Chapter 35

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Previously on Chapter 34

I can't believe this... after all these time, I thought that I'm related to a manipulative, and cruel demon. I really thought that Naraku was my father. But turns out, it was all just his dirty trick. My real dad is right here in front of me.

-True Power-


"Hang on... you're Y/N's father??" Inuyasha's voice said. I pull away from the hug and turn to look at him. "But... s-she's..." he stuttered, pointing at me. I let out a giggle at him.

"I've recovered my memories, Inuyasha... he is my real father" I said. I turn to look at my dad. He smiles softly at me and gently runs his hand through my hair. I just smile happily at him.

"I'm so happy to see you're here, my little daughter. But how... how are you still alive?" He asked. I frown at his question. I turn my gaze to look at the ground and clench my hands into tight fists.

"Naraku..." I said, through gritted teeth. Not only that he had manipulated me. He actually made me believed that he's actually my father. That manipulative, lying bastard!

I turn my head to look at my father to see him staring at me with a confused expression. I start to explain to him everything. Starting from the moment where I thought I grew up in the modern era, to the moment where I met Kagome. Then following her to this era. I told him about my first encounter with Naraku and how he claimed to be my father.

"That bastard..." father said, through gritted teeth. I just give him a sad smile. He turns to me and smiles. "I will free you from his grasp. I promise, dear..." he said. I nod my head.

"I believe you, dad..." I said. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me in his embrace. I wrap my arms around his torso, hugging him tightly. I'm glad that I'm not actually related to that manipulative monster.

I pull away from the hug as I remember something. I turn to look at Inuyasha who just observed us. "I'm sorry... I know you need to get your tetsaiga lighter by defeating him. But, I'm sure you won't even try to fight him now that you know he's my real father..." I said. Inuyasha let out a sigh and sheathed his sword.

"Yeah... but it's fine. I'm sure there's another way" he said. I can hear the disappointment in his voice. I give him an apologetic smile. I feel a hand on my head. I turn my head to see Inuyasha.

"There is another way..." he said. I furrow my eyebrow in confusion. He smiles softly at me. "You have the blood of your mother who's also a nyx. By engulfing Inuyasha with your demonic aura... it can help strengthen him. That is the specialty of a Nyx. They can help other gets stronger by their blood and aura. While the blood can increase one's lifespan. Their aura can help strengthen one's own demonic aura. That's the true power of a Nyx. And that is also why, your kind have been hunted down. There aren't many of you left in this world. I've tried so hard in protecting your mother. But in the end, I still failed... and then they were after you. You fell ill due to their weapon which was coated with Nightlocks, which is highly toxic to Nyx demons..." he said. My eyes widened at what he said.

I turn to look at Inuyasha. "I could give it a try..." I said. Inuyasha grin and nod his head. I was about to try it. But then I turn to look at Father. "But... how do I do that?" I asked. He let out a laugh at my question, while I just stare at him with an awkward smile.

"Close your eyes..." he said, placing his hand on top of my head. I do as he told me to. "Now, focus on your inner energy. Will your aura to spread, focus on the person you want it to embrace..." he said. I furrow my eyebrows in focus. I feel something spreading from my body. I open my eyes to see my body glowing a soft f/c. I turn my head to look at Inuyasha to see his body is engulfed in my aura.

After a few seconds, the aura around me starts to fade. I just watch as Inuyasha stares at his body. He turns to look at me. I turn to dad with a questioning look.

"Try drawing your sword, young man" he said. Inuyasha quickly follows his instruction. The tetsaiga transform into the fang of his father. He stares at the sword in shock as he turns to look at me.

"It's not heavy... like at all" he said. Dad smiles at him and walks up to him. He lift his hand and place his palm on the sharper edge of the sword. My eyes widened as he let his hand gets cut by the blade.

"What are you doing, dad?!" I said. I rush towards him and grabs his hand. I turn the palm to face me to see the cut he created on himself using Inuyasha's sword. He pat my head with his non injured hand.

"I'm fine... take a look at your friend" he said. I turn my head to look at Inuyasha. I can smell the familiar scent of the wind scar. "Why don't you test it out, boy" he said. I just stay silent as Inuyasha try to test out the tetsaiga. He can actually create wind scar.

"Inuyasha... that's awesome!!" I said. Inuyasha grins in excitement. He starts to recklessly create the wind scar here and there. I let out a sigh and shake my head, while holding my forehead.

"He just learnt to produce wind scar freely. Now he thinks he's in invincible..." Miroku said. Well, it is Inuyasha we are talking about. Of course, being able to produce wind scar freely would be a big boost to his ego.

I gently nudge Kagome. She turns to look at me. I gesture towards Inuyasha as if telling her to do her thing. She gets what I'm trying to tell her and nods her head. She turns to look at Inuyasha.

"Inuyasha..." she said, in a dangerous tone. Inuyasha who is about to create another wind scar instantly stops and turn to her with a look of fear. She closes her eyes. "Sit boy!" She said. Inuyasha instantly falls on the ground with a loud thud. I cover my mouth and let out a laugh at his state.

I feel a hand on my head. I turn my head to look at my dad. He smiles softly at me. I wrap my arms around his torso. He returns my embrace. I feel a gentle kiss being placed on the side of my head, making me grin happily. I'm so happy to know that Naraku isn't actually my father. He's going to pay for pulling such trick on me!

*to be continued*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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