me once more, then turn towards the well. He turn to me once more with a smile. I smile and wave at him. Then he jumps down, returning to the Feudal era. I frown after Inuyasha left.

"I wanna go back..."

-Acting Up-


I'm helping Kagome's Mom to make some meal. Kagome always inform me, when's the next time she'll come home. Which is today, so we're preparing some meal for her. She must be hungry after all that journey.

"I'm home!!" There she is. I wash my hands and went to greet her. I pull her into a tight hug. "Welcome back, Kagome..." I said. She hugs me back just as tight. She nods her head. "Yeah... It's good to be back..." She said. "Go and get change to your comfortable clothes... Your meal are almost ready" I said.

She nods her head and pull away completely. "Okay..." She said. I smile softly at her. She smiles back and turn around, walking towards her room.

Kagome returns to the dining room with her pyjamas. I smile at her and hand her a bowl of rice. "Here... eat up... You must be hungry from all your journey..." I said. She grabs it with a thankful smile. "Hungry is an understatement. I'm starving!!" She said. I giggle as she starts to stuff his mouth. She starts coughing from the amount of food she stuffed inside her mouth. I pat her her back softly. "Slow down Kagome..." I said, handing her a glass of water. She laughs nervously "sorry... I just missed home cooked so much..." She said, making me laugh at her.

I take a seat across from Kagome and start to eat my portion. "So... How long are you going to stay this time?" I question. "Just for today... You know Inuyasha... He won't let me stay for long... He would probably come to get me tomorrow" She said. I just hum in respond and continue to eat. She's right... Inuyasha never let her stay in the modern Japan for too long. He'll come and pick her up.

Speaking of the boy. He came sliding the door open. I look up at him and smile. "Hey..." I said.

"Hi..." He said. Then he turn to Kagome. "Who said you can return?" He said. "Oh come on... You need to let her have a break Inuyasha... It is not easy for her to be in that era... She must be very tired..." I said. "Tch.." Was all he said, before taking a seat on the floor and start to play with Kagome's cat.

I heard the sound of disapproval coming from the cat. I look up to see Inuyasha holding the cat by the hands. "Inuyasha! What on earth are you doing! Don't hold the cat like that!!" I said. "What? I'm just playing... Relax would ya'?" He said. In the end, Inuyasha got scratch by the cat. "Ouch!" He said. "Told you..." I said, as I let out a sigh. But Inuyasha just ignore me and continue to play with the cat. I just shake my head at him.

Night Time

Inuyasha stays with us for the night. I just sit on the floor in Kagome's room, with Inuyasha next to me.

"How's everyone doing?" I ask in a hush tone, since Kagome has fallen asleep. "They're good" he said. I sigh and hug my knees closer. "I miss them..." I said. I feel a hand on my head and look up. "Be patient Y/N... You'll be able to return soon enough..." He said. "How soon is soon enough?" I asks. He sighs and shakes his head "I don't know..." He said. I just sigh and close my eyes, leaning my head on Inuyasha's shoulder. He tense a little, before relaxing. "I want to go back so bad..." Was the last thing I said, as I drift off to sleep.

I woke up by the sound of laughter. I open my eyes and look around. But there's no one there. "Who's there??" I said. "Dear Y/N... You think you can escape me? How foolish..." Someone said. My eyes widened at the sound.

"Naraku..." I said. Then from the shadow he materialised. "How did you get here??" I said. He smirks "I have my ways, Y/N..." He said. I shake my head "no.. This is just an illusion... You're not really here!" I said. "True... But I'm inside your mind..." He said. I clutch my head "get out of my head!!" I scream.

Inuyasha P.O.V

My eyes snap open when Y/N suddenly starts screaming. She's clutching her head as she screams.

I hurriedly to her side and pull her closer. "Y/N!" I said, shaking her. Her eyes are still close. She keeps on screaming. "Hey... Wake up!" I said.

"What's going on?" Kagome said. I look up at her and shake my head. "I don't know! She's already acting like this when I woke up" I said. She get up and walks over to us. She cups Y/N's cheeks. "Hey, Y/N-Chan! Wake up!" She said.

I raise my hand. "Forgive me, Y/N..." I said. Then I slap her in the face. Her eyes snaps open. She sits up straight and looks around the room.

Her eyes lands on me as she starts to relax. But she's still breathing heavily. She starts to tear up a little. I pull her into a hug. "Shhh... It is alright, Y/N... It's just a nightmare... It's okay" I cooed into her ear. "No it's not... It's not a nightmare... It's real... It's real... " She choked out. I pull away and looks at her confused. "What do you mean?" I asks. She looks up at me with her teary eyes. "Naraku...

He can reach out to me... He's getting stronger

*to be continued*

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