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My face was shoved in the grass, my breathing in a frenzy. There was just constant noise around us until it suddnely stopped. I dared to move and found that I could finally get up. As I stood, I was now alone, neither The Master nor Jack were there anymore; I had just gotten him back!

Everything was a little blurry apart from three figures standing in front of me. They all looked identical, skinny men with no hair and wearing long robes. The only thing different about them were the tribal patterns covering their bodies. They all stood up straight, their hands in a prayer position. All of their heads looked up at me simultaneously, blank expressions on their faces.

They spoke at the same time."Step forward, your majesty."

"What have you done with my friends? Where have they gone?" I demanded to know

They just ignored me."Step forward, your majesty."

I did so, cautiously stepping as I didn't know what was going to happen. As I stopped walking, a white circle suddnely formed around me in the grass, enclosing me in the space. I was trapped and I couldn't get out.

"What are you doing to me!? If this is about killing Dorian then I'm sorry! I-I didn't know he was wanted by others!" I screamed out.

They walled towards me, each of them surrounding me. The men joined hands, their heads tilting back. As they opened their mouths, another voice came out and I instantly recognised it. It was Jack.

"I'm hoping this has worked. Scarlett, if you can hear me, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what has happened and what will happen. But I can change it." He said.

"What are you talking about Jack!? Why can't-"

I guessed he couldn't hear me when I carried on."It's not got anything to do with Dorian. That was partly a lie to be honest. I mean, the High Priests wanted Dorian because they had to consume his power to stop him taking over the world and shit."


"You know, I feel like an absolute mug saying this but oh well..."

"Jack, just shut up, and listen-"

"I've always loved you Scarlett. I mean, sure we were in love before and that turned into friendship but we both know deep down, that you still have the hots for me."

I laughed, he always knew how to ruin the moment.

"Jack, just get me out of this please. I just want to see you."

It was silent for a few minutes but I didn't question it. As I stood there, I couldn't help but smile at everything. Maybe after this, everything would be OK, Jack and I could go on our adventures as usual and hopefully not get attacked by anything. Sighing contentedly, the biggest grin appeared on my face and I couldn't stop.

Until an immense pain filled my body.

Looking down, I saw a sword pierced through my lower torso, causing dark blood to seep out and soak my clothes. The circle around me disappeared and the environment around me returned back to normal. The sword was pulled out but my shaking body no longer supported me, collapsing to the ground. My hands wrapped around the pain whilst someone raised me into their arms. I looked up into Jack's eyes.

My voice was breaking."J-J-Jac-k. What....happened?" I struggled fiercely.

"Shh, it's alright luv. The pain will soon be gone and you'll be at peace."

I swallowed hard."B-but why? Why am I dying?"

"Because I saw your future. I saw how bad it was and I changed it."

"You can't do that. It's n-not right." I could feel myself getting colder.

"Scarlett, I'm a pirate, you know I don't listen to what anyone says."

"My adventures..."

"And you'll go on many more, Scarlett...

....just without me."

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