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Loud thumps could be heard as I woke up. Confused, I tried to wake up quicker, but due to the previous days events, I was quite exhausted. Grabbing the nearest set of clothes, I hurriedly got dressed and headed out of my room.

Shouting was now added in with the mix of noise, it was so loud that I couldn't hear myself think. As I quickened my pace, I noticed something as I rounded a corner. The door at the end of the hallway was open. The door that Dorian was behind. There were no guards either. Now, I slowed down my walking, being wary of my surroundings. I only had a sword as a weapon but who knew what was about to happen?

Slightly pushing the door so that I could see further in, it made a terrible creaking noise. There were no windows in the room so I had to use the candle hanging on the wall outside as a light source....a very weak light source. There was nothing in the room. To some people, that may have been a relief, however, to us on the ship it meant a nightmare was about to begin.

I ran as fast as I could, ignoring the ache in my legs as my body begged me to not go any further. Finally arriving on the top deck, I saw chaos which wasn't helping our situation in the slightest. Men were running everywhere, searching in every direction. Jack was stood away from everyone, he looked as if he was in some sort of trance.

Once I had reached him, I shook him. He saw me and tried to smile but I was having none of it.

"Jack, where is he?" I asked, trying my hardest to not cut his throat.

"I have noe clue who you are on about luv." He said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I smacked it away, causing him to pout like a small child.

"I'm being serious! You heard what The Master said! We thought he was dangerous before but if Dorian made a man become possessed by some demon spirit then we have totally underestimated him!"

"He is in his room. The men are just..." As he gestured to the men below, he tried to think of an excuse,"exercising! Yes, that's what they were doing. Can't have any unfit members on my ship!"

"I think you're forgetting that this is my ship."

"But I'm the captain."

"For once in your life could you just do as you are told!"

"Aye, Jack!" Gibbs shouted.

"HOLD ON!" He shouted to him."I'm in charge here, not you."

"It's because I'm a woman isn't it? You're scared of me."

"No! Of course I'm not! Don't be so ridiculous."

"Oh, I'm the one that's ridiculous!?"

"WOULD YE BOTH STOP WITH THE BLABBERING!?" Mr Gibbs yelled over us. Everyone on the deck stopped what they were doing and were silent."Both of you know that we have a serious issue at hand."

"Everybody spread out, we need men on each deck." I called out."Arm yourselves as well, we don't know what could happen."

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