Chapter 28

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Previously on Chapter 27

I raise my tessaiga. "So you choose the hard way... tch... I shouldn't expect less..." I said. I was about to attack him. When suddenly a light appear as Kagura jumps out of the way. I turn my head to see...


-She's Coming With Us!-

Inuyasha P.O.V

"Teme. What are you doing here??" I said. "Same as you. I'm here to save Y/N" he said, looking at me with his usual cold expression. I scoff at what he said. "Well... I'll be the one that'll save her. You're not needed here! Just leave!" I said. "As if a mere half-breed can command me" he said. "Why you-" I growled.

"Inuyasha! Are you here to fight Sesshomaru or are you here to save Y/N??" Kagome said, in a scolding manner. "Right..." I said, glaring at Sesshomaru one more time.

Suddenly, I feel the presence of another nuisance. I turn my head as I watch a the tornado appear. I roll my eyes at the sight. First, Sesshomaru. Now him??

"What are you doing here??" I said, glaring at him. He turns to look at me with a bored expression. "If you know the answer... why'd you ask? You really are a mutt. So stupid" He said. "What did you say???" I said.

"Inuyasha! Stop! It's good that they're here. We can all work together to get Y/N back!" Kagome said. I let out a huffed and crossed my arms. "Whatever... let's just focus on getting Y/N out of here for now. We can deal with this later" I said, while rolling my eyes.

"You're the one who started the fight!" That fleebag said. I turn to look at him with an annoyed face. "Why yo-" I started. "Inuyasha! Sit boy!!" Kagome yelled. Instantly sending me falling.

"What did you do that for??" I yelled at her. "For being an air-head. One moment you want to start a fight. The next moment you said you want to focus on rescuing Y/N! Now you're starting a fight again!" She said. "Hmph!" I said, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Get up already!" She said. "Fine..." I said. I get up and turn to face Kagura, who didn't do anything. She only stood where she is, watching us. I look at her with a frown on my face.

"What are you doing just standing there, huh? You even made me forget that you're here to begin with" I yelled at her. "Oh... that's just you being dumb, mutt face" the fleebag said. I just roll my eyes at what he said.

"Give Y/N back! Where are you hiding her, huh??" I yelled. "Yeah! Give her back!!" The fleebag said. At last we agreed on one thing. Well... what to expect. We both are in love with Y/N. But why's Sesshomaru here?? Wait... don't tell me. He loves Y/N as well?!!

"Enough chatting! Let's fight!" Kagura said. She use her fan and created wind blade, sending it towards us. I quickly jump out of the way. I land not far from where I previously stand. I take out my sword and aim it at Kagura.


It's so loud out there. I thought I only called out for Inuyasha. I guess the others knew too. They're all coming for me.

The door to the room that held me slides open. I look up to see Naraku standing there with an angry look on his face. He walks towards me and glares.

"What did you do?" He asked. "I don't know what you're talking about" I said. "I know they're here because you somehow manage to reach out to them" he said. "I didn't do a thing. How can I do that? All I've been doing is being here, all tied up..." I said, rolling my eyes at him.

"I am not playing games!" He said. "Neither do I" I said, glaring at him. He walks towards me and grabs my chin harshly. "Listen here. You're in my territory. You should listen to me!" He said. I just smirk at him.

"So? What're you going to do anyway? You want to kill me? Go ahead. You'll ended up dying anyway" I said. He just glares at me without saying anything else. He release my chin and walk a couple of steps backward.

"If you weren't my daughter... and my heart vessel. I would have ended you a long time ago" he said. "I can sense regret in you. You regretted ever bringing me back to life" I said, smirking at him. He scoffed and turn around to walk away from here.

I turn my head to look at the chains that is wrapped around my arms and legs. These chains are filled with Naraku's demonic energy. Which makes it hard for me to break it. The only hope I have at getting out of here is Inuyasha and the others. Hopefully they'd be able to save me. 

"Y/N!!" I heard someone called out my name. I hear a chorus of rapid footsteps coming closer as well. My eyes shot open. "I'm in here!!!" I yelled at top of my lungs. The sound of footsteps comes to a halting stop for a few seconds before starting again.

The door slides open to reveal Kagome. She have her arrow ready to shoot. My eyes lit up at the sight of her.

"Kagome..." I said. "Y/N!" She said. I try to move to her, but the chain is preventing me from taking any step further. Kagome notices this and aim her arrow at the chain.

She shoots the arrow which have a purifying ability. The chain instantly snaps and I fall forward. Kagome rushes towards me and kneels down in front of me. I look up at her and smile.

"Kagome... you came. I'm sorry for everything..." I said. My eyes rolled back and I fall forward into her outstretched arms. The last thing I know is seeing a group of people coming into the room. Everything went dark after that.


I slowly open my eyes. The first thing I notice is the sky above me. I furrow eyebrows in confusion. I turn my head around to see Kagome, sitting on a wooden log. She's talking to Sango and Miroku.

She turns her head to look at me. Her eyes widened when she realize I've woken up. "Hey! Y/N's awake!"she said. The others instantly turns their heads to me.

I try to move to sit up. Kagome instantly went to my side. "Easy... you just woke up..." she said, holding my shoulder. I didn't say anything and as I wrap my arms around her.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry. You guys came for me even after what happened" I cried out. Her shirt is getting wet from my tears. But she doesn't seem to mind at all. She runs her hand through my hair, caressing it gently.

"It's okay, Y/N. You're only confused. We all know how manipulative Naraku can be. You're back with us now... and that's all that matters" she said. "So you forgive me?" I said, pulling away from her. "Of course, Y/N..." she said, smiling at me. "Thank you!" I said, happily as I hug her again.

She pulls away from me, only for me to get pulled in a hug buy another person. By the scent. I can tell that it's Inuyasha.

"Inuyasha..." I said. "Baka. Why did you just leave? Back at the field... I thought I finally got you back. But you ran away..." he said. "I'm sorry..." I said, guiltily.

He pulls away from me, with his hands on both of my shoulders. "You're under Naraku's control. So I don't blame you. At least you're back now" he said, smiling at me. I smile at him and he pulls me closer in another embrace. I close my eyes, letting myself melt into his embrace.

It's so good to be back...

*to be continued*

A/N: heyyyooo Light!!! I'm so sorry I've left this book on hiatus for a long time! But I'm back now! I'll try my best to update regularly. Thank you so much for waiting patiently. I love ya~

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