Chapter 33

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Previously on Chapter 32

Inuyasha looks like a real demon. The scent of his blood also changes to a scent of a real demon. I don't smell any human blood in him. What is happening to him??

-Forgive Me-


"Inuyasha? What's wrong with you?" I asked, slowly approaching him. But he quickly backs away, as if he's scared. I stare at him in confusion, wondering what is happening to him. "Snap out of it, will you?" I said. He growls at the tone I gave him.

He lunges forward. My eyes widened, as I didn't expect him to attack me. His claw pierced through my lower abdomen. I cough out blood as he pulls his claw out. I drop on my knees, holding onto my wounded abdomen.

"Y/N!!!" The others yelled out. My vision starts to grow blurry as I start to lose more blood. I fall to my side as everything went dark.


I slowly open my eyes. The first thing I see is how dark it got. I wince in pain when I try to move. I clutch onto my abdomen, trying to somehow ease the pain. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head to see it's Kagome. I just turn my head away from her.

"Thank goodness you're awake, Y/N..." she said. I just ignore her words, still refusing to look or talk to her. I hear Kagome letting out a sigh. "Y/N... I'm sorry for everything that I've said. You were right, I should have understand you better" she said. I turn my head to look at her. Her eyes are filled with tears as she stares at me in sadness. My eyes soften at the sight of her tears.

"Come here..." I said, outstretching my arms. She choke out a sob as she lowers her body to lay next to me. She places her head on my chest as she starts to cry. I run my hand through her hair. I just can't stay mad at her. After all, she's my first friend... the first one to ever accept me for who I am.

"Y/N! You're awake!!" Someone said. I turn my head to see Shippo. He runs towards me excitedly. I let out a soft laugh as he hugs my side. I smile and gently pat his head. Sango and Miroku also looks relieved to see I'm okay. But I notice someone is missing.

"Where is Inuyasha?" I asked. Kagome turns to look at the others. They share the same look. But I couldn't make out what they're thinking. Kagome turn to look at me.

"He doesn't want to come close to you..." she said. I stare at her in confusion. "He attacked you, remember? He felt upset of himself for hurting you. Now, he wants to keep his distance. He's worried that you might get hurt again" she said.

"What exactly happened to him?" I asked. Kagome starts to explain the first time it happened. Apparently, Inuyasha's sword was broken in half by the same demon that Sesshomaru use its fang to make his sword. Just as the demon was about to kill Inuyasha, something in him awakens. Thus transforming him into the demon form I saw earlier.

"So... if he ever lets go of Tessaiga, he would transform into that form?" I said. Kagome nods her head at what I said. I just nod my head. I slowly move to stand up. "I've got to talk to him..." I said.

"Are you even fit enough to get up?!" She asked. I turn to look at her and sigh. I remove the bandage that's suppose to cover the wound. The wound is perfectly healed. "It's all healed..." she said, staring at it in shock.

"I'm a demon, Kagome... what do you expect?" I asked. She let out a nervous laugh. I shake my head, letting out a soft giggle. "Where is he, by the way?" I asked. Kagome gestures towards the direction where Inuyasha is suppose to be. I nod my head and turn around, walking towards that direction.

I look around the area, trying to locate the silver haired dog demon. "Inuyasha!!" I called out. I frown when I hear no response coming from him. I let out a sigh and close my eyes. I focus on my scent sense, trying to see if I can find Inuyasha using his scent.

It didn't take long for me to find a familiar scent. I turn to that direction and follows the scent. I found him sitting on top of a tree. He's hunching forward with a dejected look on his face.

"Inuyasha..." I said. His eyes twitched a little, as he hear my voice. He turns his head and notices me. I jump up and lands on the same branch as him. His eyes widened. He backs away, pressing his back against the tree trunk behind him.

"Don't come any closer" he said. I frown at what he said. I try to move closer to him, but he quickly jumps off the tree. I jump down and lands behind him. I grab his hand before he could go any further. He try to yank his hand from my grip, but I tighten my hand.

"What happened to me is not your fault" I said. He looks away from me. His shoulder slumping a little. I take a step closer to him, gently wrapping my arms around his torso. "I'm okay, Inuyasha. It's okay" I whispered in a hushed voice. His arms quickly wraps around my body. He buries his face into my hair.

"I am so sorry, Y/N..." he said. His voice cracking a little. I rub his back comfortingly. "I lost control of myself... I could have killed you" he said. His body starts trembling a little.

"I'm stronger than you think. Just a claw wouldn't kill me" I said, pulling away to look at him. I lift my hands, gently cupping his cheeks. I gently wipe his tears. "It's okay... and I forgive you" I said. He just pulls me closer again, hugging me close. I lean my head against his chest, letting him hold me for as long as he needs to calm down.

*to be continued*

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