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Those comments people send me... They are horrible. Why did everyone seems to hate me so much? I never chose to be this way.

I'm a high school student. I'm 15 years old. I may seem like a normal human. But that is not the case, I'm far from what normal is. I have an ability that I desperately tries to hide. But there will always be an event that makes me use it.


I always got bullied in school. Now my bullies are chasing after me. I never fight back, I was so scared. So all I could do is run away. I keep running away.

I keep running away, trying desperately to get away from them. "Get back here, you freak!" John scream from behind me. But I did not stop, nor did I want to. He's just going to beat me up like always.

I run around the corner, only to find out that I got trapped in a dead end. I turn around to run again, but John is already there. He smirk at me. "You're fast... But not fast enough!" He said as he comes towards me.

He kicks me in the stomach, causing me to stumble backward. Then he grabs me by my hair. He yanks me up, until I'm looking at him. "You poor thing... No one ever likes you, why don't you just move away? Freak..." He said. Then he spit at my face.

"W-what did I e-ever do to you... W-why are you d-doing this?" I said, trembling slightly. "Just by existing it makes me loathe" He said, glaring at me.

"Hey John... Maybe we should just finish her off..." One of his friends said. I shake my head "p-please don't h-hurt me..." I begged. But the smirk on his face told me he's considering the idea.

He raise his hand and start beating me up. I just lay there helplessly as he beat me up. Then he kick me one last time in my head, causing everything around me to turn black.

I woke up the next day. I look around me in shock. There's blood everywhere. My bullies are all laying on the ground, covered in scars... Deep and shallow.

What shocks me even more is the fact that my nails are sharpened... and it's still dripping with fresh blood. I look at my shaky hands. "W-what's happening t-to me..." I said. I can't be the one doing this... No... I can't be... This is not real.

A loud scream snap me out of my daze. I look up to see a woman. She's looking at me with nothing but fear. "W-wait..." I said. She turn around and run away. "Monster!!!" She yells as she keeps running. Then people starts to gather around me.

End of flashback

Ever since that day... Not a day past without people throwing things and mean comments at me. I don't blame them... After all... I'm just a monster.

I tried countless of times to end my life. From hanging, jumping, to overdosing. But I just kept on reviving and each time... I feel there is something different about me. The lack of human emotion. I felt nothing but anger.

I was walking down the school hall. I have my hood on, trying to cover myself from their sight. I can hear whispers coming all around me.

Even though it's just a whispers, I can hear them perfectly. My senses sharpens after each suicide attempt.

"Look it's the freak..." "Yeah... Why would this school still let someone like her here..." "I know right! I really want to move..." "True... I refuse to go to school with that thing around..." More and more comments is thrown as I walk past them.

I clench my fist tightly, to control my anger. Why can't they just leave me alone?! It gets too much. I turn around and glare at each one of them. "Keep throwing comments like that... And I guarantee you won't be living to see tomorrow..." I said, my eyes turn blood red as my nail sharpens into talon.

They flinch and run away in fear. "Tch... How annoying..." I said. I felt a pang of pain in my heart... even though it's small, I can still feel it. I place my hand on my shirt, where my heart is.

Pain and sadness. These are the emotions I thought I've lost... But why did it resurface... Why now? I clench my other hand in a tight fist, then I turn to run away. Bangs covering my face, to hide away the tears.

I don't wanna be here anymore. I wanna move away... somewhere far away from here... Some place where I could blend in... Somewhere...

Where I truly belong...

*to be continued*

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