Chapter 11

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Previously on Chapter 10

We pull away for air. He leans his forehead on mine. "I promise... I'll free you from his grasp" he said. I just stay silent, staring into his pair of gold-ish eyes. "So please, Y/N...

Come back with us...

-It's For The Best-


"P-Please..." He said, hugging me once again. I close my eyes and hugs him back. I slowly nod my head. "Okay..." I said. I can hear him letting out a sigh of relief as he hugs me tighter... But not too tight to hurt me.

He pulls away from me. "Lay back down, Y/N... You need to rest..." He said in a soft voice. He's looking at me with a soft gaze. I nod my head then I move to lay back down.

He pat my head softly. I smile at him. "I didn't know you have a soft side, Inuyasha..." I said. I laugh when his cheeks turns pink. "Idiot... Stop saying stupid things" he said as he looks away from me. Then he sighs and looks at me with a soft smile. "Get some sleep..." He said. I smile and nod my head. Inuyasha said something in a hush tone as I slowly drift off to sleep.

I love you, Y/N...


I woke up to someone shaking my shoulder softly. I open my eyes to see Inuyasha, looking at me. "Hey..." I said. "Hi..." He replies. Then he looks behind him. I follow his gaze to see the others.

"Kagome..." I said. She smiles and hurriedly walks over to me. She kneels down next to me, pulling me into a tight hug. "I missed you, Y/N. I'm so glad you're okay..." She cries out. I smile and hugs her back. "Thank you... For not giving up on me..." I said.

Then she pulls away. "Y/N-Chan!" Shippo said as he jumps on me. I hug him softly. He starts sobbing slowly. "I'm so happy... You're back..." He said, crying. I smile "it's good to be back..." I said. I look up at Sango and Miroku. "Don't leave again, Y/N..." Miroku said. I smile at him "I won't..." I said.

Then everyone sits around me. "We know what happened... How Naraku manage to control your mind and body into attacking us... That you're connected to him..." Miroku said. I just stare at him.

"Y/N... Naraku said you're his Daughter... Is that true?" I heard Inuyasha asks me. I turn to him and look down. I slowly nod "Yeah... From what I remember... His face is the first thing I saw when I woke up that day... He revived me from one of the dead..." I said.

I start to tear up. "I'm scared... He can control me anytime... I don't wanna hurt any of you..." I said, as I start to sob. Inuyasha scoot closer to me and pulls me into a hug. "I won't let that..." He whispers. I pull away and look at him with sadness in my eyes. "Inuyasha... what power do you have to stop that?" I asks. He opens his mouth, only to close it again. I shake my head "I don't know... Why I agreed to stay here..." I said, in a hush tone. But I'm sure they heard it.

Inuyasha P.O.V

I quickly grab her by the shoulder as soon as she said that. "If you're planning on leaving us again... Forget it! You're not going anywhere... Not under my watch!" I said. "Inuyasha..." She said, tears stream down her cheeks. I place my hand on her cheeks, wiping away the tears. I pull her closer. I caress her hair softly with one of my hand, while the others is on her back.

"I promised you that I'll protect you, right?" I said. I feel her nod. "And I intended to keep that promise... I won't let him take you again. Never!" I said. "Thank you... Inuyasha..." She said. Then I heard a soft snore.

I pull away slightly to see her fallen asleep. I lay her down gently and drape the blanket around her.

Then I turn towards the others. "What do we do now?" Kagome said in a hush tone so Y/N won't wake up. "When is the first time she start acting up like this?" Sango said. "Since she got here..." She said. "Could it be... That Naraku can't control her when she's in the modern era?" Miroku said, placing one of his hand on his chin. "Yeah... That could be true..." I said.

We continue to talk about it for a while. Until we all finally agree on one thing. This is for the best. So Y/N won't lose control again. I turn my head to look at Y/N, who is still sleeping with a peaceful expression. I smile softly at her.

The Next Day


We are all standing in front of the bone eating well. Everyone have informed me about their plan while I was asleep last night. How Naraku can only control me when I'm in this era, and well... It kind of made sense to me. He can't go through the well, which means he doesn't have any connection. I could be safe there. But I will miss the others... So much.

I just stare at them as tears streams down my face. "I really gonna miss you guys..." I said. Shippo cries out and jumps into my arms. I hug him tightly "I'm going to miss you..." He said. I smile "I'll miss you too..." I said. Then he jump off. One by one, they give me a hug.

I smile at them and turn around. I was about to jump into the well to return to the modern era, when I heard someone screams my name... So I turn around to the sound to see a tornado. I just stand there as I wait for it to get close to me.

Then it stops in front of me to reveal Koga. I smile at him. "Y/N... As much as I didn't want you to go... But I know I can't stop you... So I thought I could stop by and see you off..." He said. "That's so nice of you, Koga..." I said. He pulls me into a hug. "I'm gonna miss you, Y/N... So much" he said. I hug him back "I'll miss you too..." I said. Then he pulls away and did something that I won't expect him to do. He kisses me. But it was only for a brief moment, then he pulls away once again... Only to place another soft kiss on my forehead. "I love you, Y/N..." He said. I smile at him. "Goodbye for now... Koga..." I said. Then I turn to the others. "Goodbye, everyone... Hopefully I could return here sooner..." I said. Then I take a deep breath and look at them one last time. I give them a sad smile and jumps into the well.

Modern Era

I climb up the well, in the familiar place. I sit and the railing of the well as I stare down. I climb out of it as I continue to stare at the black void inside the well.

Goodbye for now everyone... I'll wait until the day I get to return to all of you

*to be continued*

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