Chapter 23

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Previously on Chapter 22

No... this girl is nothing but your puppet. She isn't your daughter I thought to myself. I fake a soft smile and pat her head gently. I can see the side of her lips curling up a bit as she give me a small smile.

Now everything will fall into place

-Flower Field-


It's been a week since Naraku took me here. Which means it's been a week since I've accepted that he is my father.

Right now I'm sitting in front of him. He asked me about how my life was back in modern era. I just tell him everything. As well as how I discovered that I'm a demon and how people treated me after that.

In the middle of talking, my stomach suddenly let out a rumbling sound. I hold my stomach as my cheeks turns a deep shade of red. I look anywhere but him since I'm feeling so embarrassed.

"Are you hungry?" He asked, chuckling slightly at my flustered stare. I laugh nervously as I rub my neck while looking at him with an awkward smile.

"W-Well... I kinda am..." I said, looking down. He chuckles at me. "Very well... Kagura... prepare a meal for her..." he said, turning to the wind sorceress. She bows her head and turn around to leave.

This is so awkward. To be honest, I still find it hard to believe that someone who's suppose to be my enemy, now is acting like an actual father to me and that I'm actually having a conversation with him. Like a real father and daughter.

"What's the matter, my dear?" He said, after a few moment of silence. "Huh? Oh... n-nothing..." I said, fiddling with my fingers nervously. "You don't have to feel nervous around me. I am your father..." he said. He pat the spot next to him, signaling me to move and sit next to him. I hesitate at first, but then I stand up and move towards him.

He raise his hand and gently caress my hair. "I'm so happy that you're finally here with me, my dearest daughter..." he said. I just smile awkwardly at him.

Kagura enters the room, holding a wooden tray. She place them in front of me. "Thank you..." I said. She just smiles at me. Then she stands straight and walks out of the room.

"Dig in..." Naraku said. I turn to him for a moment, then look down at the food in front of me.

"This is too much, dad

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"This is too much, dad..." I said, turning to look at him. "No worries... you can eat to your fill..." he said, smiling at me. I reach out and grab the chopstick. Then I take a bite.

"It's delicious..." I said. He gives me a close eye smile "I'm glad you like it..." he said. I just smile gleefully at him, feeling more comfortable. Then I continue to eat.

Naraku P.O.V

'She's starting to trust me more... that's good. Pretty soon... she'll do whatever I ask...' I thought to myself, smirking.

"Dad?" I hear she call out for me. "What is it?" I said. "What am I going to do here? It's kinda start to get boring..." She said.


I asked him what should I do, because I'm starting to feel bored. "You can do as you please, Y/N... you're not a prisoner here... this is your home..." he said. My eyes lit up at his words. "Really?" I said. He smile and nod his head. "Why... of course, my dear..." he said. "Can I go after I finish my meal?" I said. He nod his head, with a small smile on his face making me grin.

"Awesome! Thanks!!" I said, grinning. I quickly finish my meal and stand up. I bow at him to show my respect. Then I turn around and walks out of the room. I'm so excited that I can finally breath fresh air after weeks of being in that castle.


I walk where my feet would take me and ended up in a flower field. I smile as I look around. I take a deep breath.

"It's so refreshing in here!!" I said, happily with my arms open widely. I let myself fall backward and lay down on the ground. I stare at the sky and smile at how blue the sky looks right now. Soon my eyes get droopy as I feel a little sleepy. Plus with my stomach filled, I start to drift off into sleep.


Inuyasha P.O.V

I sniff the air, trying to locate Y/N's scent. My ears twitch slightly when I smell something else. I growl as I pick up the scent of that fleebag.

He stops in front of me and glares at me. "What do you want??" I said, annoyance is evident in my voice. I feel irritated enough because I can't protect Y/N. This fleebag will make it worse.

"How could you just let Naraku take Y/N again?! You are SO useless..." he said, crossing his arms across his chest. "What. Did. You. Say??" I said. "Well... you heard me, mutt... or have you turn deaf now?! If Y/N would have stayed with me. I could've protect her better than you!" He spat. "Why you..." I said, rolling up my sleeve.

"Inuyasha! Sit Boy!!!" I heard Kagome said. Then I fall face first on the ground. "What did you do that for??" I yelled, turning to look at him. "Sorry about that... but hold the argument until later. We need to search for Y/N. Koga might be able to help us..." she said. "As if I need help from him..." I said, turning my head away.

"Inuyasha... s-" I cut her off. "Okay I get it! Don't tell me to sit again... geez! That really hurts you know..." I said, covering my ears. She just giggle and pat my shoulder gently. I just let out a huff and turn away from her, with my arms crossed. I take a deep breath and froze.

"I can smell Y/N's scent! Come on!! We need to hurry before we lost her!!!" I said, turning to run towards the source of smell. "Hey! Wait!!" Kagome yelled behind me. But I didn't stop and just keep running.

I make it through a clearing and stop in front of a flower field. I scan around the place and stop when my eyes landed on a figure. It's Y/N... and she appear to be asleep. I walk towards her slowly. But before I can get any closer, someone appear in front of her in protective manner.


*to be continued*

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