Take Me Back

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Pain filled me as I woke up, most of it coming from my leg. Hissing, I sat up slowly, realising that I was on a bed. The room was dimly lit, small candles dotted around the room. It was a bed in an inn, I could hear the men's voice downstairs, along with any shouting or fighting. No one else was with me, making me panic. I had no clue as to where I was, who was with me, or how I was going to get out of here.

There were no signs of Jack, though maybe he was downstairs in the pub. Standing up, I could just about walk. Taking my time and a deep breath, I made my way to the door, hoping that I could get out of there safely; there were no weapons around me so I would have to use self defence. There was a long corridor with only one candle at the end to light it. As I neared the end of the corridor, the whole place went silent; this was not a good sign.

Hobbling to the stairs, I braced myself for the sight in front of me. Whatever was going to be down there, it could be very bad. Grabbing an empty candlestick, I kept my back to the wall, trying to look around without being spotted. There were a few voices that could be heard but they weren't very clear. Tables were flipped and glasses were smashed as I neared the bottom of the stairs; there was no going back now.

Peeking around the wall, I saw Jack, making me feel relieved. That relief didn't stay for long though, as I soon spotted Dorian. Hiding behind the wall again, I glanced up the stairs, wanting to run. Just as I took one step up, a man appeared at the top. He must have been working for Dorian. He raced down the stairs towards me, making me run out if my hiding spot. Not looking where I was going, I was caught in the arms of another one of Dorian's men.

Jack's face was full of concern as I was grabbed. There was no way that I could get out of this man's grip, plus I was in agony from my leg after attempting to run. Dorian smirked as he glanced between Jack and I. My face went to the floor, until Dorian lifted up my head.

"Darling, I'm so glad I found you." He whisperer to me. I said nothing, trying to not look at him."As for you Mr Sparrow, I can't say that I feel the same way about you."

"Shame, I thought we were going to get along so well." He sarcastically smiled.

"Tell you what Jack, let us make a little deal."

"And what would that be?"

"Let me take my wife back with me, without you attempting to attack or follow us and I'll set you free."

"A tempting offer but I'm afraid that I can't agree to those terms."


"Oh indeed. I'm not leaving without Scarlett, even if she hasn't got her priorities straight."

"And what is that supposed to mean?" I interrupted, a little insulted by his comment.

"Look at yourself Scarlett! You're in love with a bad man, a devil as people call him! I don't know what he has done to you but he has changed you, he has taken over your life!"

"That's enough!" Dorian's voice screamed, making us all jump."Sparrow, I gave you a chance but now I'm not feeling so generous," he unsheathed his sword,"so if I was you, I would start running."

Jack too, drew his sword."I never run away from a challenge."

The men all moved back, knowing that Dorian would want to fight this out in his own. I tried to untangle myself from the huge muscles of the man holding me back. Unable to say anything, I watched in anticipation as they battled it out; for what, I don't know. They were moving all around the pub, breaking anything that got near them. Both had numerous cuts or some sort of wound now but it was hard to say who was winning. Finally, I pulled myself together.

"STOP IT! JUST STOP IT PLEASE! I BEG YOU, PLEASE!" I screamed as loud as I could. Both men stopped and Dorian sprinted over to me. He held my face in his hands as I cried, shushing me.

"Take her back to the ship, I don't want her to see this." Dorian instructed the men.

"No! No, Dorian please, just listen." The man stopped, letting me go. I stood in front of Dorian, trying to think of the right words to say.

In a low whisper, I said."Dorian, you know that I'll go back with you. Just please don't hurt Jack anymore than you already have." My hand went to his cheek, the other resting on his upper chest. He was silent for a while, thinking about what I had said."Dorian, please, I love you."

"You want me to just let him go?" I nodded."I can't do that."

"Let me say goodbye then, please?" Dorian nodded, standing aside. I rushed over to Jack who was only just leaning against the bar. Jumping onto him, I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, pulling him close to me. He stumbled but managed to stand up.

"Don't worry Scarlett, I'll save you." He slurred, swinging his sword about though making himself topple. I caught him, trying to laugh through my tears.

"I have to go back, we both know that." I said, my voice turning into a whisper. Holding him close to me I whispered right in his ear,"I'll always love you Jack, but I have to do this to keep you safe." Pulling away I couldn't look at him, so I had to walk back to Dorian.

"Are you alright?" Dorian asked.

"Please just let him go."

"That's not an option."

"What?" Dorian nodded to his men, the three of them walking over to Jack, who was already looking like he was going to collapse; he was losing quite a bit."Dorian, what's going on?" Dorian held me to his chest, shielding me from the scene that was about to unravel. There was a punching sound then a thump as someone fell to the floor. There was no telling what Dorian was going to do to Jack now.


Picking at my food, I tried to process everything that had happened. I was back on the ship with Dorian but I hadn't seen Jack on the ship. Dorian hadn't let me see Jack be dragged off so I had no clue as to where he was. Dorian and I were sat at the dinner table, eating in silence.

I could just see Dorian's eyes staring at me as he took a swig of wine from his glass. Nervously, I cut the meat on my plate, my hands shaking. The scraping of a chair made me stop and look up. Dorian was standing over me, with no expression on his face. He stood there, not moving. I sat back in my chair, leaving the cutlery on the table.

"Stand up." He ordered. As soon as the words left his mouth I did as I was told. He slammed my back into the wall, a groan escaping my lips.

"Do you love me?" He asked, his face angry as he pressed his body against mine.

Flustered I replied."Of course I do-"

"Say it!"

"I love you!"

"You're mine, you are my property, don't let anyone else think otherwise."

"Dorian I would never-" he cut me off again as he started to kiss me roughly, carrying me into the bedroom. I didn't care what anyone else said about Dorian, he loved me.

And I loved him.

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