Chapter 3

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Previously on Chapter 2

Maybe I can find where I belong in Feudal Japan. After all, that's where every demon belongs... and I'm a demon myself.


-Feudal Japan-


It's been about 2 weeks since I've known Kagome. She's such a great friends. I'm glad I know her. She's really friendly and caring. Her and Inuyasha kept on arguing, which leads her saying sit and make Inuyasha fall over.

Kagome told me to pack everything I need for the travel. So that's what I'm doing right now. Since I don't have a lot of items, it'll be faster for me to get it done.

Once I'm done, I plop myself on my bed. I lay there as I stare at the ceiling. 'I wonder how Feudal Japan would be... I'm sure it's better than the era I am now...' I thought to myself. I smile and close my eyes. I let myself drift off to a deep sleep.

The Next Day

I woke up to the sound of alarm clock. I get up and get ready for the journey. I can't wait for it. I'm sure it'll be an awesome adventure. Better than what I've been doing in this era.

Soon I'm done getting ready. Then I leave with my bag ready. I head towards the Shrine. I saw her waiting in front of an old building, I think that's where the well is.

"Y/N!!" she calls out, waving at me with a huge grin on her face. I just smile softly at her. Even though she can't see it, since my hoodie is still covering most of my face. I jump when she starts running towards me. She pulls me into a hug.

"Ready for the journey?" She said. "Yeah..." I said. She pulls away from the hug. Then she leads me to the well. I look down at the well. "Wow... This well reeks of demon scent..." I said. "You can smell it?" She said, looking at me with a surprise expression. "Um yeah..." Was all I could say.

I'm glad she didn't ask me any further. She still didn't know the fact that I'm a demon as well. I don't know how she would react. Despite being with demons all the time.

Kagome climbs over the edge. She smiles at me "see you at the Feudal era..." She said. "Okay..." I said. Then she jumps in. I look down at the well and sigh. I grab my bags and jump in as well.

Then it stop as I sit at the bottom of the well. I hear talking all around me. I look up and see a sky, not the ceiling of the old building. I grabs my bag and start climbing, using the vines to help me climb easily.

"Ah there she is..." Kagome said when I reach the top. Everyone turns to look at me. They are just looking at me, no one said a thing. I take a chance to observe everyone.

Kagome walks towards me, as she place a hand on my shoulder. "Guys... This is Y/N... The girl I'm talking about..." She said. Then she turn to look at me. "Y/N... These are my friends... And you already know Inuyasha..." She said. I nod my head, encouraging her to continue with the others.

"This is Sango..." She said, gesturing towards a girl with huge weapon on her back. Then she pick a cat from Sango's shoulder. She carries it close to me. "This is Kilala..... She's a two-tailed cat demon..." She said. The cat lets out a cute meow and licks my nose. I let out a giggle "it's nice to meet you too..." I said, petting her ear. She lets out a cute purring sound, making me giggle.

Where I Truly Belong (Inuyasha X Reader X Koga X Sesshomaru) Where stories live. Discover now