Ending Things

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"Of course I know you, I was your wife." I spat.

"You still are, don't forget that." He smirked, knowing that I despised him.

"I'd like to actually. But enough stalling, you need to give yourself up. Just accept it, you've lost."

"No, I haven't."

He lunged at me, trying to stab me with his sword but I blocked him. He swung a couple of times but failed to hurt me, whereas I was able to injure him. As soon as he was off guard, I kicked him in the stomach, knocking him onto the ground. I climbed on top of him, holding the sword to his neck.

"This is just like old times, isn't it darling? Well, we never used weapons in the bedroom." Dorian smirked, trying to breathe.

"Just shut up! At long last, I can do this. And just so you know, it is going to give me the ultimate satisfaction."

The look on Dorian's face told me that he knew he wouldn't be able to get out of this. He started to squirm, looking like prey that was trapped in a corner by the predator. I was the bigger person, I was more powerful than he could ever be. Digging the knife a little deeper, I watched him struggle once again.

Then I slowly pulled the knife along his neck, the blood oozing out and spilling around him.

The light of day blinded me for a few seconds but I walked on, beyond happy at just what had happened. He was gone, I was free and I had done the world a massive favour. After I had killed Dorian, I called a few of the men to drag his body onto the top deck. Jack and Gibbs noticed that I, along with the rest of the crew, had arrived. A circle had formed around Dorian's body, everybody was in shock. As Jack stepped into the middle of the circle, he looked very shocked.

"What have you done!?" He shouted at me.

"Does the dead body in front of you not explain everything?" I chuckled nervously.

"Yes but why?! We needed him!"

"No we didn't. What on earth could he be useful for, rather than ruining people's lives?"

"I had a deal with someone! I was going to give them the most powerful and manipulative man ever known."

"Why would they want someone like that? And who are those people? Actually, most importantly, why didn't you tell me any of this?!"

"Grab her."

No one moved.

"DID YOU NOT HEAR ME?! GRAB HER!" Jack screamed.

Hesitantly, two members of the crew did as Jack ordered, waiting for his next command. Jack looked angry and also hesitant to what he was about to do. Gibbs stepped in.

"Jack, the lass was only wanting revenge. She did not know of ye plans, just like the rest of us." He tried to reason with him but it wasn't working.

"I ordered everyone to find Dorian, not kill him."

"I'm not some crew member you can just order about!" I retaliated, struggling in the arms of the men holding me.

"If you are on a ship, with a captain, you do as he says! I am the captain here, not anyone else!"


"Get her in the boat."

The men dragged me towards the tiny boat, pushing me forwards when I tried to push back. I kept begging Jack to forgive me, trying to reason that I had no clue as to what his intentions were with Dorian. Jack ignored me, pretending that he couldn't hear me. Gibbs and a few of the other men tried to change his mind but they couldn't. Everyone fell silent as Jack approached me. Once I was in the boat, he threw a loaded pistol, a bottle of rum and a loaf of breasd into the boat.

"These should last you until you make it to a port. The last one we was at shouldn't be too far away." He said.

"Jack, you can't do this! I'm your best friend, I love you for gods sake!"

"If you were my best friend, you would have stayed in line and supported me on this journey; instead you mocked me and tried to take charge. I can't have that."

I stood up in the boat, aiming the pistol at him."And what if I just kill you?"

"You would be doing me a favour, luv."

Knowing that I didn't have the guts to shoot him, I threw the pistol back in the boat and sat down."I will find you, Jack. I'll come looking for you."

"Don't bother. It'll be a waste of your time."

Gibbs came over as Jack left, sympathetically smiling at me. He grabbed on rope and another crew member the other. As they lowered me into the sea, Gibbs threw a scroll at me, which everyone noticed. He quickened with the rope trying to get me in the water.

"What did you just give to her?!" Jack demanded to know.

"Just a map of the area we were just at, Jack. The lass will need to know her way around."

I opened the scroll to see the map, trying to work my way towards the port. But it wasn't a map of the port, it was a map of something entirely different. And I knew who I needed to go to for help.

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