Chapter 34

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Previously on Chapter 33

"I'm stronger than you think. Just a claw wouldn't kill me" I said, pulling away to look at him. I lift my hands, gently cupping his cheeks. I gently wipe his tears. "It's okay... and I forgive you" I said. He just pulls me closer again, hugging me close. I lean my head against his chest, letting him hold me for as long as he needs to calm down.

-I Can't Believe This-


Inuyasha went off to look for Totosai. He's the only one who can teach him how to make his sword lighter. While he's off to do his things, everyone else decided to just get some rest and relax. We need all the energy we can have, because we don't know when's the next time we'll have to face Naraku or any dangerous foe. So we need make sure that we're in the best shape in order to fight.

I stare at the sky as I lay on the ground. It's been days since Inuyasha had left. I don't doubt his strength. But even so, I'm still worried for his well being. He's the type of person who'd either find trouble or trouble will find him. I wonder if he's doing okay.

I let out a sigh and move to sit up. "I have to go and see what he's up to" I said. My words earns their attention, making their heads turns to me. I move to sit up. "I have to make sure he didn't cause any trouble. He's taking too long..." I said.

"Wait! We're coming with you!" Kagome said, standing up as well. At her words, everyone else moves from their spot. I transform myself into a dragon and gestures her to climb on. Kagome climbs on my back. I soar up into the sky, with the others following close behind me.

We land not far from where Totosai is. "You guys wait here. You wouldn't survive the heat..." I said. They just nod their heads at what I said. I turn around and walks across the lake of lava. Since I'm a Nyx, the heat of the fire didn't bother me much.

I walk towards where Totosai is living, but he's not here. I furrow my eyebrow as I wonder where the wordsmiths is. I turn around and make my way back to the others. They turn their heads to look at me when I reached them.

"He's not there?" Miroku asked. I turn to look at him and shakes my head. I sniff the air and pick up the scent of Totosai. I gesture everyone to follow me. I quickly turn around and follows the source of the scent.


I've found Totosai, and now we're heading towards the direction where Inuyasha is suppose to be. According to Totosai, in order to lighten up the Tessaiga... Inuyasha needs to defeat the demon that manage to weaken his father. A demon by the name Ryukotsusei.

I feel an immense demonic aura the closer we get to the mountains. I share a worried look with Kagome. I fear for Inuyasha's well being. Judging by the amount of demonic aura... this demon, Ryukotsusei isn't just any demon. I can only hope that Inuyasha will be alright.

We float above Inuyasha, who's fighting against a dragon demon. He must be the Ryukotsusei. Judging from his form. He is extremely powerful. Can Inuyasha defeat that demon?

I wince at the sight as Inuyasha is thrown off. He hit his body against the wall of rocks behind him. Ryukotsusei lunges at him. I quickly transform into my dragon form, and land in front of Inuyasha to block his attack.

"I know that form anywhere..." Ryukotsusei said as he stares at me. I transform back into my human form. I just stare at Ryukotsusei, wondering what he meant. "Is that you, Y/N?" He said.

"H-How did you k-know my name?" I asked, staring at the huge demon in front of me in shock. I try to remember if I had known him somewhere. But all of my memories is still fuzzy.

"How could I not know my own daughter..." he said. I let out a shaky breath as I gasp at what he said, staring at him wide-eyed. Did I hear that right? I'm his daughter??

"You're lying! I was created from the dead. I... I'm N-Naraku's daughter" I said. As much as I'm disgusted to be related to that cruel demon. That's what I know. I was a dead corpse and he gave me life.

"Yes... you were dead. When you were a kid, you fell ill. I have tried everything I can to save your life. But fate have other plan and took you away. I am very much surprise to see you're here and alive. Oh... I've longed to see you again, my child" he said. My eyes widened at what you said. I can see through his eyes that he's not lying.

"B... But if that's true. W-Why can't I r-remember you?" I asked. I bit my lips as my mind went back to Kohaku. Sango's younger brother. Naraku is able to erase all of his memories, leaving him as nothing but a shell that he can control and manipulate as he wishes. He could have done the same thing to me.

I wince in pain as I clutch my head, as I start to feel pain. I stumble back and falls on the ground. I close my eyes tightly as random things starts flashing in my mind. I try to control my breathing as my mind eventually focuses on one.


I hear laughter... soon realizing it was coming from me. My surrounding was moving but I wasn't walking. I was actually sitting on someone's shoulder. I notice my hands looks a lot smaller, which means I was just a kid.

"Dad... do you think you can train me??" I asked. Dad who's carrying me on his shoulder tilts his head so he's looking at me.


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"Hmm... I don't know. Should I?" He said. I pout at his response.

"Pretty... pretty please??" I whined, giving him a puppy eyes. He let out a chuckle and picks me up, holding me in his arms instead. "If you don't train me... how am I going to be as strong as you??" I said, sulking.

He let out a laugh and gently nudges his nose with mine. "Okay, sweetie. I will train you..." he said. My eyes lit up as a grin appears on my face. I let out a happy squeal as I wrap my arms around his neck.

End of Vision

I blink my eyes a couple of times as I snapped out of my temporary daze. I turn my head to look at Ryukotsusei to see he has transformed into a human form. He looks just like the man I saw in my vision.

Tears starts to stream down my cheeks as I remember all the things about him. "Dad..." I said. I run towards him and throws my arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around me. I bury my face in the crook of his neck as I cry softly.

I can't believe this... after all these time, I thought that I'm related to a manipulative, and cruel demon. I really thought that Naraku was my father. But turns out, it was all just his dirty trick. My real dad is right here in front of me. 

*to be continued*

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