Chapter 26

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Previously on Chapter 25

"Y/N... p-please come b-back with us. You're m-my best f-friend... the s-sister I never r-realize I n-need. Come back Y/N-Chan..." she said, sobbing violently. She can't see me as I'm just an image. I clutch my chest where my heart is as I stare at her in sadness.




I open my eyes. I raise my hand and place it on my cheek, feeling a wet substance. That's when I realize I was crying.

'Kagome... do I mean that much to you?' I thought to myself. I remember the tears I saw in her face as she calls out for me. Then I thought back what Father said.

They don't care about you, Y/N... I'm the only one that loves you for who you are... his voice echoed in my head. I shake my head. Who should I trust? Who is telling the truth?? Kagome and the others... or Naraku... who I come to believe that he's my father.

The door to my room slides open. I just keep my head down as I continue to cry. I can hear footsteps walking closer to me. Then a hand is place on top of my head. By the feeling of it... I can already tell who it is.

"What's the matter, dear? Why are you crying? You were fine this morning..." he said. I shake my head and look down, not answering him.

"Father..." I said, still with my head down. "Hm?" He said. I look up at him with tears still streaming down my cheeks. "Do you really love me?" I asked, staring right into his eyes.

"Why of course my dear... you are my daughter..." he said. I can see something flashing in the back of his eyes. He's lying... I can feel that he's lying.

I shake my head and stand up. I look down at him in anger. "You're a liar! You don't care about me. You don't care about anyone but yourself!" I said, raising my voice on each words to the point I'm yelling at him.

He stares at me wide-eyed. He stands up and was about to place his hand on my head, but I swat it away. "Don't. Touch. Me... DON'T YOU TOUCH ME WITH THOSE FILTHY HANDS! You manipulative... psychotic monster!!" I screamed. I walk back and forth as I bit my lips nervously.

"I can't believe it... I can't believe I actually trusted you! I'm leaving..." I said. I turn around and was about to walk away, but I feel a sharp pain on my neck. The last thing I remember is seeing his wicked smile, then everything turns black.

Naraku P.O.V

Y/N is one of the most sharpest girl. Even if I can manipulate her mind... it wouldn't last long before she realize it.

She can't leave this place. She will stay here whether she likes it or not. I can't afford losing my shield. She is my only hope to defeat Inuyasha and steal their parts of jewel shards.


Inuyasha P.O.V

For a moment... I can smell Y/N's scent. "Koga... did you smell that??" I said, looking around. "What am I? A tracker? That's your job, Mutt..." he said. I turn to him with an annoyed face. "So you don't wanna find Y/N, huh? So be it... I'll do it myself..." I said. I turn around and follow the smell.

"Hey! I do wanna find her!" I heard him yelling. I just roll my eyes and continue running. "Then you better hurry, you fleabag!" I screamed. I can hear him growling behind me. But I just ignore that and keep running towards her scent.

I stop and start sniffing the air. "Damn... her scent stops right here..." I said. The others soon catch up with me. "Well... where is she?" Kagome said. I turn my head to look at him. "Her scent stops right here. It just disappear with no trail..." I said, sniffing the air again.

"Your nose probably broken..." I hear Koga said. I turn and glare at him. "Shut up, fleabag! At least I'm trying my best to find Y/N. What did you do, huh? All you've been doing is insulting me!" I scream at him in anger.


I open my eyes and realize I'm in a room. I let out a groan as my head starts aching a little. I try to move my hand, but something is restraining my move. I turn my head to see my hands are chained up.

I can't believe it... I've been manipulated all this time and I don't even realize it. I clench my hands into fists. I can feel tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Inuyasha... Kagome... Sango... Miroku... Koga... Rin... Sesshomaru... Jaken... I'm so sorry for being so blind. I'm sorry for letting you down..." I cried out.

The door to this room opens to reveal Naraku. I just glare at him, refusing to show any weakness. He just smirk as he held my face by my chin.

I struggle to break free from his hold. He just laugh at me. "Oh my dearest Y/N... your friends have been trying to warn you. But what did you do, hmm? You don't listen to them... now look at the mess you're in now..." he said, as he lets out chuckle. I shiver at how evil he sounded.

He pat my cheeks softly. Then he turns around and walks out of the room. My lips tremble slightly as I let out a scream of frustration. HOW COULD I BE SO STUPID!!

Heavy tears starts to stream down my cheeks as I let out a loud sob. I miss them... I miss my friends. I will do anything in a heartbeat if it means I can go and meet them again.

Wait! Of course I can! I close my eyes and focus on my demonic energy. I'm always able to send signal towards anyone. When he goes to sleep... he'll see me in his dream. Then he'll know where I am.

As strong as Naraku's shield can be... my telepathy is way stronger. After a while of searching the whole land, I can finally reach his thought. I focus on him and enter his mind. Inuyasha... I'm right here...

Save me...

*to be continued*

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