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Hey guys... I have a question... Is dance a bad thing to do?

My reason to love dance... I use to be a shy... Introverted girl... No confidence... Always back down on everything... No friends.... But when I started to dance.... It all just melts away... I started to have friends... I start to be more outgoing and confident... So... Dance gives me a positive vibe, isn't it? It's also a way for me to release my emotion... I became calm when I dance... So is dance Bad for me?

So is it wrong for me to love dance? Is it wrong for me to have a dream to be a pro Dancer? Is it WRONG??

I always do what my parents wishes for me to do...

My parents... More specifically... My Dad... want me to take interior designs... I did exactly what they want... Even though I don't have any interest... Yes, I love art... But not that kind of art... So I take interior designs just like they wishes... Because they claim I would enjoy it... They claim it suits me best. So I go along with it... But what do that gives me?

Yes... Thanks to that, I improve my speaking skill in English... But the majority of that...

I fall into depression... Because it just didn't suit me... What I love the most is dance... That was before I found my passion in writing... But I can't just erase my passion in dance, can I? I wish my dad would see that and actually support me...

My friends told me I should try and talk to him... But I'm tired... I've tried multiple times. But no results... He's just too stubborn to hear me out.

I finally stop going to Singapore for college when I have a major mental breakdown. Before that... They always try to convince me to continue... Even though they saw that I'm not happy. Is he waiting for me to have another one? Because if he keeps being the way he is... There's no doubt I would... Because each time he ruins my plan to go and meet my dance crew members... For a dance routine.... I feel like I'm one step closer to reach my limit.

P.S. I'm currently crying as I wrote this.... So sorry for not updating today....

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