Chapter 2

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Previously on Chapter 1

I hit my head after I sit down. 'Stupid me! Why would I say that?! Now everyone is going to be scared of me.... Not that it matters anyway... They will be scared when they find out the truth...' I thought to myself. Then I just sit there in silent as the lesson begins.

-Meeting Kagome-


Today will be my sixth day in this school. So far it isn't so bad. But of course, I try not to be involved with everyone a lot. So... I don't have any friends. Not that it matters anyway. I love being alone... It's peaceful and quiet.

I'm currently walking towards school. I have my hood on as always. I've never put my hood down. I don't want to gain attention.

Soon enough, I finally reach school. I keep on walking towards the class. I take a seat in my usual spot, in the back of the class. I can feel eyes on me, along with whispers.

"She's so mysterious..." "I really want to know what she looks like without the hood on..." "Me too..." And more. But I just ignore them, like I always do. The bells ring and the lesson starts.


It went by like a breeze. Before I know it... It's time to go home. I pack my stuff and leave the class.

I can hear someone calling out for me. I stop and turn around. I make sure my hoodie covers half of my face. It's a boy, around my age. I just stare at him as he caught up to me.

"What do you want?" I ask. He looks at me. "Take your hood off, I wanna see your face" he demands. I just stare at him with no emotion. "Why should I?" I ask. "Just because I want to know!" He said. I roll my eyes under my hood. "Tch... I don't have time for this..." I said, then I turn around and leave. But his hand grabs me from behind.

"Let go of me!" I scream. The sudden move makes my hood fall off my head. Lucky for me... My ears are normal. His eyes widen at the sight of my face. "My... You're beautiful..." He said, staring at me. I quickly covers my head again.

He stands up and walks towards me. I take a step back from him. He stares at me. "Why did you hide yourself like that?" He ask. "None of your business..." I said, glaring at him. I place my hands in my hoodie pocket, because I can feel my nails changing into talon. I turn around and leave him.

I decide to have a walk around the town, since I don't really want to go home yet. I want to walk to clear my mind of the recent event. That guy can be so forwardly confront me to show my face. I'm sure more people will do the same. I guess going to school is a bad idea after all. I sigh and stop walking as I look up at the sky.

I can sense someone is in danger close by. So I look around to see a girl crossing the streets, but she didn't notice a truck advancing at her.

Kagome P.O.V

I see Inuyasha running around. "That boy!!" I scream in frustration. I run towards the street without noticing the upcoming truck.

"Inuyasha!!!" I scream at top of my lungs. He turns around and I can see his eyes widened. "Kagome, watch out!!!" He screams. I turn to see a truck coming at me and its closing in so fast, Inuyasha won't make it in time. I scream and close my eyes.

I can feel a breeze blowing past me. Then the next thing I know, I'm sitting down on the side road. Did Inuyasha saved me in time, but he's so far.

I look up to see a person wearing a hoodie, which covers most of the face. I can't tell what this person looks like. But I know he or she is looking down at me.

The person cross his/her arms. "You should be more aware of your surrounding..." The person sounded like a girl. Then my eyes widened as I realise who she is. "Y/N?" I said. "Oh... You do know me..." She said. I open my mouth to say something, but Inuyasha finally made it.

He helps me up and inspect me to see if I have any injuries. "Are you okay?" He ask, his face is filled with worry. "I'm okay... Thanks to her" I said, pointing towards Y/N.

Inuyasha looks up at her and his eyes widened. He steps in front of me. "Stay back, Kagome... She's not a normal human" he said. I just look at him confused.

Then I open my eyes to interject his statement. But Y/N beats me to it. "Tch... If I wanted her dead... Why would I save her in the first place? I could just let her get run over by the truck and die slowly..." She said, I can hear the anger in her voice. "Why you-" Inuyasha starts, but I cut him off. "Inuyasha! Sit boy!" I said, which makes him fall over with a loud thud. "What did you do that for?!" He screams at me. I just ignore him and look at Y/N.


The boy which I learn was named Inuyasha fall down as soon as Kagome said sit. "What just happen?" I said, sounding confused. Kagome laughs nervously. "W-we can talk... B-but not here..." She said. I just hum at her. Then she gestures me to follow her. I ignore Inuyasha's protest.

We arrive at a house in the shrine. "Oh... You're the one living here... I thought this place was empty" I said as I stare at the building in front of me. Kagome turn to look at me. She raise her eye-brow. "Huh? You mean... You've been here before?" Kagome said, looking at me. "Yeah... I came here on the first day I got here from c/n (country name)" I said. Kagome looks at me with a surprise face. "Oh you're that person..." She said. "So you saw me..." I said. She just nod her head.

Then she lets me to her room, with Inuyasha following behind me. I can hear him cursing over and over again. But I just ignore him. As well as the fact that he's glaring at me.

We enter her room, and I just look around. "Nice room..." I said. "Thank you..." Kagome said. Then she turn to look at me. "Now... We can start talking. I hope you won't get a heart attack by it..." She said. I just respond with a shrug on my shoulder. "It can't be that bad..." I said, taking a seat on the floor.

She told me everything. From how she fell over into the well, meeting Inuyasha to battling with demons.

I hummed when she finish telling me her story. "So... Let me get this straight... So you went to the feudal Japan? Filled with demons?" I said. She nods her head. "Sounds like fun... Can I come?" I said. She looks shock after I said that. "are you kidding?" She said. I shake my head "do I look kidding?" I said. "But... The thing is, only Inuyasha and I that can pass through the well..." She said. "Well... You never know if you didn't try..." I said. "You're right..." She said. "So can I come?" I said. "Sure..." She said, with a smile on her face.

Maybe I can find where I belong in Feudal Japan. After all, that's where every demon belongs... and I'm a demon myself.


*to be continued*

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