Chapter 17

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The guy that looks like Inuyasha just stare at me in confusion. I put the imp down and look at him. "You haven't answer yet... Do you or do you not have any relation with Inuyasha... And what's your name? I'm Y/N L/N by the way..." I said, offering my hand for a hand shake. He just stare at my hand, then at me. "I'm...


-Come With Us-


"Sesshomaru, huh..." I said. I heard someone growl in anger. "Hey!! It's Lord Sesshomaru for you!" Someone said. I look down to see a toad demon.

"I'm sorry... who are you little one?" I said. A tick mark appear on his head. "L-Little one?!! You imbecile!!!" He yells out in anger. "You're kind of cute" I said again, giggling slightly.

"That's it! Right now! Me and you.... c'mon!!" He screams advancing at me. I just disappear and reappear behind his back.

Sesshomaru P.O.V

My eyes widened when I saw that. Did she just... I thought she's a human. But I guess not. She's a demon as well. But why can't I detect her demonic sense? Hm... very interesting.

I watch as she picks up Janken, who frail around in her hands. "Stop that will you? Or do you want me to drop you?" She said. Janken just stops and cross his arms while looking away.

"I'm sorry for being rude... my name is Y/N... what's yours?" She said. Janken starts blushing "J-J-Janken..." he said. "Janken huh... that's cute..." she said, making Janken turns even more red. "P-put me down!" He yells out. "Okay, as you wish..." she said, softly placing her down.

Rin walks forward and looks up at her. She looks down at Rin and smiles. She kneels down in front of Rin to match Rin's height.


I kneel down in front of a little girl as she approaches me. "Hello... what's your name?" I asks. She grins at me. "I'm Rin... nice to meet you miss..." she said. I smile softly at her "the pleasure is all mine..." I said back. She grins widely at me.

"Rin... we should continue our journey" I heard someone said. I look up to see the white-haired demon.

I stand straight and walks over to him. I stand on my toes and leans closer to his face. "Say... why do you remind me of someone..." I said, as I observe his face.

"What are you talking about?" He said, with his cold demeanor. I stare at him for a while, before shaking my head. I shrug my shoulder, before leaning away. "I don't know... you just look like someone..." I said.

"Who?" I heard Rin said. "He's a friend of mine..." I said. "What's his name?" She asks again. "Inuyasha..." I said. "That's my step younger brother..." I heard Sesshomaru said. I can see something flashes in his eyes. A look of hatred.

Then he turns around and walks away. "Lets go, Rin..." he said, as he continue to walk. Rin turns around. "Wait! Lord Sesshomaru..." Rin said. "What is it?" He questions, looking down at her.

"Can we take her with us?" She said. My eyes widened, hearing what she just said. 'why would she wants me to come with them?' I thought to myself. "No..." Sesshomaru said. "Pretty pretty pretty please..." she pleads. Sesshomaru looks kinda annoyed. "Okay... but only if she wants to..." he said, looking forward again.

Rin grins and runs towards me. She held both of my hands. "Come with us!" She said. "I don't know..." I said. She looks like she's about to cry. I let out a soft sigh. "Okay... I'll guess I can hang around you guys for a while..." I said. She grins and starts squealing. Then she grabs my hand "come on! Or else Lord Sesshomaru would leave us" she said. "Wait a minute..." I said. She stop and looks up at me.

I outstretch my hand, while the other wants to my lips. A pigeon comes and lands on my outstretched hand. Rin just stare at it with amazement.

A soft f/c emitted from my hand, which then engulfs the little pigeon. Then I start whispering something to the bird. Then it flew away.

Inuyasha P.O.V

"Where did she go??" I yell out. After my argument with that flee bag. I then realize Y/N went missing.

"I don't know! She didn't tell any of us where she's heading to..." Shippo said, looking scared of my outburst.

I notice something moves from the corner of my eyes. A pigeon. It keeps on hovering above me.

Kagome walks over to me. "Hey, Inuyasha... outstretch your hand..." she said. "Why?" I question. "I think the pigeon wants a place to land on..." she said. "there's a lot of tree around us... why would it wants to land on mine?" I said again. A tick mark appears on her forehead. "Just do it!!" She yells at me. I jump and instantly outstretch my hand. The pigeon fly down and lands on my finger. Then a soft f/c emitted from it.

Hey Inuyasha... tell the others that I won't be coming around for a while. I met this guy named Sesshomaru and the little girl, Rin... wanted me to go and travel with them...

see you around...

My eyes widened as the others stare at me with confusion. "Inuyasha... What just happen?" Sango said. "What? No one of you heard it?" I asks. They all shook their heads. "Nope... all we see is you looking in daze... and a weird f/c light is emitting from you after that bird lands on your finger" Miroku said. Well... I guess only I can hear it.

"It's a message from Y/N... she's with Sesshomaru..." I said, as the pigeon flies away from my finger. "What?? Is she okay??" That flee bag said. "Yeah... she went with them willingly... because of the little girl's request..." I said, as I look up at the sky.

Y/N... why'd you agree to go with them? I wish you'd know how much it hurts me... the thought alone that you are with my brother... makes my heart burns with jealously...

Come back soon, Y/N...

*to be continued*

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