Chapter 32

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Previously on Chapter 31

My mind drift back to a couple of months back. Inuyasha kissed me as well. But I don't know how he feels about me. What if he loves me too? Oh Gosh... what did I get myself into??

-His Inner Demon-


"Nee-San!!" Someone called out. I turn my head to see Rin. She runs up to me and throws her arms around my neck. I smile softly as I wrap my arms around her small figure. I look over Rin's shoulder to see Sesshomaru who stands a few feet away from where we are.

I notice Sesshomaru glaring at Koga, who's still sitting next to me. There's a tension between the two as they start glaring at each other. I move to stand up as Rin holds my hand.

"Sesshomaru..." I said. He stops glaring at Koga and turn his attention towards me. "How did you find me? I made sure to go quite far from you" I asked. He scoffs at what I said.

"I followed your scent... what else do you expect?" He said. I hum softly and nod my head. Figured... I mean, how else would a demon find me? Of course they would follow my scent.

"You're lingered away for long enough... come on and let's get going" he said. I turn to look at Koga who looks unhappy with what Sesshomaru just said to me. He looks like he's ready to start a fight any seconds.

Rin walks forward and gently tugging on my hand with both of hers, wanting me to come along with her, and Sesshomaru. Jaken is nowhere in sight. Sesshomaru probably sent him off to do an errand for him.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming..." I said. Rin grins happily at me. I smile softly at her and turn to look at Koga. "Sorry, Koga... I'll see you around, okay?" I said. He let out a sigh and nod his head.

I can see that he's reluctant to let me go with Sesshomaru. I didn't say anything about his reaction. I just softly at him and turns around, following Rin who starts dragging me along with her.

Rin starts to sing gleefully, while holding my hand. I just smile at her cuteness. I look forward as Sesshomaru leads the way as always. The things I've noticed is that we have been walking quite a lot. Sesshomaru said that he wants to look for Naraku, to kill him after he dared to deceive him.

I'm kind of curious what exactly Naraku did that angered the dog demon so much. But I'm also scared to ask, afraid that I might get on his bad side. The last thing I want is to cause trouble, especially not with Rin around because I don't want to put her safety at risk. So I just stay silent and went along with his plan.

"Sesshomaru?" I called out. He just hums as he keeps on walking without turning around. I'm not surprise with his reaction though. He's always cold. "Where is Jaken by the way?" I asked.

Rin and I pick up our pace, so we can walk side by side with Sesshomaru. "I sent him to retrieve a sword I have ordered from a swordsmiths. We're going to see what he's doing now, because he's taking too long" he said, in his usual cold tone. I hum softly and nod my head.

I turn to look at Rin. I kneel down in front of her. "Rin... stay here with A-Un, okay? I have to go with him to make sure he didn't hurt Jaken" I said. She nods her head, while smiling at me. I smile softly and gently kiss her forehead.

She turns around and climb up A-Un's back, who have lowered their body to make it easier for the little girl to get on. I turn around and follows Sesshomaru. He have already started walking without even waiting for me. I mean... what else do I expect? This is Sesshomaru we're talking about. He never waits for anyone.


Sesshomaru moves aside the curtain of the hut. I let out a gasp when I saw Jaken on the ground, his body is split in half. My hand went up to my mouth as I stare at the poor imp in shock.

Sesshomaru pulls out his Tensaiga. He stares at Jaken for a few seconds. He slash the blade at Jaken. I watch in awe as Jaken comes back to life. He stares at Sesshomaru as he starts to cry because Sesshomaru have saved his life. I just smile softly.

Sesshomaru turns around and walks away. I turn to look at Jaken for a while, making sure that he can manage to get his body back together. He nods his head, assuring me that he can. I just nod my head. I turn around and follows after Sesshomaru.

After a while of walking, we come to a clearing. I notice a sword being impaled on the ground. The sword gave off an ominous aura. The aura gave me an uneasy feeling. Is that the sword Sesshomaru is talking about?

I notice Inuyasha and the others standing not far from the sword. They look surprised to see me. I make eye-contact with Kagome. She stares at me with a sadden expression. I glare at her and turn my head away. I walked away from their group, so I don't have to see Kagome for a while. Yet, I ended up meeting her here. Tch... so much for trying to not see her.

Sesshomaru walks up to the sword. He ignores what they said, as they warned him that he might get possessed by the sword. He hold the sword's hilt. The ominous aura seems to disperse as soon as his hand makes in contact with it.

He turns to look at Inuyasha, and challenges him for a fight. Inuyasha pulls out his sword. I notice he's having a hard time trying to lift up the weapon. What has gotten into him? Did his sword gets heavier?

The two brothers starts to fight. Inuyasha is struggling to keep up with Sesshomaru's strength. Even without that sword, Sesshomaru is already a tough opponent for him. Now with his sword in his possession, Inuyasha stands no chance.

Sesshomaru finally disarmed Inuyasha. Sesshomaru rush forward to attack him, when Inuyasha suddenly kneels down on the ground. The wind blows on Inuyasha's hair, revealing his face.

Inuyasha looks like a real demon

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Inuyasha looks like a real demon. The scent of his blood also changes to a scent of a real demon. I don't smell any human blood in him. What is happening to him??

*to be continued*

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