Chapter 7

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A/N: sorry I haven't been updating this book. I'm making craft. Some friendship bracelets to be exact. I plan on selling them.

What do you think? Are they pretty? It takes me a while, but the results is worth it

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What do you think? Are they pretty? It takes me a while, but the results is worth it... Don't you think? Now Let's get to the story!


Previously on Chapter 6

So basically... I'm not alive in the first place. I am just a creation from Naraku. But why did he sent me to the modern era? Why did I lost my memory when I travel through the well? Ugh... So many question... Yet no answer. It's making my head pounding.



I stay in the lake, not knowing what to do. I'm really confused. Naraku just confronted me. He let me know that I'm a part of him. I'm just one of the dead that he bring back to life.

I sigh as I kneel down next to the lake. 'What should I do? I don't know what to think of anymore... Everything I've been living through, it turns out to be a lie... Everything is a lie... My life itself is a lie... I'm just a revived corpse...' I thought to myself.

I clutch my head and scream out of frustration. Everything is so confusing. 'What am I? Where do I really belong to? Why am I here? Why do I even existed?' I thought to myself. I scream one more time, then I sit down. I hug my knees as I begin to cry harder.

Inuyasha P.O.V

Y/N still haven't return after she left earlier. This makes everyone worried. 'Where the heck is she??' I thought to myself. I get up, alerting everyone by my sudden movement.

"Where are you going?" I heard Kagome asks. I turn to her "where else? I'm looking for her of course..." I said. She looks saddened for a few moment, then she smiles softly at me. "Be sure to bring her back..." She said. "Of course..." I said, turning around and walk away.

Kagome P.O.V

Inuyasha seems to grow fond of her. I wonder if he actually likes her. Did he have feelings for me anymore?

I let out a sigh. 'If Y/N is the one he wants... I won't be in their way...' I thought to myself. I hear someone calling my name. I turn my head to see Sango. "What's the matter? Something bothering you?" She ask. I shake my head "it's nothing..." I said, forcing a smile. She frowns slightly. Sango is one of the many people that can see through me. I'm positive she knew that something IS bothering me. She just didn't say a thing about it. As if she's afraid to make it worse for me.


Inuyasha P.O.V

I've been searching for Y/N for a while. But I still can't find her. 'Where is she?!' I thought to myself, feeling frustrated.

Then I heard a scream. Alerted, I run towards the sound. I come to a clearing at a lake. From afar I can see someone crouch down. So I make my way to the person.

As I got closer I realise its Y/N. 'She sounded like she's crying...' I thought to myself. I slowly make my way over to her.

Then I heard her murmuring. "Who am I? Why am I here... I'm just a dead corpse..." She kept saying it, over and over again. Dead corpse? I wonder why she said that.

"Y/N..." I said, in a soft voice. She looks up at me. "I-Inuyasha?" She said, her voice sounded so weak. I walk towards her and crouch down. "What's wrong?" I ask, worry is evident in my voice and expression.


"What's wrong?" He said. I choke a sob and try to talk. But the only voice come out are words that doesn't make any sense. In the end, I just start to cry again.

Inuyasha panic and kneels down next to me. He pulls me into a hug. I clutch the front of his kimono and cry into his chest. He didn't day a thing. He just kept me in his arms as I keep on crying.

I calm down. But I didn't pull away. I needed this comfort. I close my eyes, as I start to feel sleepy. Then I drift off to sleep.

Inuyasha P.O.V

I heard a soft snore. I look down to see Y/N has fallen asleep. I pick her up bridal style. Then I start making my way back to the village.

I enter old Kaede hut. Everyone is still there. As soon as I enter, they turn their attention to me. I place her down on the futon. Then cover her with the blanket.

"What's wrong with her?" I heard Kagome ask. "I found her crying by the lake... When I ask her why... She ends up crying more. Now she fells asleep..." I said, looking at Y/N. Kagome walks to her side. She caress her head. Then she flinch slightly.

"What's wrong?" Miroku ask. Kagome turn her head to look at him. She have worry in her face. "Her body is burning up... I think she have a fever..." She said. Shippo walks over to her. He place a hand on her forehead. "Ouch! Her body is like fire... I'm gonna go and grab some cold water for her" He said, running out of the hut with a container.



I'm in the forest. In front of me stood Naraku. "I won't help you defeat Inuyasha and the others! If anything... I'm going to demolish you!" I said. "you don't have a choice, Y/N... I gave you a choice whether you want to do it willingly or not... But I guess, I'll have to force you into it..." He said.

He raise his hand and a dark smoke comes out from them. They engulf me and I scream. The smoke makes it hard to breathe. Then it fully consume me. I can feel myself losing my consciousness.

Kagome P.O.V

Shippo comes back with the water. I take a cloth and soaked it. Then I rinse it and place it on Y/N's forehead.

Then everyone left to do something. I stay back to look after Y/N. I can't leave her like this. She is really in pain. I must help her.

I keep doing this for a while. Then suddenly a black smoke comes out from her body. Then she gets up, her bangs his covering her eyes. I look up at her in confusion.

"Y/N... What's wrong? You're sick... You should not be standing up. Lay back down!" I said. She didn't say anything. I stand up next to her. She didn't move nor say anything. I place my hand on her shoulder. "Lay back down, Y/N..." I said to her.

She grabs my hand and holds on it tightly. "Y-Y/N... L-Let go..." I said, wincing in pain. She starts laughing. But it didn't sound like her at all. It sounded more like....


*to be continued*

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