Chapter 20

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Previously on Chapter 19

What is this feeling... am I falling for him? But... I thought I liked Sesshomaru... but I feel that way to Koga as well... gosh... what's going on!! Could it be possible to fall for 3 guys at once?!

What the heck is happening to me?!!

-Going Back to Inuyasha's Group-


It was really early in the morning. I waited for Rin to wake up. Inuyasha is growing impatient. "Can she just wake up already??" He said, in frustration. I let out a sigh and turn to Inuyasha. "She's just a kid... it is normal for a kid her age to sleep a lot... I bet you're no different when you're her age..." I said. He just roll his eyes at me. I giggle softly, then turn my head to look at Rin.

I caress her hair softly, as she continue to sleep. I smile softly at her peaceful expression. Then she begin to stir slightly. She opens her eyes and stare up at me.

"Good morning, sleepy head..." I said. She grins at me. "Morning, Nee-San..." she said. "Now that she's awake... can you tell her already?" Inuyasha asks. I turn to him. "Patience..." I said. He just huffed and get up. Then I turn to Rin, who's looking at me with confusion. "What's he talking about, Née-San?" She asks.

I smile and caress her hair. "Rin... is it okay if I leave for a while? I miss my friends... you know... Kagome and the others..." I said. She looks at me, then I see her eyes tearing up. I pulls her to my lap and hug her whilst caressing her hair softly.

"No... don't cry... I'm not going to leave forever... it's just going to be for a while... I'll come back to you as soon as I can, okay?" I said. She pulls away and stare into my eyes. "P-promise?" She hiccuped. I smile at her. "I promise..." I said. She nods her head and hug me again.

I stand up with her in my arms. She have her arms wrapped around my neck, as if she refuses to let go. "I'll come back, Rin... don't worry..." I said. Rin pout and slowly pulls away. I smile at her and place her down on her feet.

I wave at her and walks towards Inuyasha. He turns to me. "Finally... lets go now..." he said, grabbing my hand. Then we start making our way back to Kagome and the others.


After a while, we finally made it to the others. At first they only notice Inuyasha, since he walks in front of me. "Inuyasha, you're back!" Shippo said. "So... did you convince her to come back?" Sango ask. "Yeah... he did..." I said, finally. Their heads turns to me and their eyes lit up at the sight of me.

"Y/N-Chan!!" Shippo cheers, jumping to me. I catch him and hug him. "Hey, Shippo..." I said. "Why did you leave so long?" He asks. "Uh..." I start, I don't know how to explain.

Inuyasha went up and stand next to me. "Because the little girl is holding her back..." Inuyasha said. "Who?" Sango asks. "You know... Rin... the girl that's always been with Sesshomaru..." I said. "Oh... her" she said. "Yeah... she's kinda gotten attached to me, and considers me as a big sister to her... and so am I... so it's kinda hard to just leave her..." I said. "So that's why... it's okay, Y/N... at least you came back" Kagome said. "I can't be with you guys for too long though... I promised Rin that I will be coming back with her soon..." I said. "Oh, well... it's okay... I understand... sometime when my brother is clingy, he don't want me to leave as well..." Kagome said. I smile at her "thanks for understanding, Kagome..." I said. She smiles back and hugs me.

"So... what are you guys been up to? Anything new?" I asks. Kagome pulls out her necklace. The 4 soul jewels almost whole again. "Woah... you almost get it all..." I said. "Yupp..." she said, happily. 

Then out of no where, I can see a small tornado. I already know who it is. He stops in front of me and smile. "I see you're back, Y/N..." he said. I smile at him. "Hi Koga..." I said. He held both of my hands. "I missed you, my woman..." he said. "Uh..." I stutter. His hands got tore away from mine, and I got push behind someone's back. It's Inuyasha.

"Hands off her!" Inuyasha said. Koga looks at him with a bored expression. "Oh hey, mutt..." he said. "What did you say???" Inuyasha said. I let out a sigh at them. "Seriously?? I just got back and this is how you welcomed me... sheesh... I think I'll just go back to Sesshomaru. It is much peaceful there..." I said. I was about to walk away when someone back-hugged me.

"Wait no... okay... I'm sorry... I won't fight anymore. Just please stay?" Inuyasha said. I turn to him and smile. I pat his head "good boy... really good boy..." I said. He stare at me with a straight face. "Can you stop treating me like a dog?" He said. I just laugh at him. "Nope... it's fun teasing you..." I said. He let out a huff in annoyance, making me laugh even more.

I stretch my hands in the air. "Ahh~ what a nice weather today... makes me want to go to the beach" I said. "Let's go then!" Kagome said in her cheerful voice. "Let's go!!" I said. I turn into my dragon form and fly up. I look around for any sign of a beach. I found it and land on the ground. "The beach is that way..." I said, while pointing to the direction I saw the beach. "Well then... what are we waiting for?? Let's go!!" Kagome said, and begin pulling me. "W-woah! Slow down!!" I said, as I got pulled by her. I know I know... how can a demon got pulled by a human. Well... this girl sure is something... but whatever... now that I'm back with them...

Might as well enjoy myself...

*to be continued*

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