Chapter 18

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Previously on Chapter 17

Y/N... why'd you agree to go with them? I wish you'd know how much it hurts me... the thought alone that you are with my brother... makes my heart burns with jealously...

Come back soon, Y/N...

-We're Taking Her Back-


Traveling with Sesshomaru is kind of fun. We get to have a battle here and there... very adventurous. But I kinda miss being around Inuyasha and the others.

I've been trying to try and leave them, so I could go back with the others. But Rin are always observant. She always notice when I try to leave and she will start crying. She's the only reason I stick around them for a while. We have grown closer to each other. Now it feels like I have a younger sister. So I can't just leave her.

We're now walking around. I never ask them where we're heading to. I just tag along with no comments.

Rin is walking next to me. Her hand is holding tightly onto mine, as if she's afraid that I might fled away.

"Hey... Y/N-Nee..." I heard Rin calls out for me. I look down at her and smiles. "Yeah? What is it?" I asks. "I'm so glad to have you around... I feel like I have an older sister..." she said. I start to smile softly. "Yeah... I feel the same, you're like a younger sibling to me" I said. She smiles happily at me and hug me with her tiny arms. I smile and hug her back.

After a while, I notice Rin is slowing down. "Are you okay?" I asks, softly. "I'm tired..." she said, rubbing her eyes softly. I smile and pick her up. She wraps her arms around my neck. "Go to sleep, Rin..." I said. She nods her head and snuggles closer to me. I let out a soft giggle when I heard a soft snore. I look down to see her asleep. I place a soft kiss on her forehead and continues walking.


Sesshomaru suddenly stops walking and I run right into his back. I look down to make sure Rin didn't wake up. "Why'd you stop?" I questions, after I made sure Rin is still sound asleep. He turns to me "we need to take a break... it's already night time..." he said. I nod my head in agreement.

"Janken... help me..." I said. He walks over to me. I pull out a blanket from my backpack. "Lay it out for me..." I said. He grabs it from me and lay it down on the ground. "Thanks..." I said with a soft smile. He just nods his head. I can see a faint blush on his cheeks.

I gently lay Rin on top of the blanket and take out another blanket. I wrap her in it, making sure she's properly tucked in.

I was about to walk away, when a hand gently held mine. I look down to see Rin holding mine. "Can you hold me?" She said, with her big doey eyes. I just smile and lay down next to her.

I wrap an arm around her. She snuggle up closer to me. I smile and caress her head. I smile when I realize she have fallen back asleep. I yawn and cover my mouth. I close my eyes and slowly drift of to sleep, being completely unaware of a certain demon's gaze on me.

Sesshomaru P.O.V

I watch as Y/N caress Rin's head as she drift of to sleep. She's really caring... I have never seen someone as caring as her.

I can feel a warm feeling in my chest for Y/N. What is this feeling? I always feels a sense of comfort when Y/N is around.

Is this what love is?

The Next Day


The sun shining through the gap of the trees is what wakes me up. But I'm still a bit sleepy, so I decided to sleep some more.

'Wait... why is everything moving?' I thought to myself. I open my eyes and realize someone is carrying me. "Um... what do you think you are doing, huh... Inuyasha?" I stutter out. He jumps and looks down at me. He realize that I'm awake and smile. "You've been away for a while, Y/N... so I'm taking you back" he said.

I jump out of his hold. "You know it's kinda rude to carry someone without permission... it's called kidnapping..." I said. He looks at me in confusion. Then he scoffs. "Why would I kidnap you? You were a part of our group from the start, Y/N..." he said. "I know... but I can't just leave..." I said. "Why not?" He said. "Because..." I was cut off when I heard someone crying out my name.

"I'm so sorry Inuyasha... I have to go... I'll see you around, Kay?" I said. Then I turn around and run back towards the direction of the voice.

Rin instantly runs towards me when she saw me. She wraps her arms around my waist. I kneel down and hug her back.

"Where did you go, Nee-San?" She cry out. "Shh... its okay... I'm not going anywhere... I'm right here..." I cooed softly in her ear. She pulls away and looks at me, with tears in her eyes. "Promise?" She said. I wipe her tears softly "I promise..." I said, holding out a pinky.

She looks at it in confusion. "Here... let me show you..." I said, gently holding her hand and make her hold out her pinky. I wrap mine around hers. "This is called a pinky promise... once a promise is made... no one is allowed to break it... and I pinky promise... that I would never leave you... no matter what..." I said. She just grins and hugs me again."Now... don't cry, okay? I'm right here" I said, as I softly caress her head.

Inuyasha P.O.V

So that's why she said she couldn't just leave. That little girl has grown attach to her. Hm... what should I do... I can't just force her to come with me. I can't hurt the little girl.

What should I do?

*to be continued*

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